Transforming Rehabilitation Competition
Request for Information (RFI)
Annexes A, B and C
Name of your organisation:
Services you are offering to provide:
Service / Please put “X” as appropriateDrugs and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Education and training
Entry to employment
Health services, including mental illness
Restorative Justice
Accommodation and housing
Enhanced thinking skills
Finance and debt
Other (Please specify):
Service Location / Please put “X” as appropriate
CPA 4 – Lincolnshire, Humberside and North Yorkshire
CPA 8 – South Yorkshire
CPA 9 – Staffordshire and West Midlands
CPA 10 – Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, and Leicestershire
CPA 12 – West Mercia and Warwickshire
1. Organisation Profile
Response1.1 / Name of your organisation
1.2 / Single point of contact:
- Name
- Telephone number
1.3 / Address for correspondence
1.4 / Registration Number (whichever is applicable) / Company’s House Number:
Charity Commission Number:
1.5 / VAT Number (if applicable)
1.6 / Date organisation was formed
1.7 / Registered Address
1.8 / Name of registered Directors and/or Trustees (where applicable)
2. Your Business
Response2.1 / Which Services are you offering to provide?
Please name all those which are relevant:
· Drugs and alcohol rehabilitation
· Education and training
· Entry to employment
· Health services, including mental illness
· Restorative Justice
· Accommodation and housing
· Relationships
· Enhanced thinking skills
· Finance and debt
· Other (please specify)
2.2 / Please list the regions in which you currently provide these services:
· Derbyshire
· Humberside
· Leicestershire
· Lincolnshire
· North Yorkshire
· Nottinghamshire
· South Yorkshire
· Staffordshire
· Warwickshire
· West Mercia
· West Midlands
2.3 / If you provide your services in one particular part of a region please tell us where.
Please only answer this question if you do not provide your services across the entire region listed above.
For example, if you provide your services across the entire region of Humberside, you do not need to answer this question. However, if you only provide your services in Hull, you do.
2.4 / How many staff and volunteers does your organisation have in total?
2.5 / How many staff and volunteers does your organisation have delivering the services to offenders in the above regions?
Please break your answer down by each individual region where you are delivering services across more than one region.
2.6 / Please complete Annex B to provide information about what you are offering to provide to GEO. Please include information about:
- Details of the services you provide
- Where you deliver them
- Whether they are through the gate services or just prison/community based services
- When you deliver them
- Your methodology for delivering them, including resources used
- Evidence that your services reduces re-offending rates
Please restrict your answer to no more than 1,000 words. / Please provide your response to Question 2.6 using Annex B below.
2.7 / Please provide details of two directly relevant customers who could provide references:
- Organisation
- Service delivered
- Contact name
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
2.8 / How much notice do you require to start delivering your services?
3. Costs and Payment Mechanism
Response3.1 / Please provide your price for providing the service(s) using the following constraints for each of the services you wish to offer in each of the CRC areas. Prices must be valid for the first year of operation / Please provide your response on Annex C attached (Excel Spreadsheet).
3.2 / Are you VAT registered ?
3.3 / For each service, please indicate whether you are offering:
· Services at fixed prices per unit
· Services at a fixed payment per unit with positive potential PBR payments
· Service at a fixed payment per unit with positive and negative potential PBR payments
3.4 / What management information will you provide GEO about the services provided, such as:
- Attendance by offenders
- Any changes in offender risk profiles
- Compliance with service levels and standards
- Other management information
4. Miscellaneous
Response5.1 / Please use this box to give us any other relevant information you wish us to consider as part of your bid.
Please refer to Question 2.6 above before completing Annex B
Please complete the separate Excel Spreadsheet Marked Annex C.
I hereby certify that the response provided in this RFI is full, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
By submitting this RFI, I agree that The GEO Group UK Ltd may:
· Perform a check with Companies House and/or the Charity Commission to confirm my registration details and to assess the financial viability of my organisation.
· Take up customer references as detailed above.
Name (Printed)
Thank you for completing this Request for Information.
Please now return it to us at by 11 April 2014.
Please ensure you return Annexes A, B and C.
We will acknowledge receipt of all submissions by 25 April 2014.