Review Template #6: Chapter Seven WHAP/Princeton Review

Even More Really Old Stuff: Around 600 C.E. to Around 1450


1-  Prove that the T’ang and Song dynasties qualify as the Golden Age of Chinese culture.

2-  Why was China relatively stable at the height of both the T’ang and Song Dynasties (think merit)?

3-  Discuss the significance of Chang’an (include facts about the tribute system).

4-  What was the importance of the bureaucracy in China and how did it contribute to China’s stability?

5-  Explain the difference between a meritocracy and an aristocracy.

6-  Why did the Song establish a capital city at Hangzhou?

7-  How did the Chinese invention of an early form of moveable type impact China?

8-  What new technologies were applied to the military during the Song dynasty?

9-  What were junks?

10- Cite four significant facts about Champa rice.

11- Who was Wu Zhao and why was she significant?

12- What philosophy justified the subordination of women in China?

13- Cite three significant facts about foot-binding in China.

14- Why did Mahayana Buddhism appeal to many Chinese?

15- What did Chan Buddhism emphasize?

16- What groups were threatened by Buddhism’s popularity in China? Why?

17- What happened to Buddhists during the reign of Emperor Wuzong?

18- Cite three significant facts about Neo-Confucianism.

19- How did Japan’s geography influence its history?

20- What is unique about the Yamato clan?

21- Cite three significant facts about Shinto.

22- How did Shinto beliefs help the Yamato stay in power?

23- What happened in 522 in Japan? How did this event change Japan?

24- Who was Prince Shotoku and what did he do?

25- What were the Taika reforms?

26- What aspects of Chinese culture did the Japanese reject? Why?

27- Prove the following statementàJapan drew inspiration from China but maintained its own distinctive traditions.

28- What happened in 794 in Japan?

29- Who were the Fuijwara and how did they change Japan?

30- Cite two significant facts regarding Japan’s golden age (Heian period).

31- What happened in 1192 in Japan?

32- Describe in detail Japan’s feudal hierarchy.

33- Cite three significant facts concerning the Code of Bushido.

34- Compare and contrast women in feudal Europe and women in feudal Japan.

35- Compare and contrast European and Japanese feudalism.

36- During which Chinese dynasty did large-scale military campaigns in Korea and Vietnam result in cultural exchange for both regions?

37- Discuss Korea’s relationship with China during this period.

38- What prevented the development of a true bureaucracy based on merit in Korea?

39- Describe the relationship between the Viet people of Southeast Asia and China during this period. (Be specific).

40- What religion entered the Indian subcontinent in the tenth century?

41- Cite four significant facts regarding the Delhi sultanate.

42- Compare and contrast Hinduism and Islam.

43- In what parts of the subcontinent did more Hindus convert to Islam?

44- Cite three significant facts concerning Genghis Khan (Chinggis Khan).

45- Where did the Mongol Empire stretch and how was the Mongol Empire divided?

46- Define “Golden Horde.”

47- Who was Kublai Khan and what did he do?

48- Explain the significance of the Pax Mongolica.

49- From Class- Compare and contrast Mongol rule in China, the Middle East, and Russia.

50- What is one of the most striking things about the Mongols?

51- Prove the following statement: Although the Mongols did not make many advances in the arts and sciences themselves, their superior infrastructure allowed for the exchange and spread of ideas.

52- Contrast the Mongol Empire to other major civilizations.

53- Cite three significant facts about Timur Lang.

54- Describe the Mongol use of psychological warfare.

55- Cite three advantages of the Mongol armies.

56- What happened to the Mongols in Persia?

57- How did Kublai Khan treat the Chinese? (Be specific.)

58- What was a significant consequence of Mongol rule in Russia?

59- How did the Mongols “bring the world together”?

60- Cite three significant facts about Kush.

61- Cite three significant facts about Axum.

62- Cite three significant facts about the Swahili Coast.

63- What activity encouraged the spread of Islam in Africa?

64- What does “sub-Saharan” mean?

65- What were West Africans searching for?

66- Why were Islamic traders so interested in trading with West African kingdoms?

67- What event weakened Ghana?

68- Cite three significant facts about Mansa Musa.

69- Cite two significant facts regarding Sonni Ali.

70- What was Timbuktu and why was it important?

71- Explain the significance of oral literature in some post-classical African societies.

72- Describe the famous Benin method for producing beautiful works in bronze.

73- Cite four significant facts about the Mayas.

74- State possible theories for the decline of the Mayas.

75- Cite three significant facts regarding the Aztecs.

76- Discuss the status of Aztec women.

77- Why was the Aztec religious system tied to the military?

78- Compare and contrast the Aztec Civilization and the Roman Empire.

79- Cite four significant facts about the Inca Empire.

80- Why was the prime source of labor human in the Inca Empire?

81- What were peasants expected to give in the Inca Empire? Why?

82- Compare and contrast Egyptian and Incan rulers.

83- Explain the Inca view of property.

84- What do the Temple of the Sun and Machu Picchu reveal about the Inca?

85- Define quipu.

86- What aided trade?

87- How did trade impact the spread of the Black Death and how did the Black Death impact Europe?

88- Which groups dominated Indian Ocean trade during the post-classical period?

89- How did the monsoon affect Indian Ocean trade?

90- How did marriage and trade lead to syncretism?

91- Prove the significance of the Silk Road in world history.

92- Cite three additional facts about the Hanseatic League.

93- Cite two effects of the Hanseatic League on world history.

94- How were global trade networks in the post-classical era like the Internet today?

95- Who was Pope Urban II and what did he do in 1096? Why? (State two reasons- one obvious and one not so obvious.)

96- What happened during the Fourth Crusade?

97- Prove it: The Crusades were successful failures.

98- Cite several reasons for urbanization.

99- Make a list of technological innovations for the Islamic world and for China.

100-  What happened generally to the status of women as societies became more urban and wealthy?

101-  How did the status of women differ in Africa than other parts of the post-classical world?