AFOS Membership Committee 2015-2016
Committee Structure / One Chair// One Co-Chair// Two members from each service: Air Force, Army, Navy, VA, and IHS & PHS and additional members when volunteers are available. All members will be assigned to one of five subcommittees.
Chair Structure / Committee Chair / Carrie Heller (VA)
3/1/2013 /
Gainesville FL
Committee Co-Chair / Andrew DiMattina (VA)
5/1/2013 /

Manchester NH
Chair Duties / - Oversees entire committee
- Manages Teams 3,4 and 5
- Submits AFOS quarterly newsletter
- Presents longevity certificates at conferences
- Writes annual report
Co-Chair Duties / - Assists chair in all duties
- Manages Teams 1 and 2
- Updates membership portion of AFOS website- (types of membership), why join tab (remove totally), AFOS Constitution, combines membership committee rosters and duties/ responsibilities
Member Structure / USAF / Lyndsey Ferris(2)7/1/2014 / ;
Wilford Hall SA TX
Syreeta(Daniels) Lawrence (4)
8/24/2014 / ; ; ;
Army / Frances Silva (3)
6/2006 /
Jason Christman (5)
9/24/15 /
Charles Tessman (2)
9/24/15 /

Keller Army Community Hospital, West Point
Navy / Ann MacDonald (4)
5/5/2015 /

Millington TN
Matthew Weinheimer (1) 5/5/2015 /

IHS/ PHS / Gregory Smith (1)
5/15/2013 /
Ft Belknap Health Center Harlem MT
Brian Culligan(5)
6/1/2014 /
Gallup Indian Medical Center NM
VA / Theresa Nguyen (1)
8/4/15 /
Joseph Gallagher (2)
3/17/2013 /
White River Junction VT
Amber Scharnweber (3)
4/16/2013 /
St. Cloud MN
Michelle Chen (4)
5/8/2013 / ;
Ocala FL
Brian Fisher (4)
4/20/2015 /
Lake City, FL
Amy Lagina (2)
9/24/15 /

Department of Veterans Affairs, Ann Arbor Healthcare System
Melissa D. Turner (1)
9/18/15 /
Jack C. Montgomery VAMC
Past Chair / Peter Carra / Charleston SC
Team 1
New member recruitment / - Chair- Gregory Smith, Co-Chair Matthew Weinheimer, Theresa Nguyen, Melissa D. Turner
- Help recruit new federal ODs (including DoD, VA, IHS/PHS, residents, students, prison ODs, etc.
- Work with AOA representatives on membership drives, etc.
Team 2
Member retention / - Chair- Joseph Gallagher, Co-Chair- Lyndsey Ferris, Amy Lagina, Charles Tessman
- Proactively remind members of upcoming dues payments.
- Reconnect with expired members; get members to pay dues/ provide feedback.
Team 3
Longevity Awards / - Chair- Amber Scharnweber, Co-Chair Frances Silva
- AFOS Longevity awards - Recognize/honor members at each 5 year increment, as well as new members and new life members.
- Create/ deliver certificates to meetings or email certificates to members not in attendance at either of our two annual mtgs.
Team 4
List serves/rosters / - Syreeta Lawrence (Chair), Ann MacDonald (Co-Chair), Brian Fisher, Michelle Lynch
- Manage AFOS member and nonmember database (active, potential, past, AFOS only, “do not contact,” etc.)
Team 5
Special Projects / - Chair- Brian Culligan, Jason Christman
- Manage annual COI disclosures for committee
- Manage volunteer sign up to man the registration table at both annual meetings
-Contact AOA state affiliates (create state affiliate “key contacts” list)
-“AFOS Tribute Memorial”- collect photos, stories and profilesto add to the AFOS archives to recognize/honor life members, O-6 members, past/present section chiefs & p/p AFOS Presidents/EDs.
All members Duties / - All membership committee members must be a current AFOS member in good standing
- Help with registration check in at FSO (AAO) and AFOS (SECO)
- Have apricot access (as needed)

Past members:

Navy- Emily Sprague 10/2012-4/2015

Navy- Robert Senko

VA- Erica Walker 4/2013-7/2015

VA- George Meers 1/2010-12/2014

VA- Rena Capelli 3/2013-7/2014

VA- Megan Hunter 1/2010-2/7/2013 CHAIR

VA- Aly Wasik CHAIR

USAF- Melissa Simmons

USAF- Brian Blanchard

Army- Bret Lehman

IHS- Mike Davis