Written Descriptions of Adolescent Participants in Outward Bound Australia 5 to 9 day Programs

Collected by James Neill, 1994



Each paragraph represents one student’s responses. Blank responses (about half the students) were not included. Previous to responding to this question, students had completed a modified version of the 79-item Adolescent Coping Scale.

The open-ended question was: “What else did you do when you had problems or concerns during the course?”



sing, punch my pillow, watch TV, read a book, play piano

didn't think about them

Just had fun and put it out of my mind

Basically I didn't have too many worries so I didn't do anything else.

I had a good time all the time

Tried to think about the problem and ask advice from friends.

None, I didn't have many problems or concerns


Sat around camp fire drinking hot quick and thinking or talking about it to one other person.


nothing really.

Thought of outward bounds moto and never gave up.

Don't know, just asked friends what they would do and I took a bit of time by myself to think itout

Kept busy when homesick. Did not have many other problems.

I kept my mouth closed most of the time and did not tell the people I disliked that I disliked them

thought about the good things to forget the bad things

I used the solo time, thought about if before and after sleeping, kept myself happy by being wfrien

Needed time to myself to relax and let feelings go, by writing them down or by thinking about them.

talk to my parents, sister, friends

Talked to others to see if they have the same problem. Sat by myself, thought the problem through

Singing - making up songs. Thought of people at home to cheer myself up. Friday night.

Writing in my journal in Solo Time, thinking about things through proply, time just to stop

nothing else except thinking about going home

Non, that was excellant

Just focussed on what I was doing presently instead of thinking about the future.

concentrated on the problem

Have a positive outlook on life. Think through everything whilst on solo time.

Talked to a friend - gave me encouragement.

worked them out as a group. Talked to other people in the group.

Wrote them down on paper, Wished they would go away

Put up a Bivi. I didn't have that many problems or concerns.

[Thinking about things and others problems. Talk to myself, support. Think I can't let myselflose

Homesick - cried, concentrate on other things; Exhausted - told myself, if other people can, I can

[Thought about those worse off. Found time to relax. Saw through it. Tried to think in advance]

- Think positively - encouraged others which made me feel better

instead of worrying about something the day before I waited until the day came.

Sleep - or keep busy. Talk to others. [Time to self. Think of things I enjoy at home. Cook.]

Tried my best in everything I did

I tried to see how everyone else was coping and realized that we were all going through the same...

Learnt to deal with them, Did my best no matter what.

Pushed myself until I got over it because I knew I could.

Was to block the problems out of my mind, so I could have fun.


Relaxing, Being by myself, Praying

I way I mainly coped was by knowing that I could do anything and that I shouldn't give up!

I just tried my best and relaxed.

Gave it my all

[I did all of the above things to cope. I had a great time & learnt many things about myself&other

Spent more time on my own.

Sat by myself.

[Asked the instructor/teacher, told my friends the problem, other came to me for help as well]

[Frustrated - sat down at the end of the day and unwound for 5 minutes then felt refreshed]

Talked to friends. Thinking of when I get home. Tried not to give up. Relaxed.

Spent some time by myself.

There wasn't really that many problems that I had to cope with.

Thought about home. Had goals.

Write them down & my thoughts on paper.

[Took my anger out at the hill I was walking up and fall over, which made it worse.]

reasured my self

reasured myself everything was going to be alright. Talked to friends.

Tried to kill time by eating more, enjoying myself. Staying up late to get a better sleep.

I just thought about my parents.

Accecpt the problem.

Kept thinking that it was only for 10 days.

Just left the problem how it was.

Go to bed early and speak to other kids on the trip.

Keep in silence and make the stop teasing me and say sorry.

Made jokes. Dreamed.

[Listenned to other opinions. Did things to the best of my ability. Tried to help others w/probs]

Thought about McDonalds and coke and home the whole time.

[Imagine myself at home eating pizza and drinking cola in my warm bed watching movies on TV]

[I thought them out around the fire and if I couldn't solve them I asked for ideas.]


Think about my parents.

People we to fast went walking

[Looked at how other people felt before criticising. Said what I feel. Tried to help others.]

[looked on the bright side of things and didn't let things worry me if they were little. I didn't

Just relax and think about the problem and try to sort them out in my head and dream about home.

I hate the cold. So I put more jumpers on than usual.

[Talk to people in my bivvy group. Tried to keep my friends together, stop them fighting each othe

[Consider other's feelings. Think about group. Co-operate. Not just think about self. Have a go

Go to sleep. Eat. Thought about home. Think of the good points of Outward Bound.

[Cried, thought of my family, my room. Miss home, shouldn't have come to OB, waste of money]

I put a jumper on because I was cold.

[Ignore the problem as I was one of the smallest and just coped. Considered others. Enjoyed OB

[Thought how long to go. Thought of home and it wasn't long until I was back in it, away from OB

[try to do the work to the best of my ability. ask for advice/help. try not to fight. think thin

[I did the things asked of me. Like on the ropes course I out my fear of heights and did the high

Spend time on my own.

[Think of happy things and just try to forget all my problems. Sometimes I shut up and did nothing

I sat and looked at the stars and thought about my home.

Just keept my problems to myself because the more you worry the worse of it is.

[layback and relax, lye down and blank out everything and think one thing - an activity I like doin

[Thought about McDonalds, how good it will feel to see my parents and have the comforts of home]

[Went somewhere by myself and thought about family. Sometimes don't talk just do my work.]

Talked about the problem and considered our options.

Tried to go to bed early so I can avoid the problem when I'm sleeping.

Share them with group. Put them out of mind.

I tried to let out anger by hitting/kicking things in the bush or took it out on someone else.

Talked to someone about my worries who I trust.

Worked at the problem.

Talked to close friends. Thought of better things. Thought to myself how I could solve t/problem.

I hoped for the best and just thought about going home.

I thought how long it would be until I would be home.

I had few problems worth dealing with.

Lied down inside the tent.

I took my problems out on others or my friends.

Relax. Think of home. Think I'm in my bed.

Too long. Got homesick. Missed family and friends.

[Thought about othere things. Tried to help others. Gave encouragement to others when I needed it

Just really took it out on others and day dreamed.

Go to bed to get out of the cold.

I talked to my friends if they had the same concern.

[Sometimes I would ignore, work harder, try to think positive. Occasionally hope for the best/pray

[Talking to friends about problems, or just thought about how good the future would be at home.]

Kept to myself and tried to fit in.

[Talked to other mates. Got on with people I didn't like. Learnt to share, be generous, trust]

Talked around the camp fire, asked each other questions and got to know each other better.

[Talked to a close friend. Told lots of jokes around the campfire to keep me/group +ve & happy]

[Pray that things will get a lot better. Laugh at jokes. Get advice from someone. Encourage myse

Spoke to friends. Have fun. Think about the problem.

Get together with friends and talking to each other about problems.

[Thought positive about what I was doing bec. I was thinking negative and had to change my feelings

[Go to bed, hoping problem less in the a.m. Had a long group discussion about personal things.]

Talking to others and helping each other out.