Kirby High School
Title I Family Friendly Survey
Revised 2014.2015
Kirby High School needs your help to plan family involvement programs at our school. Family involvement is fun, informative, and helps our children perform better in school. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey..
1. What specifically would you like to know about Kirby High School?
2. From what sources do you get most of your
information about school? (Check one)
Newsletter Friends
Children Newspaper
Teachers TV
Principal Lesson Line
Progress Report Marquee/Sign out front
Parent/Teacher Communication
Other ______
3. Would you be interested in attending a class or session
on how parents can help their children learn at
Yes No
4. If you checked “yes” for question 3, please indicate
below the types of workshops you would like to
participate in to help you help your child learn:
Helping with homework
Improving reading skills
Improving math skills
Improving your child’s self-image
Building your own parenting skills
Building technology literacy/skills
Saying NO to drugs
Recognizing gang symbols/activities
Other ______
5. When would you like to have these meetings
On a week night
In the early morning before school starts
Some time during a weekday
Morning Afternoon
6. Would you be interested in participating in a small
group discussion hour at the school?
Yes No
Best time is Morning (coffee/breakfast)
Lunchtime (brown bag) Afternoon (snack) Evening
7. Do you agree with the following statements:
My child feels comfortable with his or her teachers and
can talk openly if there is a problem.
Yes No
I can talk openly about my child’s academic progress
with the principal, Dr. Jack.
Yes No
I am well-informed by the school or teachers about what
my child is doing at Kirby High.
Yes No
I feel that teachers need to be aware of home problems
that may affect children’s work.
Yes No
I feel comfortable seeking help for my child through the
school guidance counselors.
Yes No
I am well informed about activities that take place at
Kirby High.
Yes No
8. As a parent, do you have trouble with any of the
following? To some
Yes No degree
Helping with your child’s homework
Attending school functions
Spending enough time with your child
Dealing with your child’s problems
Knowing school policies
Motivating your child
Getting in to see your child’s teacher
Getting in to see administrator or
support personnel when needed
9. Would you like to volunteer in the following areas?
Yes No
Clerical or administrative duties for school
Helping in your child’s classroom
Helping PTO with a school event
Supervising student events or field trips
Participating on a school improvement
planning committee
Volunteering to participate on the SBDMC
Talking to students about careers or hobbies
Other ______
10. Check the kinds of resources and services you would
like to see made available at the school.
Parent Resource Center
Parent Support Group
Parent workshops on parenting skills/high interest
Other ______
11. I have the following hobbies and work experience
that I would be willing to share with the students.
12. Family involvement at school should be
strengthened in the following ways:
If you would like a personal response or you wish to volunteer your time, please fill out the information listed below.
Parent’s Name______
Phone Number ______
Child’s Name______
Child’s Teacher______