MINUTES – JUNE 8, 2016
Chairman Rick Susi called the Meeting to order at 10:13am at the RI Division of Elderly Affairs, Room 211, Louis Pasteur Building, 57 Howard Avenue, Cranston, RI. An Attendance Sheet was circulated.
Attendance: Chairman Susi; Vice-Chair Jack Quigley; Secretary Mary Ann Ciano; Carolyn Pellegrino; Valerie Topp; Denise Owens; Terry Haydt; Marjorie Perry; Tom Magill; Vincent Quinterno; Trooper William Corson
Guests: Suzanne Michaud; Jeanne Gattegno
Excused: Stephen Dresner; Diane Daigle/Mickaela Driscoll; Robert Rock; Rita Murphy
Absent: Chief Elwood Johnson
Old/New Business:
The February 24, 2016 Meeting Minutes were reviewed, approved, and accepted.
Jeanne Gattegno, of St. Elizabeth Community/Safe Haven Shelter for victims of elder abuse, apprised today’s members of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (members also received an invitation of the Event via e-mail by Chairman Susi on June 3, 2016). The Event is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 3:00pm, at the State House. The first annual report on elder abuse, prepared by the Division of Elderly Affairs, will be launched at the Event. St. Elizabeth Community will also present an Elder Justice Award on the day of the Event.
2016 Information and Resource Conference Planning:
The majority of today’s discussion focused on the development and coordination of the 2016 Conference—Topic—Substance Abuse and Older Adults. After much discussion, listed below, through the efforts of Terry Haydt, is the preliminary Agenda for the 2016 Conference.
Draft Timeframe for Resource Training/Conference to be held 11/9/2016 at CVS, Woonsocket
[Pick the date]
7:30 to 8:00 / Sign-in of Attendees, Breakfast foods / 30 minutes8:00 to 8:30 / Greetings by Chief Susi, Director Fogarty and CVS / 30 minutes total ( 10 minutes each)
8:30 to 8:45 / Update on Hoarding topic from 2015 training ( Dr. Mancebo) / 15 minutes
8:45 to 9:30 / Keynote speaker #1 – National (?) / 45 minutes
9:30 to 9:45 / Break / Flexible, Maybe less time if needed to fix overrun from earlier
9:45 to 10:15 / Keynote speaker #2 – State / 30 minutes
10:15 to 10:30 / Speaker from Police / 15 minutes
10:30 to 10:45 / Speaker from EMT / 15 Minutes
10:45 to 11:15 / Speaker from BHDDH / 30 minutes
11:15 to Noon / Panel of Resource Specialists on Drugs and Alcohol / BHDDH, AA, NAA, Vets (Operation Stand-down)
[Add any additional instructions, comments, or directions in this section.]
Commission Member Follow Up Assistance with Conference Planning:
*Dr. Mancebo – Hoarding Update—Vin Quinterno will coordinate.
*Keynote Speaker: Tom Coderre, Chief of Staff, SAMSHA—Tom Magill and Rick Susi will coordinate.
*Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous—Jack Quigley will coordinate.
*EMS Contact—Rick Susi will coordinate.
*RI Police Chief’s Association (police representative)-Bill Corson will coordinate.
*Dept. of Health – Dr. Scott—Mary Ann Ciano will coordinate.
*BHDDH-Mary Ann Ciano will coordinate
*Operation StandDown RI, Inc.(veterans issues)—Mary Ann Ciano will coordinate.
*Division of Elderly Affairs – Director Fogarty –Mary Ann Ciano will coordinate.
*Vin Quinterno indicated that the Annual Hoarding Conference will be held on August 31, 2016. Vin Quinterno will forward an e-mail for distribution to Commission members when more information becomes available.
*No pertinent legislative issues were noted.
The Meeting adjourned at 11:55am. The next Commission Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 2016, 10:00am-12:00noon, at the Division of Elderly Affairs, Conference Room 211, Louis Pasteur Building, 57 Howard Avenue, Cranston, RI.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Ciano