Comments Submitted by J. Womack, SPP

Attachment 4 to Recommendation - 2011 AP Item 2(a)(i)(1-8), 2011 AP Item 2(b), and 2011 AP Item 3(a)(i) – Network Service on OASIS (NITS)

Revisions and Additions to Existing Business Practice Standard WEQ-003

(OASIS S&CP Data Dictionary)

(Additions to be inserted into WEQ-003 in alphabetic order)

(Revisions made to WEQ-003 as per data dictionary element name)


1) Eligible Transmission Customer including Affiliate, Assignee, Financially Obligated Transmission Customer (FOTC), Native Load Customer, Reseller, Seller, Transmission Customer, Network Customer, and 2) Transmission Provider including ISO, RTO

Data Dictionary Element Name / Alias / Field Format :
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters / Restricted Values / Definition of Data Element
{registered} / Registered entity code for the Designated Agent that is eligible to view OASIS information, to execute a service agreement, and/or to receive Transmission Service on behalf of a[CPS1] Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer.
AGENT_COMMENTS / AGCMNTS / 1{ALPHANUMERIC}1000 / Free form text / Designated Agent supplied comments describing the nature of the agency relationship between the Designated Agent and the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer.
AGENT_DUNS / AGDUNS / 9{NUMERIC}9 / Valid values:
{registered} / Registered DUNS number for the entity that assumes the Designated Agent role on behalf of a[CPS2] Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer.
AGENT_EMAIL / AGEMAIL / 5{ALPHANUMERIC}100 / Valid Internet E-mail address / Internet E-mail address of an Designated Agent of a Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer.[CPS3]
AGENT_FAX / AGFAX / 14{ALPHANUMERIC}20 / Formatted string:
(aaa)-[CPS4]nnn-nnnn xnnnn / Facsimile phone number of an Designated Agent of a Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer in form of area code and telephone number, plus any extensions.[CPS5]
AGENT_NAME / AGENTNAME / 1{ALPHANUMERIC}100 / Free form text / Name of the primary contact of an Designated Agent of a Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer.
(aaa)-nnn-nnnn xnnnn / Phone number of the primary contact of an Designated Agent of a Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer in form of area code and telephone number, plus any extensions.
APPLICATION_NAME / APNAME / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}50 / Free form text / Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer supplied descriptive name or other contract/agreement identifier that the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer may use to assist management of their NITS Applications.
APPLICATION_REF / APREF / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}12 / Unique value / Unique OASIS assigned reference identifier associated with each new NITS Application request or existing confirmed NITS Applications.
ATTESTATION_SUBMITTER / ATTSUBM / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}100 / Free form text / Identifies by name and title the individual responsible for submission of the necessary attestation as to the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer’s eligibility for NITS or qualification of a Network Resource as a DNR.
ATTESTOR_NAME / ATTNAME / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}100 / Free form text / Identifies by name and title the individual responsible for attesting to the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer’s eligibility for NITS or qualification of a Network Resource as a DNR.
N / Identifies a request for additional NITS or PTP service that is to be evaluated concomitantly with termination of a NITS DNR.
{registered} / Registered entity code associated with the user that first submitted a NITS request as QUEUED for evaluation. This is either the NITS Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer or one of the authorized or prospective Designated Agents for the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer.
CUSTOMER_CODE / CUST / 1{ALPHANUMERIC}6 / Unique value, registered on / Any entity (or its designated agent) that is eligible to view OASIS information, to execute a service agreement, and/or to receive Transmission Service.
CUSTOMER_STATEMENT / CUSTSTMT / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}1000 / Free form text / Attestation that the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer associated with a NITS Application is an Eligible Customer under the Transmission Provider’s tariff. Must match verbatim the Transmission Providers required attestation text as set by tariff or Business Practice.
DATA / DATA / 0{ALPHA}50 / Valid values:
Any of the valid NITS Query/Response Data Template names as specified in WEQ-002 / Query variable specifying a valid NITS Query/Response Data Template name whose associated data elements are to be returned in the query template response.
DISPATCH_COST / DSPCOST / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / The incremental cost of energy in $/MWh to dispatch the generation asset’s capacity from DISPATCH_START to DISPATCH_STOP.
DISPATCH_PRIORITY / DSPPRI / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number / The dispatch priority relative to other NITS generation assets supporting the NITS Application. Lower values represent higher priority for dispatch with priority=0 reserved for must-run generation commitments.
