*Reviewed, Ready to Post*
NASPSPA Conference Executive Committee Pre-Conference Meeting
San Diego, California
June 4, 2017 8:00-3:00 AM
The following Executive Members (EC) were present: President Daniela Corbetta, Past-President Jennifer Etnier, President-Elect Steven Bray, Secretary-Treasurer Leah Robinson, Communication Director Quincy Almeida, Past-Presidents’ Liaison Maureen Weiss, and Student Representative Tayo Moss. NASPSPA Conference Coordinator Penny McCullagh was present to provide conference information for NASPSPA 2018.
- President Daniela Corbetta called the meeting to order at 8:15 pm. Agenda was approved.
- Welcome (Corbetta).
- NASPSPA Conference Coordinator (McCullagh).
- Provided an overview of NASPSPA 2017 and upcoming meetings.
- Challenges with registration.
- 100 first authors had not registered as of May 1st and 30 attendees with presentations did not have a hotel room reservation.
- Five exhibitors for the 2017 meeting.
- Updates for future NASPSPA meetings.
- NASPSPA 2018 will be in Denver.
- Soliciting sites for the NASPSPA 2018 banquets.
- Past-Presidents’ Liaison Update (Weiss)
- Discussed the role and responsibilities of the Past-Presidents’ Liaison
- Provided a short history of the Past-Presidents’ Luncheon.
- The 2017 meeting will be the 3rd Luncheon. Usually, 15 – 16 past-presidents attend. This year 25 – 27 past-presidents will attend, not including Corbetta and Bray.
- Discussed the memorial policy and memorial work for the past year.
- Thanked the EC for giving her the opportunity to serve the organization again (e.g., noted that she previously served as the Secretary-Treasurer, President, and now as Past-Presidents’ Liaison). She has prepared a 7-page document to assist in the transition of the new Past-Presidents’ Liaison.
- Secretary-Treasurer (Robinson)
- Budget Report 2017 for Fiscal Year Sept 1, 2015 - Aug 31, 2016.
- Income = Membership $46845, Reimbursement (Grant) $14.09, Conference Profit $64858.99 (Montreal)
- Expenses ($24006.40) = Executive Committee Meeting $3623.74, Honors & Awards $15,368, Administration $4308.46, Misc. $706.20
- Account Balances as of 5/29/17 are Checking $156,684 and Money Market $24763.50. Total $181,447
- For a Non-Profit, the Tax Accountant noted that NASPSPA in 2015 -2016 was "Above the Threshold" – Gross Income is $200,000. 2015-2016 NASPSPA tax years’ gross receipts were $230,724.00.
- Membership Report
- Membership has increased since 2015.
- Professional 385 (53.2%), Student 310 (45.3%), Retired 10 (1.5%).
- 25 countries are represented in NASPSPA’s membership (regional Asia/Pacific n = 48, Europe n = 93, North & South America n = 515)
- No country affiliation was reported for 26 member.
- Communication Director (Almeida)
a. Would like to addquestions to the post-conference survey about “how would the audience like to receive information?” because it is not clear that members read the newsletter.
b. As it relates to the website, (Wordpress) there are multiple users with login access. What is the best way to manage the site from a trouble-shooting standpoint?
- Is there confusion with users as it relates to NASPSPA.com and NASPSPA.org?
- Jason, current Webmaster fee is $1000/year. Shall we consider changing it to a retainer model for future services?
- Is it possible to have a two-tiered process 1) preview any changes to the Communication
Director and/or President can approvebefore publishing?
7. 2017 NASPSPA Conference Report (McCullagh)
- Total of five exhibitors at $1,800.00.
- Hotels sold out in February 2017; therefore, we met the room block for San Diego.
- Future conferences: 2019 will be in the Baltimore, Maryland and 2020 will be based on feedback from the NASPSPA body. Might want to be specific as it relates to regions.
- Student Representative Tayo Moss
- 109 students have signed up for the student social at the local Pacific Beach
- 26 students have signed up for Surfing Lessons.
- Provided more detailed on what was planned.
- Commented that the Facebook page is working well as a means to for students to stay connected to one another.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM