written interview
WellSpring Christian Church
1001 Chapman’s Crossing
Spring Hill, TN37174
Birth Date:
Marital Status:
Spouse Name:
Children’s Names & Ages:
Where did you see this position advertised?
Please do not be afraid to provide simple sentence answers to most of the questions.
We hope to get to know you through this document, but we do not want this interview to take you hours to complete. Please strive for clarity and brevity in your responses.
- Last 3 books you’ve read:
- Last 3 movies you’ve watched:
- What are some of your hobbies and interests:
- Please tell us about when & how you became a Christian:
- Describe your relationship and walk with God:
- What are your spiritual gifts:
- Please briefly describe your responsibilities in your current position (last position), and explain why you are considering this new opportunity:
- Please tell us about anything in your past that we should know: have you been previously married and divorced, faced legal troubles, or imprisonment? Please explain the circumstances surrounding any such experience:
- Please explain briefly how you would lead someone to Christ – use Scriptureas appropriate:
- How would you describe your leadership style:
- Please tell us briefly about a positive experience you’ve had building and leading a team:
- Please tell us briefly about a recent conflict that you’ve experienced and how you resolved it:
- If you could snap your fingers and land your dream job, what would it be? Why?
- Ten years from now, I’d love to look back at my time with WellSpring and know that this was true:
- If we were to ask your friends and colleagues, what would they say is important to you in life? (including, but not limited to, ministry)
- Complete the following sentences:
I love it when churches
I hate it when churches
- Please examine our website ( and the materials that are provided as background for this position. Please explain here your reaction to these materials. Do you feel that your beliefs are consistent with our church (as best you can tell)? Do you feel compatible with the type of church we are – including our mission and strategy? From your review of these materials, is there anything about our church that concerns you?
We realize that this was a time consuming process, and appreciate your efforts. Your materials will be carefully reviewed and prayed over. You should receive a response within two weeks to let you know if we would like to continue to explore the possibility of serving together.