U.S. DepartmentSocial Studies

Name of CourseSocial Studies

Grades6thType of Courserequired

Number of meetings per six-day rotation5

I.Brief Course Description

This course is designed to utilize a regional approach to the study of the geographical, historical, political, economic and cultural development of the world (specifically Asia and Africa). Each regional unit will help students develop important geographical skills and gain a broad-based understanding of key historical figures, events, cultural characteristics and current political, economic and social situations.

  1. To begin to help students learn to read and interpret maps, charts and graphs;
  2. To help students use and integrate technology to research, create presentations and increase basic understanding;
  3. To begin to help students read, listen and think critically;
  4. To help students to further develop a capacity to respect the values of those who are different from themselves;
  5. To begin to help students recognize and easily distinguish between fact and opinion;
  6. To begin to help students cement note-taking and organizational skills;
  7. To begin to help students learn how to study effectively using mnemonic devices and other study aids;
  8. To begin to help students learn to read effectively both independently and in front of the class;
  9. To begin to help students to understand the basic vocabulary and concepts central to the areas of geography and history;
  10. To begin to teach students how to analyze and attempt resolution of problems;
  11. To begin to help students understand the interdependence of all nations under study;
  12. To begin to help students understand the opinions, attitudes and beliefs of people of other cultures.
III.Topics Covered
  1. Political/physical geography of Asia and Africa
  2. Basic historical overview of Asia and Africa
  3. Cultural characteristics of Asia and Africa
  4. Key current events of Asia and Africa
IV.Materials Used
A.World Cultures: A Global Mosaic (Pearson/Prentice-Hall)
  1. Teacher created and acquired materials (study guides, graphic organizers, supplemental readings—articles/worksheets)
  2. “SmartBoard” with LCD projector
  3. Laptop computers
  4. MrStott.com web site and links
  5. “Quia” internet quizzes and review games
  6. DVD, CD, VHS, maps, posters, “Jeopardy” review games
A.Cooperative learning activities
C.Classroom discussion
D.PowerPoint presentations
E.Concept mapping
F.Problem-based learning
G.Guided reading
H.Review games
I.Additional help outside class (pre-test reviews)
J.Web site investigation
K.Board work


N.Individual learning activities/projects/readings


A.Tests/Quizzes—40% of quarter grades

B.Homework/In-class assignments—40% of quarter grades

C.Projects—research papers, presentations, etc.—20% of quarter grades

D.Final Test/Exam—10% of overall semester grade