Review of Environment Customer Service Promises

Executive Member for Environment: Councillor Tracy Harvey

Executive Director for Corporate and Commercial Services:
Tony Parkinson

11th August 2015


  1. The purpose of this report is to update the Executive of the review of Environment Customer Service Promises, following the recommendations of the Environment Scrutiny Panel’s investigation into ‘Maintenance of Open Spaces’ in 2014 - 2015.
  1. That the Executive approves the proposed amendments to the Environment Customer Service Promises.


It is over the financial threshold (£150,000)
It has a significant impact on 2 or more wards
Non Key / X


  1. For the purposes of the scrutiny call in procedure this report is

Non-urgent / X
Urgent report

If urgent please give full reasons


  1. The Environment Department has historically published a number of Customer Service Promises which underpin the way that front line environmental services are delivered and what levels of service delivery standards can be expected by residents.
  1. These servicesare extremely important to residents and Members, and the service promises are publicised as the proposed levels of service the Council will provide to Middlesbrough residents in those key areas which have a significant impact on local environmental quality (LEQ).
  1. A high standard of LEQ has also been recognised as a major contributing factor to delivering a better quality of life for residents living within their local communities.
  1. As part of the Change Programme process an Options Appraisal of Environmental(Streetscene) Services was carried out in October 2013 which resulted in the identification of specific areas forcost savings.
  1. Budget cut proposals totalling £618,000were subsequently listedin the Mayors autumn 2013 budget statement,andwere approved for implementation in 2014 - 2015.
  1. Prior to this, in the period 2012 – 2014 budget reductions of circa £815,000 had also been made in these service areas.
  1. As a result of these proposed ongoing reductions, and the potential impact on LEQ, the Environment Scrutiny Panel carried out an investigation into ‘Maintenance of Open Spaces’ as part of their 2014-2015 work programme.
  1. A paper was prepared for the Scrutiny Panel which outlined the overall impact of the reductions covering both of these periods, (2012-2015) and is enclosed at appendix 1 of this report.
  1. As part of their investigation, the panel examined the existing Environment Customer Service Promises and the way that the service communicates with our residents, and made the following recommendation:

“That the scripts used by the contact centre be updated in light of the recent budget reductions to ensure that accurate advice is given to residents when enquiries relating to the maintenance of open spaces are submitted. The department’s service promises should also be refreshed and updated to reflect the current budget position”.

  1. During the period 2012-2014, significant changes to service delivery had been made, however the impact had not had a significant impact on standards of LEQ or service delivery standards, and the Customer Service Promises had not been reviewed during that period.
  1. The ongoing reductions will undoubtedly have an impact on future service delivery, therefore in accordance with the Scrutiny recommendation the service promises have now been reviewed, and this report sets out the proposed changes.
  1. The revised Service Promises are focussed upon maintaining standards of LEQ to the highest levels possible, and meeting the budgetary targets for the services over the next three years, whilsthaving the minimum negative impact on our residents.

Proposed Changes

  1. The proposed changes to the current Services Promises are summarised below. A copy of the full list ofnew Environment Customer Service Promises, including those existing service promises which are not proposed to changeis attached at appendix 2 of this report.
  • Asbestos – We will arrange to have dumped asbestos removed from Middlesbrough Council owned land within 48 hours (on a working day). We will pursue and prosecute those who dump asbestos where possible.
  • Becks - We will clean Middlesbrough Council owned Becks three times a year. We will attend blocked and flooded becks within two days.
  • Bonfires - We will remove Bonfires classified as dangerous by the Emergency Services within 24 hours of being notified – one working week prior to and one working week after Bonfire Night. At all other times Bonfires will be dealt with as flytipping.
  • Domestic Refuse – We will collect your Domestic Refuse weekly on the same day each week unless otherwise advised due to Bank Holidays.
  • Graffiti - We will remove racial and offensive graffiti from Middlesbrough Council owned land and buildings within one working day of being notified.
  • Graffiti – We will remove all other graffiti from Middlesbrough Council owned land and buildings within five working days of being notified.
  • Grassed Areas – We will cut park areas, open spaces and grass verges on average 13 times a year (weather permitting). We will cut other areas – beck sides, backlands and meadows – three times per year.
  • Green Waste Recycling – We provide a kerbside recycling scheme for green waste to all applicable households within Middlesbrough. This includes grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, flowers, plants and shrubs. We will collect green waste recycling on a fortnightly collection between the months of April to October.
  • Gullies – We will mechanically clean all road gullies twice a year. We will attend blocked drains within 24 hours.
  • Missed Refuse & Recycling Collections – If we fail to collect your refuse, recycling or green waste recycling bin through our mistake, we will collect it by the end of the following day.
  • Recycling – We provide a kerbside recycling scheme for papers, magazines, glass and textiles to all applicable households within Middlesbrough. We have provided four bring sites located throughout the Town. We will collect recycling on a fortnightly collection on the same day each week unless otherwise advised due to Bank Holidays.
  • Shrub Beds – We will apply herbicide once per year and then spot treat as necessary. Shrub beds that are prone to causing an obstruction or safety issues will be cut back annually to satisfy highway regulations. Rural and ancient hedgerows will be maintained on a rolling programme of 5 year inspections as per the Council’s Tree Policy.
  • Street Cleaning – We will clean and litter pick the Town Centre shopping parades seven days a week. Shopping parades outside of the Town Centre maintained by Middlesbrough Council will be cleaned and litter picked Monday to Saturday.
  • Street Cleaning – We will clean and litter pick all other areas at the required frequencies to meet our BV195 promise which is 90% of Streets to meet the Keep Britain Tidy criteria.
  • Weed Control – Roads and footpaths will be sprayed twice a year to control weeds. Where needed, further spot treatment will be carried out.