DISPATCH_START / DSPST / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / The starting generating output capacity in MWs associated with the dispatch profile and cost information specified.
DISPATCH_STOP / DSPSP / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / Identifies the maximum generating output capacity in MWs that may be dispatched at the cost specified.
DNR_ACTION / DNRACT / 11{ALPHA}22 / Valid values:
INDEFINITE_TERMINATION / Identifies the nature of requested action, designation or termination, to take with respect to a Network Resource.
DNR_ATTESTATION / DNRSTMT / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}1000 / Free form text / Attestation that the Network Resource being designated or temporarily terminated is qualified for treatment as a DNR associated with a NITS Application under the Transmission Provider’s tariff. Must match verbatim the Transmission Providers required attestation text as set by tariff or Business Practice.
EFFECTIVE_START_TIME / EFFSTART / 0,16{ALPHANUMERIC}16 / Valid date and time to seconds:
+mm+ss+tz / Represents the starting date/time that new or modified information submitted to OASIS is to take effect.
EFFECTIVE_STOP_TIME / EFFSTOP / 0,16{ALPHANUMERIC}16 / Valid date and time to seconds:
+mm+ss+tz / Represents the ending date/time that new or modified information submitted to OASIS is no longer to be in effect. If null, the ending date/time is assumed to be in effect until such time as this field is set to a non-null value.
FILING_STATUS / FILED / 0{ALPHA}10 / Valid values:
null / Disposition of the filing of the NITS service agreement In association with a CONFIRMED NITS Application; will be null until disposition of filing determined.
FORECAST_DESCRIPTION / FCDESC / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}200 / Free form text / Optional descriptive comments supplied by the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer related to the load/resource forecast information supplied.
FORECAST_METHOD / FCMETH / 8{ALPHA}9 / Valid values:
OFF_OASIS / Identifies the method used to provide load/resource forecast information to the Transmission Provider.
GEN_AREA / GNAREA / 1{ALPHANUMERIC}4 / Valid values:
{registered} / Registered BAA hosting a NITS generation asset.
GEN_DESCRIPTION / GNDESC / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}200 / Free form text / Optional summary description of the nature of the generation asset to be used to serve load under the NITS Application.
GEN_ELIGIBLE_CAPACITY / GNELG / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / Maximum generation output in MW that may be considered eligible to be designated by the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer as a Network Resource under the NITS Application.
GEN_GROUP / GNGRP / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}50 / Free form text / Optional Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer assigned name for an aggregated group of 2 or more generation assets that may be designated or terminated as a group.
GEN_LOCATION / GNLOC / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}50 / Free form text / Identifies the County, Parish or other locally recognized geographic area and State or Province where the generation asset is geographically located.
GEN_MAX_CAPACITY / GNMAX / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / Maximum total generating capacity of the generation asset in MWs.
GEN_MIN_CAPACITY / GNMIN / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / Minimum operational generation output of the generation asset in MWs.
GEN_NAME / GNNAME / 1{ALPHANUMERIC}50 / Unique value / Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer assigned unique name to be associated with a specific generation asset.
GEN_NORMAL_CAPACITY / GNNOR / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / Normal or typical operating output of the generation asset in MWs.
GEN_OPERATOR / GNOPER / 1{ALPHANUMERIC}50 / Free form text / Identifies the entity responsible for operation of the generation asset by name or registered entity code, if available.
GEN_SHARE / GNSHR / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of % / Identifies by percentage the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer’s share if the generation asset is a jointly owned facility. Must be 100 for non-jointly owned assets.
GEN_VAR_LEADING / GNLEAD / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MVA / Generation asset’s maximum leading VAR capability in MVA.
GEN_VAR_LAGGING / GNLAG / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MVA / Generation asset’s maximum lagging VAR capability in MVA.
INPUT_STATUS / INSTATUS / 1{NUMERIC}3 / Error number / Value indicating success/failure of OASIS to process the submitted NITS OASIS INPUT Template; 200 = Success. Failure indicates that some portion of the uploaded INPUT template was malformed.
{registered} / Registered BAA hosting a Network Load.
LOAD_DESCRIPTION / LDDESC / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}200 / Free form text / Optional summary description of the nature of the load to be served under the NITS Application.
