Stage 1Screening to establish if the policy/function has any relevance to any equality issue and/or minority group. i.e.
· Could the policy affect one or more equality group in a different way to another group
· Establish whether different equality groups have different needs
· Establish whether the policy contributes or hinders equality of opportunity
1a / Please give a brief description of the function* and its purpose
Equal and fair use of funding targeted at a specific group.
*Function can mean process, service, policy or project
1b / Is the function accessible for all groups? Please tick the box for each group to whom the function is not accessible or for whom there may be needs or considerations
ü / Age / ü / Disability
ü / Race / ü / Sexual Orientation
ü / Religious belief / ü / Marriage/Civil Partnership
ü / Transgender or Transsexual / ü / Pregnancy Maternity/Paternity
ü / Gender
If accessible for all groups consider evidence to support this
Stage 2 – Assessment
2a / Mark the appropriate level of negative impact this function will have on each group
Protected Characteristics / High / Medium / Low / No Impact
Age / ü
Disability / ü
Race / ü
Religious belief / ü
Sexual Orientation / ü
Marriage/Civil Partnership / ü
Gender / ü
Pregnancy Maternity/Paternity / ü
2b / For those characteristics where High or Medium columns have been ticked:
1. What at the negative impacts associated with this function?
2. Are there positive impacts associated with this function?
As per 1a
2c / What measures can be implemented to address any negative impacts
Ensuring parents have access to information to enable them to access funding.
Letters/website/phone calls/Open Evenings
2d / Are there any Human Rights Issues? If so what are they?
2e / Confirm where this assessment will be published:
Website, linked to Policies
2f / Please highlight any training issues arising from this assessment
Awareness of the existence of this group of students
Stage 3 Assessors Assessment
Please state below whether you consider the overall impact to be High, Medium or Low
Assessor Name / Jill McCall, Dawn Brettell, Richard Cunningham
Date / 19/11/2012
Manager Responsible for impact Assessment / Julie Oldroyd
Signed /
Date / 21/11/12
Page 1 of 2 January 2012