  1. A stage 1 impact assessment has been carried out and is attached at appendix 3 of this report. No detrimental impact has been identified within any specific groups.


  1. Option 1 – Do nothing: This is not an appropriate option as the current service standards are outdated, some cannot be delivered within the reduced cost envelope for these services, and the service promises need to be brought into line with the 3 year plans for the future delivery of Environment Services within the available budgets.
  1. The review of Environment Customer Service Promises was also approved by Executive as part of the Service Response to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Panel.
  1. Option 2– Carry out a review of Environment Customer Services. This is the preferred option as it accords with the Scrutiny recommendation and the direction of the Executive, and allows the service to review and update the service promises, aligning them with the three year plan for the delivery of these services within the available budgets.
  1. This will enable the service to widely publicise the new service promises and give residents a more accurate expectation of what the Council is proposing to deliver in these key areas in the future.


  1. Financial –The financial implications of the budget reductions which have resulted in this review are all factored into the three year budget for Environmental Services and the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan.
  1. The service must therefore be redesigned to enable the most important services to be delivered to the highest standards possible within the available budgets.
  1. Ward Implications –These services are delivered in all wards and are seen as very important to residents and Ward Members, often seen as the services upon which residents form their opinion on the Council as a whole.
  1. The service promises have been reviewed with this in mind, and the three year plan for these services is focussed upon maintaining standards of LEQ to the highest levels possible, and meeting the budgetary targets for the services, whilsthaving the minimum negative impact on our residents.
  1. Member Consultation - The Executive Member for Environment has been consulted during the review process, and It is proposed to take the proposed service promises back to the Environment Scrutiny Panel prior to circulation to the public.
  1. The revised service promises will then be widely publicised to residents and Ward Members, they will be available on the Council website and will be featured in the Love Middlesbrough magazine.
  1. In line with the review, and the Scrutiny recommendation, the Environment Contact Centre scripts will also be reviewed to ensure that the public receive accurate responses to their enquiries.
  1. Legal Implications – There are no legal implications in the review of Environment Customer Service Promises as statutory services will continue to be maintained to the appropriate levels.


  1. The topic of ‘Maintenance of Open Spaces’ and the effects of the budget cuts was examined by the Environment Scrutiny Panel at meetings held on 11th August, 8th September, 29th September, 20 October and 10th November 2014.
  1. The final report was considered and approved by Overview and Scrutiny Board on 6th January 2015.
  1. The report was then considered and approved by Executive on 17th February 2015.
  1. That the Executive approves the proposed amendments to the current Environment Customer Service Promises.
  1. To ensure that the existing Service Promises, scripts used by the Contact Centre, guidance publicisedto residents, and information on the Councils website,are updated to reflect the current budget position.
  1. This review reflects the three year plan for the delivery of these services, which is focussed upon maintaining standards of LEQ to the highest levels possible, and meeting the budgetary targets for the services, whilsthaving the minimum negative impact on our residents.
  1. Environment Scrutiny Panel meetings minutes - 11th August, 8th September, 29th September, 20 October and 10th November 2014.
  1. Overview and Scrutiny Board minutes - 6th January 2015.
  1. Executive minutes - 17th February 2015.

AUTHOR: Keith Garland

TEL NO: 01642 300508