LOAD_NAME / LDNAME / 1{ALPHANUMERIC}50 / Free form text / Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer assigned unique name to be associated with a specific Network Load.
LOAD_SUBSTATION / LDSTTN / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}50 / Free form text / Optional identification of the primary point of interconnection with the Transmission Provider’s transmission system used to serve a Network Load by substation name.
LOAD_TYPE / LDTYPE / 5{ALPHA}13 / Valid values:
INTERRUPTIBLE / Identification of the type of load under a NITS Application.
LOAD_VOLTAGE / LDVOLT / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of KV / Optional identification of the primary interconnection voltage level on the Transmission Provider’s transmission system used to serve a Network Load.
{registered} / Registered entity code associated with the user that last modified a NITS request. This is either the NITS Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer or one of the authorized or prospective Designated Agents for the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer or the Transmission Provider.
QUERY_STATUS / QRYSTATUS / 1{NUMERIC}3 / Error number / Value indicating success/failure of OASIS to process the submitted NITS OASIS QUERY Template; 200 = Success.
REQUEST / REQ / 0{ALPHA}50 / Valid values:
Any of the valid NITS Input/Response Request Template names as specified in WEQ-002 / Query variable specifying a valid NITS Input/Response Request Template names whose associated Data Elements are to be returned in the query template response.
RESOURCE_CLASS / RSCCLAS / 9{ALPHA}10 / Valid values:
OFF_SYSTEM / Identifies the nature of the NITS Network Resource as either ON_SYSTEM or OFF_SYSTEM relative to the Transmission Provider’s host region.
RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION / RSCDESC / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}200 / Free form text / Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer provided summary description related to the nature of the Network Resource service being used to serve load.
RESOURCE_NAME / RSCNAME / 1{ALPHANUMERIC}50 / Free form text / Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer assigned unique name to be associated with a specific Network Resource.
GENERATION / Identifies the nature of a Network Resource as either a physical generation asset (GENERATION) or power purchase agreement (EXECUTED_PPA or CONTINGENT_PPA).
SERVICE_DESCRIPTION / SVCDESC / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}200 / Free form text / Information regarding a service. For NITS Applications, Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer provided summary description related to the nature of the service being requested for new NITS Application or extension of an existing NITS Application.
{registered} / Identifies the BAA that is the source for energy deliveries from the associated defined Network Resource.
DELETED / QUEUED – initial status assigned by the TSIP on receipt of "Transmission Customer services purchase request”or “Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer NITS Application request".
INVALID – assigned by the TSIP or Transmission Provider indicating an invalid field in the request, such as improper POR, POD, SOURCE, SINK, etc. or that the request does not meet minimum information or data requirements(Final state).
RECEIVED – assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)to acknowledge QUEUED requests and indicate the service request is being evaluated, including for completing the required ancillary services.
STUDY – assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)to indicate some level of study is required or being performed to evaluate service request.
REFUSED – assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)to indicate service request has been denied due to lack of ATC. (Final state).
COUNTEROFFER – assigned by Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)to indicate that a new OFFER_PRICE and/or CAPACITY_GRANTED over time is being proposed in the negotiation of requested service (i.e., offering of Partial Service or negotiation of price).
CR_COUNTEROFFER – assigned by Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only) to indicate that a new OFFER_PRICE and/or CAPACITY_GRANTED over time is being proposed in the negotiation of requested service for Coordinated Request (i.e., offering of Partial Service or negotiation of price
REBID – assigned by the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer to indicate that a new value for BID_PRICE (PTP only)and/or CAPACITY_REQUESTED over time is being proposed.
SUPERSEDED – assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)when a request which has not yet been confirmed is preempted by another reservation request. (Final state).
STATUS (continued) / ACCEPTED – assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)to indicate the service request at the designated BID_PRICE and CAPACITY_REQUESTED has been approved/accepted. Depending upon the type of ancillary services required, the Seller may or may not require all ancillary service reservations to be completed before accepting a request.
