Review Sheet Chapter 7 Part 1

  1. What does metamorphic mean?


  1. As the temperature of rock increases what does density do?


  1. What causes an increase in temperature as you go deeper into the Earth?


  1. Howdoes an increase in temperature change one rock into another?

Breaking the bonds

  1. What does pressure do as you go deeper into the Earth?


  1. The name of the phenomenon that the deeper you go into Earth the hotter it gets:

Geothermal Gradient

  1. What does pressure do to change rocks?

Smashes minerals together

  1. What is the scientific definition of pressure?

Force in a given space

  1. How does pressure create the carbon structure of diamond?

It smashes them together into a complex structure

  1. Where are metamorphic rocks created?

Deep Underground

  1. How can you tell if a rock could be metamorphic just by looking at it?

It will have distinct lines/layers

  1. As you go deeper into the earth what will increase?


  1. Metamorphic rocks reach the surface through these forces:

Tectonic Forces

  1. The most valuable rock is______and it is made of______

Diamond, Carbon

  1. What two processes are needed to create a metamorphic rock?

The addition of Heat and Pressure

  1. What is the process that forces entire REGIONS of rocks under?

Regional Metamorphism

  1. What is the process that heats up rocks near magma?

Contact Metamorphism

  1. What overall force pushes rocks down into heat and pressure?

Tectonic Forces

  1. What causes the movement in tectonic forces?


  1. What is the name of the rock that cools from magma/lava?

Igneous Rock

  1. What rock forms from lithification?


  1. How do metamorphic/ igneous rocks form sedimentary rocks?

Through weathering processes

  1. How do sedimentary/ igneous rock form metamorphic rock?

Through the addition of heat and pressure.

  1. How does the rock cycle follow the law of conservation of mass?

Rocks are not created they are changed from one rock to another.

  1. This type of rock forms diamonds

Igneous Rock

  1. This type of rock takes the longest to form:

Metamorphic Rock

  1. Coal is this type of rock


  1. This sedimentary rock has angular edges:


  1. This igneous rock is black and found at the bottom of the ocean


  1. What causes the increase in pressure deeper in earth?

The Amount of mass building up on top.