Ridgeview Hills Civic Association
Meeting Minutes
Date:October 12, 2016
Time: 6:45pm – 8:45pm
Location:Koelbel Library, Centennial, Colorado
1.Roll Call - Call to Order– Jessica Fann called meeting to order at 6:45pm
Board Present:Jessica Fann, Rebecca Lane, Tarah Lorenz, Michelle Moss, Steve Kelly, Jamie Liverseige,Chery Grund, Terry Frost
Others Present: Gerri, Kris
2.Community Presentation
- Gerri, a RHN residentinquired on the status of uploading current minutes to website. The board responded that they are aware of the delay and working diligently to keep website current. Gerri also stated that the bush near RHN Maplewood sign might be an invasive plant. The board will contact SSPR and take necessary action.
- Kris, a RHN resident spoke about her concerns with the Cities residential Trash code and Snow compliance codes. City Council is writing new ordinances and potentially revamping department. The board encourages code compliance and reporting violations to the proper city official.
3.Approve minutes – No prior minutes available to approve.
4.Treasurer Report – (page 3)
- 501c(4) Application approved. EIN # 81-1043831. Effective date of exemption is 08/15/10
5.Chair Report – Jessica Fann
- PayPal payments & PayPal link on website will be “live” very soon. Not sure of potential fees, paperwork is being sent and we will have more information once received. We will give an option to resident to pay any potential fees that might be incurred for accepting PayPal payment.
- Website management - tabled
- Proposed schedule for next year presented. Motion to approve 2017 Calendar Motion Passed Unanimously
- Marketing flyer (separate PDF attachment) for the Fall Festival and Carols and Coco was openly discussed. Concerns were expressed about having coco and Santa at Peggy’s house, discussed moving to a larger venue. Motion to approve flyer and immediate dissemination Motion Approved Unanimously
- Sponsor committee lead: Chery GrundMotion to appoint Chery Grund as Sponsor Committee Chair Motion Pass Unanimously
- Chery spoke about her goals as the chair lead; developing a script for speaking with potential sponsors, encouraging others on the committee to reach out to potential sponsors. Emphasize the benefits of supporting RHNCA, potential tax write-offs, direct marketing. Open discussion took place on sponsor levels and updating/changing current document.
- Chery provided a Media Authorization and Release form (separate PDF attachment) and updated sponsor level document (attached).
- CENCON Rep alternate – Tarah Lorenz will be listed as alternate
- Villa del Sol Merger was openly discussed, sub-committee does not recommend merger. Motion to decline Villa Del Sol Merger Motion passed Unanimously
- Neighborhood Watch program recognizes Nextdoor as an active way to qualify for program if 75% of RHN homes are on Nextdoor. Board was asked to utilize the postcard and invite features on the website to continue to grow our presence on Nextdoor.
- Board members are encouraged to take to Centennial Customer Service Survey found on their website or click Survey
- CENCON Minutes -October 2016
6.Events / Community Connections – Michelle Moss
- Fall Festival is quickly approaching, 10/29 from 2-5pm at Little Dry Creek. Port-a-Pody is already there. Getting a generator, 2 face painters, 2 bounce houses, 2 hamster balls, 2 draft horses and photo area with props - all are scheduled and ready to go. RHNCA will provide volunteers for 1 bounce house, hamster balls, check-in table, set-up/clean-up and other activities as needed. There is still a need for volunteers, Contact Micelle if interested.
- Carols & Cocoa planning is underway. Open discussion on locating/buying/making laminated song books that can be used again year after year. A photographer will be onsite to take photos with Santa. Santa has already been booked.
7. Resolutions and Motions in Order
Motion to approve 2017 Calendar Motion Passed Unanimously
Motion to approve flyer and immediate dissemination Motion Approved Unanimously
Motion to appoint Chery Grund as Sponsor Committee Chair Motion Pass Unanimously
Motion to decline Villa Del Sol Merger Motion passed Unanimously
8:45pm Meeting Adjourned
Ridgeview Hills Civic Association
Treasurer's Report
June 8, 2016
Wells Fargo Checking Account $ 1,003.57
Wells Fargo Savings Account 3,922.24
Total Checking and Savings $ 4,925.81
May 11, 2016 $ 4,421.71
Sign Reimbursement (12.00)
Bank Service Charge (14.00)
Total Disbursements (26.00)
Voluntary Membership Dues 30.00
Tree Donation 500.00
Interest Income 0.10
Total Receipts 530.10
June 8, 2016 - Total Checking and Savings $ 4,925.81
Total Voluntary Membership Dues collected in 2016 $ 935.00
Total Voluntary Membership Dues collected in 2015 $ 1,303.00
The RCHNA board has designated a $500.00 reserve for sign repair, vandalism or other unexpected expenses.
2017 Proposed Dates for RHNCA Events
January 11: Board Meeting
February 8: Board Meeting – First Annual Board’s Night Out!
March 8: Community Meeting
April 12: Board Meeting – Choose Audit Committee
April 15: Easter Egg Hunt
May 10: Board Meeting – Audit Due
June 2: Movie Night (first Friday)
June 9-11: Garage Sale/Dump/Donate Weekend
June 14: Board Meeting
June 24: Neighborhood Picnic
July 4: Bicycle Parade
July 7: Movie Night (first Friday)
July 12: Board Meeting
August 4: Movie Night (first Friday)
August 9: Board Meeting
September 13: Community Meeting
October 11: Board Meeting
October 28: Fall Festival
November 8: Board Meeting
December 13: Board Meeting
December 16: Carols & Cocoa
Community Sponsorship Levels
Thank you for considering becoming one of our neighborhood sponsors. Your financial or in-kind goods / services sponsorship benefits your business as well as our community of 622 households. It says that you are a supportive steward of the people in your community. More than 1000 Ridgeview Hills North residents appreciate your participation!
Bronze Sponsor - $250Silver Sponsor - $500
Thank-you card with Tax Deduction ReceiptBronze-level benefits and Silver Sponsor recognition, plus:
Recognition in our End-of-Year newsletterYour company logo with link to your website
One (1) social-media post
Business-card (size) ad in one (1) community newsletter during sponsorship period
Gold Sponsor - $1000Platinum Sponsor - $2000
Silver-level benefits and Gold Sponsor recognition, plus:Gold-level benefits and Platinum Sponsor recognition, plus:
Three (3) social-media postsFive (5) social-media posts
XXX–size ad in one (1) community newsletterExclusive sponsorship of one (1) RHNCA event
during sponsorship periodXXX-size ad in two (2) community newsletters during sponsorship period
Advertising / signage – and opportunity to provide Advertising / signage – and opportunity to provide promotional
promotional materials - at one (1) RHNCA eventmaterials - at two (2) RHNCA events
** Requires RHNCA board approval** Requires RHNCA board approval
Recognition and opportunity to briefly present at one (1) RHNCA quarterly community meeting
Diamond Sponsor - $4000
Platinum-level benefits and Diamond Sponsor recognition, plus:Ten (10 social media posts - Industry exclusivity
Exclusive sponsorship of at least four (4) RHNCA eventsAd in all RHNCA community newsletters during sponsorship period
Advertising / signage – and opportunity to provide promotionalFirst choice of events to sponsor - 2-year agreement option
materials at all RHNCA events **Requires RHNCA Board approvalRecognition and opportunity to briefly present at two (2) RHNCA quarterly meetings
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