CR_ACCEPTED - assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only) to indicate the Coordinated Request at the designated BID_PRICE and CAPACITY_REQUESTED has been approved/accepted. Depending upon the type of ancillary services required, the Seller may or may not require all ancillary service reservations to be completed before accepting a Coordinated Request
DECLINED – assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)to indicate that the terms and conditions of the request, such as the BID_PRICE, are unacceptable and that negotiations are terminated or that contractual terms have not been metor the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer has failed to respond to a deficiency within an established time frame. (Final state).
RETRACTED - assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)when the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer fails to confirm or withdraw the request within the required time period. (Final state).
WITHDRAWN – assigned by the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer during a request evaluation to withdraw the request from any further action. (Final state).
CONFIRMED – assigned by the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer in response to the Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)posting "ACCEPTED", “CR_ACCEPTED”, “COUNTEROFFER”, or “CR_COUNTEROFFER” status, to confirm service or the NITS Application. Once a request has been "CONFIRMED", a Transmission Service reservation exists or the NITS Application is completed. (Final state, unless overridden by DISPLACED or ANNULLED state).
STATUS (continued) / DISPLACED – (PTP and Secondary Network Transmission Service only) - assigned by the Transmission Provider or Reseller when a "CONFIRMED" reservation from a Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer is displaced by a higher priority reservation, and the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer is not offered or has not exercised right of first refusal (i.e. refused to match terms of new request). (Final state).
ANNULLED – assigned by the Seller when, by mutual agreement with the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer, a confirmed reservation, NITS Application, or pre-confirmed request is to be voided or assigned unilaterally by the Transmission Provider when a Resale reservation is to be voided or NITS Application is to be voided. (Final state).
PRESUBMITTED – assigned by OASIS prior to submission by the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customerin a workspace to be saved while developing a NITS Application or request for modification of service such that the NITS Application or request for modification of service can be submitted at a later date.
DEFICIENT – assigned by the Transmission Provider to indicate that a correctable deficiency in the NITS Application or request for modification of service, such as missing, incomplete, or inconsistent information.
COMPLETED – assigned by the Transmission Provider to indicate that there are no deficiencies or all deficiencies in the NITS Application or request for modification of service have been met.
REEVALUATE – assigned by the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customerduring the NITS Application or request for modification of service process indicating that deficiencies have been corrected, and the revised NITS Application or request for modification of service is ready for review.
DELETED – assigned by the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customerto permanently remove a PRESUBMITTED request from the Pre-submittal Workspace. (Final state)
SUMMER_FORECAST / SFCAST / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / Defines the summer season peak MW capacity of the load/resource forecasted over the specified start/stop interval.
SUMMER_INTERRUPTIBLE / SINTER / 0{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / For Network Loads identified as LOAD_TYPE= INTERRUPTIBLE, the portion of the SUMMER_FORECAST that may be subject to interruption.
{registered} / Identifies the BAA where the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer assumes responsibility (title) to the energy delivered by this defined resource.
TRANSACTION_REF / TRREF / 0{ALPHANUMERIC}12 / Unique value / Unique OASIS assigned transaction reference identifier associated with each NITS request that hase been submitted for Concomitant Evaluation requests only; null value assigned/returned for all non-concomitant NITS requests.
N / Identifies (Y/N) if the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer associated with a NITS Application owns transmission assets to be considered as part of the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer’s transmission system with respect to the NITS Application.
WINTER_FORECAST / WFCAST / 1{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / Defines the winter season peak MW capacity of the load/resource forecasted over the specified start/stop interval.
WINTER_INTERRUPTIBLE / WINTER / 0{NUMERIC}12 / Non-negative number in units of MW / For Network Loads identified as LOAD_TYPE= INTERRUPTIBLE, the portion of the WINTER_FORECAST that may be subject to interruption.

Revised 11/29-12/01/111

[CPS1]Change to “an”.

[CPS2]Change to “an”

[CPS3]Switch “a” and “an”

[CPS4]Why does the format include both parentheses () and a dash - ? It should be either a parenthesis or dash.

[CPS5]Switch “a” and “an”