4th Grade iPad Image
App Catalog Fall 2013
ReadingiBooks / Reading / Use as a reader for PDF’s, send Pages documents to bookshelf, download free novels to make use of dictionary, highlighter and notes tools.
Learning Ally / Literacy support / This service allows access to audio versions of novels and text books for students with reading challenges such as dyslexia. Log in access is required so contact your TOSA if you need a student account.
Blue FiRe / Projects/ Productivity / This recording tool allows students to see feedback about volume and pace when they record. It can be a useful fluency or publishing tool
Dictation / Literacy / Speech to text voice recognition tool for think aloud writing strategies and as an accommodation for keyboarding/fine motor skills. Also useful to teach editing skills.
Pages / Projects/ Productivity / The go-to word processing and publishing tool. Pages allows full formatting and images, even media. Syncs with Dropbox or Skydrive Pro easily.
PuppetPals HD / Writing / A publishing tool in which students draw, narrate, and animate a story. Great for characters and dialog.
StoryKit / Writing / Make mini books with this simples publishing tool.
iTalk / Projects/ Productivity / Record poems, fluency passages, narratives and more with this very simple straightforward audio recording tool.
Dictionary / Language / Like a real dictionary. Use for vocabulary expansion, spelling, revising for more powerful works, parts of speech.
English Gr5 Lite / Language / This is a simple set of grammar drills.
FreeSaurus / Language / A digital thesaurus to enhance vocabulary or revise for word choice.
Grammar / Language / This is a grammar drill.
Grammar D. / Language / This grammar game is engaging but can be a little tricky to figure out what the task is .
Grammar Pop HD / Language / An app to quiz parts of speech and grammar rules.
DreamBox / Math / See FAQ for log in to this subscription tool to identify and fill gaps in math concepts. Best practice is 6 gold coin lessons per week. See FAQ for your school code
Math Bingo / Math / An engaging math fact fluency game. BE sure to set expectations about the reward part “bingo bug” games available.
Fractions / Math / A powerful app to explore parts of whole with workspace to solve problems and tutor assists as needed.
Singapore Math Grade 5 / Math / This app is part of the highly capable math program. Students rehearse with skills and strategies they learn in class.
Algebra Explained c. 1 LITE / Math / This video tutorial with activities is a great way to help student understand order of operations.
Number Line / Math / This app is a good way to build compare and order concepts for whole numbers, decimals and fractions
Grade 3 Math / Math / This engaging app reviews many 3rd grade concepts. Use for enrichment or remediation.
Math Gr5 Lite (iTooch) / Math / This is a simple quiz app covering basic skills. There is a limited set in this lite version.
Calculator / Math / Just like the real thing but digital. Use it in collaborative problem solving tasks or to double check answers.
Science & Social Studies Content
Science360 / Science / A collection of interesting and visually powerful science videos on a wide variety of topics.
BrainPOP / Science/ Social Studies / Animated videos and activities great as a starting point to build conceptual understanding (log in for full access)
Notability / Science/Social Studies Productivity / This publishing tool has the enhanced features of drawing, highlighting, image, and recording tools all in one package. Limited formatting though. Use it to publish or to view and mark over PDFs (post to your website) . Great in content areas too! Great for science notebooks or research.
The World HD / Social Studies / A digital world atlas.
Where Is It? / Social Studies / A quiz to build global awareness and geography skills.
HistoryTimelineOfAmericaOnEnglish / Social Studies / A reference tool for finding connections between events in history.
This Day / Social Studies / Like trivia, this app offers a quick set of connections to what happened on each day in history.
Stack Countries Lite / Social Studies / An engaging game to build global map awareness.
Famous People / Social Studies / Useful in context of biographies as well as history.
Geomaster US / Social Studies / Map skill challenges within the US
Stack the States Lite / Social Studies / An engaging game to build US States map awareness.
Atlas 2013 / Social Studies / A global map reference tool.
HistoryMaps / Social Studies / Compare and contrast maps in this app. See how history has changed the face of the world.
Google Earth / Social Studies / Use this interactive globe to build map skills and to enrich the Washington geography unit. Zoom in on the state for topography with the satellite view, get a feeling for the regions with the pictures feature.
Productivity and Misc.
Rover / Productivity / Use this remote browser to access educational FLASH based websites.
Flashcards / Projects/ Productivity / Have students make flashcards to help memorize key concepts or vocabulary words in any content area.
Comic Life / Projects/ Productivity / This app make it easy to create amazing posters, comic strips, or even graphic novels.
Keynote / Projects/ Productivity / Much like PowerPoint, make multimedia presentations or mini books in any content area
VoiceThread / Projects/ Productivity / Online tool to upload files (images, documents, presentations, narrate and annotate them and receive comments back. (3 simultaneous log in access points on a single log in) Subscription needed see your TOSA if you’d like an account.
Pic Collage / Projects/ Productivity / Create posters and collages in any subject or as a get to know you activity.
Dropbox / Projects/ Productivity / This allows free Cloud service app lets you to create a class account for up to 2Gig free storage and file transfer. Note that software for dropbox needs to be installed on any computers you want to use to access dropbox files. If you are planning to access this feature, please contact your tech specialist ahead of time.
Whiteboard / Projects/ Productivity / Use this like a math board or old-fashioned slate. Students write their answers in this app and hold them up for you to review at a glance during instruction.
Prezi / Projects/ Productivity / This app lets you create nonlinear presentations using an online account that you can create for your class.
iMovie / Projects/ Productivity / This app makes student made movies as a culminating project for any content area a snap.
Labelbox / Projects/ Productivity / A simple tool to take pictures and label them. Use for student pictures on authors’ wall, for labeling rocks brought in from home, for identifying cultural artifacts for the fair and more.
SkyDrive Pro / Projects/ Productivity / Microsoft’s answer to dropbox. Use this app to move files between an Office365 SkyDrive account and an app on the iPad.
Arts, Music & Choice
Doodle Buddy / Arts/ Productivity / A simple drawing tool. Useful for creation of student art rather than reliance on internet images. Use for visualization. Import images and label for diagrams.
Sdku School / Choice / Build logic and math skills with this Sodoku game
Mancala FS5 / Choice / Use logic and strategy to collect more marbles than your partner.
Chess Free / Choice / Play chess against the machine or a real partner.
Songify / Music / Speak in words and phrases and hear them come out as a pop style song. This is a fun way to publish poetry or key facts on a research topic.
GarageBand / Music / A wide array of music, composition, and recording tools. Make your own song to accompany an iMovie with just the right mood and rhythm.
Virtuoso / Music / Onscreen keyboard for music