WRAP: Wellness Recovery Action Plan Workshop
Lecture Hall, St. Patrick’s University Hospital, Dublin.
28th and 29th November, 2013 / 5th and 6th December, 2013This is a HSE funded workshop organised by AOTI and delivered by WRAP facilitators from St. Patrick’s University Hospital. Each workshop is two days. The workshop will be held twice.
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan®, or WRAP®, is an evidence-based system used world-wide by people who are dealing with mental health and other kinds of health challenges, and by those wishing to attain the highest possible level of wellness. It was developed by a group of people who have a lived experience of mental health difficulties. Through the use of self-help skills and strategies, WRAP allows people experiencing mental health difficulties to achieve levels of wellness, stability, and recovery they always hoped were possible (Copeland, 2013). This two day workshop will equip therapists with knowledge of WRAP and key principles which they can then apply to their practice with clients.
Proposed Content
§ Introduction to WRAP
§ Wellness Toolbox
§ Daily Maintenance Plan
§ Identifying Triggers and an Action Plan
§ Identifying Early Warning Signs and an Action Plan
§ Identifying When Things Are Breaking Down and an Action Plan
§ Crisis Planning
§ Post Crisis Planning
Who should attend?
The workshop is particularly relevant to occupational therapists working with adults experiencing mental health difficulties. A number of places have been reserved for OTs who have been working in mental health settings for less than two years.
Facilitator Details
The workshop will be facilitated by members of the Wellness and Recovery Programme in St. Patrick’s University Hospital. They are trained WRAP facilitators and regularly run WRAP programs including: Norah Gill (Senior Nurse), Margaret Devereaux (Senior Nurse), Kay Murphy (Senior Nurse), Clare Hennigan (Senior Occupational Therapist) and Sherrie Buckley (OT Manager).
How to Apply?
If you are interested to attend please complete the application below and email to Sarah Lee at . Mark the subject line ‘WRAP’.
Applications close on at 5pm.
Places are limited. Late or incomplete applications may not be accepted. Successful applicants will be notified that they have a place at the workshop. A non refundable booking fee of €20 must then be forwarded to the AOTI office to secure your place at the workshop. Please do not send this payment until you receive confirmation that you have a place at the workshop.
If you have further questions please contact
Sarah Lee: AOTI CPD Officer on 085 713 3333.
WRAP Workshop: Application Form
NameJob Title
Work Address
Area of Practice & description of current caseload
Phone Number
Work Email
Private Email for Pre reading
Which workshop would you like to attend? / 28th and 29th November, 2013
Dublin / 5th and 6th December, 2013
1) In your role as an OT do you currently work with clients who have mental health difficulties? Please provide details.
2) How long have you been working in mental health? If you have worked multiple roles please list total time.
3) Have you previously completed WRAP training? Please provide details when and type of training.
4) Why would you like to attend this workshop?
Please note that lunch will not be provided at the workshop