OCC Schoolsstarter e-form checklist

You may find it useful to complete the information on this form prior to entering data on the e-form.This gathers together some additional information avoiding the need to refer to multiple recruitmentdocuments whilst completing the starter form. It should be used in conjunction with the online guidance and IBC Toolkit.

Starter name
Start date
Position number from Organisational Structure report if permanent, temporary and fixed term. Or create a new one in Organisation Management tile
Use these generic position numbers for supply teachers and casuals:
Casual50708772 Supply teacher 50708773
National insurance number
Date of birth
Personnel Area / OCC Schools
Employee groupie Perm, temporary(defaults from position but can be changedeg if you are hiring a fixed term employee to cover a long term absence)
Employee subgroup(ieTeachers, OCCGreen book,Supply teachers or Fixed rate of pay for casuals)
Contract(This is GL code the salary is to be paid from. Do not use Casuals for Casual Staff. Use their role, ie Cleaner)
Bank sort code and account number
Teachers / work schedule rule / TEACHERS
weekly working hours(Full time is 32.5)
annual basic full time salary
Support staff / work schedule rule / NORMAL
weekly working hours
pay scale group / defaults from position
paid weeks per year(Term Time only matrix)
annual basic fte salary
Casual staff / pay scale group / Spothourly/Fixed rate of pay
pay slip delivery / Payslip to Home Address
Supply teachers / payscale group
annual basic fte salary
pay scale delivery / Payslip to Home Address
Recurring payments and deductions(ie TLRs etc) enter monthly amount if applicable
Additional paymentsenter one off amount if applicable
Professional number(ieDfE number for qualified teachers)
Ethnic origin
Place of birth
Country of birth
Proof of identity(ie passport number, visa or sponsorship number)
Date specifications(ie start and end dates of any prior local government or HCC service)
Addresses (ie do you have complete details with postcode for main address and telephone number for emergency contact)
SWF staff details(ie has this person ever qualified as an HLTA)
Status route(ie is this person working towards a teaching qualification, such as Graduate Teacher Program - GTP)
SWF contract details(ie what was this person doing prior to this appointment)
SWF Qualification (ie post A level for all staff)
Date Entered

HR course - Blank starter form - OXFORD_(HF000012126702)