Ridgecrest Intermediate School

Course: Language Arts7

Teacher: Mr. Ellis

Syllabus 2016-2017

1. Contact Information

Teacher: Mr. Ellis

Phone Number: (310) 544-2747 x 238

E-mail: (preferred mode of contact)

Room: 302

2. Welcome

Welcome to 7th grade Language Arts! I am very fortunate to have known some of you prior to this school year, and I look forward to getting to know those of you whom I am meeting for the first time. Our goal for this school year in my class is for us (teacher and students) to work together to prepare you for the 8th grade while meeting the Common Core Standards for 7th grade.

Listed below are general expectations and course policies. Please read the information carefully with your parent/guardian. Print this out, return the signed portion and keep the remaining portion for future reference.

3. Punctuality

It is important to be in class on time. You are tardy if you are not within the classroom when the bell rings. After three tardies, your parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted. Further tardies will result in a referral to the administration and the possible lowering of your citizenship grade.

4. Materials

Refer to the Essential Supply List provided by the school and the Language Arts supply list. You may find the Lang. Arts supply list on Edline. The only additional item you may want to bring regularly is some headphones or ear buds; we will be using the computers quite a bit.

*It is in the student’s best interest to replenish supplies when needed.

Students are also responsible for outside reading materials. Books may be checked out from a library (RIS, community, etc.) or purchased at a bookstore.

Students WILL NOT be permitted to leave the classroom to retrieve materials from their lockers.

All returned assignments should be kept! They are your personal record and proof that an assignment was completed and scored. Loose work (no name papers) will be posted on the “Lost Things” board.

5. Course Requirements

Students are required to complete all assignments IN FULL and ON TIME. There will be homework Monday through Thursday; however, many long-term assignments are given throughout the course of the year. It is extremely important to budget your time and work on these projects nightly.

Students are required to activate their HMH online(e-textbook) account as soon as possible. If you do not have access to a computer at home, computers are available in the library and computer labs on campus during lunchtime.

**Please note that this website is NOT a substitution for paying attention in class and the teacher reserves the right to alter assignments during class without Planbook or Edlio notification.**

Assignments and due dates will be indicated on the Agenda whiteboard as well as on Planbook. Links to Planbook can be found on Edlio and Aeries.

Make-up Work

Absent work is your responsibility! I will not remind you to make up an assignment or test. Students have the number of days absent to submit make-up work ONLY if the absence is excused (see Student Handbook). Students are responsible for obtaining make-up work from their classmates or the teacher.

Late Work

Late work is different from make-up work. Students who fail to turn in an assignment or have unexcused absences (see Student Handbook) will not receive full credit for missed assignments. Late homework will only be accepted ONE DAY past the due date for half credit.

The Printing Issue

Final assignments are to be typed. Unless otherwise specified, all final assignments are to be typed: double spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman. When turning in a final assignment, the handwritten draft will be attached. If a printing crisis arises, you may save it to your Edmodo backpack, save you document to a disc or flash drive, and print it out in class. If your computer crashes, you need to handwrite the assignment in ink. No excuses.

  1. Methods of Assessment

Students are graded on a strict grading scale base on the percentage of points earned throughout the trimester. You will earn points for homework, projects, quizzes, in-class activities, participation, and exams.

A+ = > 98.5C = 69.5 – 79.49%

A = 89.5 – 98.49%D = 59.5 – 69.49%

B = 79.5 – 89.49%F = < 59.49%

Missing and late assignments will significantly lower the student’s grade.

Your citizenship grade will be determined by classroom behavior, participation, and work habits.

  1. Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

The act of plagiarism or cheating is not tolerated in any classroom. Plagiarism includes quoting or paraphrasing sources without acknowledgement, submitting work produced either wholly by someone else, or with the unauthorized assistance of someone else, and copying someone else’s paper or homework. Any assignment that is found to have engaged in any type of plagiarism or academic dishonesty will receive an automatic “F” (zero credit) on the assignment, a referral to the Principal and a phone call home. This policy applies to all assignments throughout the year.

  1. Parent/Guardian Support

Parent support is welcomed and encouraged. Providing support at home through monitoring homework is beneficial. Parents and students may contact me by phone or email (although email is preferred) and I will return your message in a timely manner. Thank you for your support in making this a successful school year. I look forward to working with you and your student throughout the remainder of the year.

I look forward to working with you.

This is going to be a fantastic year!

Student & Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement

Teacher Copy

I have received and read Mr. Ellis’s Lang. Arts Syllabus. I agree to the following policies outlined in Mr. Ellis’s syllabus and understand the consequences if I do not.

______Print Student Name Class Period

______Student Signature Date


Print Parent/Guardian Name

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Please print out this page, sign, and return to Mr. Ellis by
