(Affiliated to the RFU, KCRFU, CLOBRFC, KSRFUR)

War Memorial Clubhouse, Bourne Road, Bexley, Kent, DA5 1LW

Telephone (Clubhouse): 01322-524176

Minutes of DRFC Minis and Midis Coaches Meeting held on 19th October 2010, 8pm


Jarrod Lawrence (Club Chairman), Jo McDonald (Hon Secretary), Neil Cooksley (Minis and Midis Chairman and U11’s) Andy Golding (U11’s), Paul Nathan (U8’s), Neil Ferebee (U11’s), Tony Chappell (U7’s), Ian Shanks (U 11’s), James Collins (U12’s), Crispin Wilson (U12’s), Joe Bowman (U10’s), Chris Symons (U 10’s), Brian Meehan (U 9’s) and John Walters (CRB/ Child protection lead).

1. Apologies: None

2. Update form Management Committee meeting.

2.1.An update was given by the Club Chairman with regards to the main points from the last DRFC Management Team meeting. This included explaining who the current sponsors were

( Roseville, Twin restaurant and RTS).

2.2. Subscriptions continue to be collected and everyone must ensure all players and families have paid to ensure that full insurance is covered.

2.3. DRFC Management Team working very closely with DCSC and ODA to ensure ongoing management and success of the club as a whole.

2.4. Work continues on securing all aspects of the clubhouse development. Members of the DCSC Committee have recently met with the current Trustees to discuss certain legal documents and what revision would be necessary. There has been an agreed change to the lease arrangements, which is now for 28 years. The Clubhouse Development is a huge undertaking and Tim Geoghegan will be submitting a further application for a Mayors grant of £250,000. If successful it is proposed that the development may be viable to go ahead in two phases. Phase 1 costing £650,000 and later phase 2 costing another £230,000.Crispin raised the issue that £650K seemed a lot of money, but it was explained that this includes VAT and project management fees. Crispin also asked what happens if the grant is not given and Jarrod stated in which case a much smaller extension would have to be agreed, although whatever is done must meet the RFU guidelines and specifications in order for us to be eligible for a loan from them.

2.5. Jo informed the group that the club will be participating in the RFU Grand Draw, which will help with some fund raising and further details, will be circulated to all coaches when the tickets have arrived.

2.6. Jarrod said he has made the council aware of the state of the St Mary’s ground area and has suggested that we could maintain the area ourselves and we are waiting for their comments and answer.

3. Seal of Approval Update.

3.1.Neil informed the meeting that the club was quite near to having everything necessary to ensure we meet the requirements to obtain the Seal of Approval. Neil has a list of work that is outstanding and is liaising with the necessary people.

3.2. The coaches for the Under 9’s and Under 10’s need to complete the Children’s’ Safeguarding Course as soon s possible and the dates for these are on the Kent RFU website.

3.3. Jarrod is currently working on a three year plan to include all the plans for the development of the RFC.


4. Proficiency Awards.

4.1. All coaches need to complete the training for completing the proficiency Awards. Paul Nathan reminded everyone what these were and how these work. Paul also distributed a pack with all the details of the proficiency awards for each of the coaching teams. The awards will highlight the improvement each child has made during the season and give them encouragement and a sense of achievement when they progress from bronze to silver and through to gold level. The children will be supplied with certificates at each level. There are four training dates on the Kent RFU website. James raised the concern that perhaps that there could be more coordination and this was agreed and monitored.

5. CRB checks.

5.1. All coaches were reminded that CRB checks must be completed and up to date for all coaches and volunteers. No one should be coaching without a valid CRB certificate.

6. Coaching Courses.

6.1.Steve Taylor remains the Coaching Co-ordinator for the club and if someone wishes to attend a course they need to contact him. Also the courses are on the Kent RFU and our own website.

6.2. RFU has recently made some changes to the coaching levels. As a club it has been agreed that a Level 1 coaching qualification was needed to coach under12 age group and below and for Under 13 to Under 18, a Level 2 qualification was necessary. The question of whether or not we could have a course run at our club was raised as this would be more convenient given the number of coaches and Jarrod said he would look in to the possibility of this. Action: J. Lawrence.

7. Social Events.

7.1.The future fundraising dates were confirmed. Under 10’ doing an evening on 13/11/10; Pre match lunch on 04/12/10,where parents should be encouraged to attend; Halloween party; Caribbean Evening on 20th November; Coaches evening on 10th December; Golf day next week. It should be encouraged for each age group to run their own events. Discussion followed about should there be a target amount that should be contributed to the main club fund and it was agreed that this should be £1,000 for each age group to be handed over at the end of the season.

8. Rugby First.

8.1. Everyone was reminded to ensure they keep their teams details up to date on Rugby First.

9. Saracens Camp.

9.1 Jarrod reminded everyone that the Saracens Training camp was taking place on October 28th and 29th 2010 and would cost £56.00 and that there was a link on our website giving further information.

10. Subscriptions

10.1 Although these should have all been paid, some were still owing. Paul asked if it was possible to have a list of those who had not paid. Jarrod is liaising with Martin Gubby, Treasurer and will ask him to email each team once the information has been collated.Action: J.Lawrence.

11. AOB

Crispin- Asked if ‘B’ team fixtures were possible due to the numbers in his team. It was reinforced that the STD days were set and must be adhered to. Although it would not be able to arrange this for all teams, as not all had enough players for two sides, individual teams could look in to this, as long as all the appropriate officials were kept informed i.e. catering, pitch allocation.

It was pointed out by all the coaches, that the recent STD day held at Sidcup was poorly organised and had left many coaches dealing with angry parents who felt they had had a wasted journey as the children did not to play other teams at all.

Crispin also asked if it were possible to purchase a junior scrimmage machine and Jarrod said he would look in to prices etc.Action: J. Lawrence.

Ian- Asked about concerns about player numbers and for suggestions for recruitment for next year. Jarrod told everyone that Gavin Swain has produced some posters and flyers which were about to be distributed and we could use to target certain age groups. Several ideas were put forward including going in to schools and whether or not we could host a tag rugby festival for junior schools at the end of the season.

Neil- Asked that instead of a team polo shirt for the Brean Sands tour that there could be a rugby shirt instead and all agreed.

Jarrod- Reminded everyone to give a big push for our own website and for people to sign up as it is a convenient way of keeping everyone up to date. So far there had been 220 members.

Brian- Reminded everyone that all are welcome to come and support at the Veterans vs Coaches match on 23 October 2010 and also for the Evergreen Cup on the 30th October, when the Veterans take on Thanet RFC

Date and Time of next meeting.

To be confirmed and circulated ASAP.