Westminster Chimes

January 2016





Rev. John W. Pope, S.T.M. , Pastor

It was a wonderful season of Advent preparation and Christmas celebration at Westminster this year! The sights, sounds, decorations, singing, fellowship and worship services prepared our hearts for the great celebration of the birth of Christ in Bethlehem and the Good News of “Emmanuel, God with Us!”

This Good News was especially meaningful to Joyce and me as we celebrated Christmas day in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Florida Hospital, which marked the nineteenth day of her hospitalization. Each day I visited her I proceeded from the parking garage across the indoor bridge down the escalator to the main part of the hospital where the BMT Unit was located. As I rode down that escalator I was reminded of “Emmanuel, God With Us” by the huge art work that looms three stories high for all to see coming down the escalator. It portrays in a wondrous work of art that “In the Beginning God Created”. Emmanuel, God With Us, our Creator and Redeemer was indeed with on this journey we were experiencing together, Joyce and I.

Joyce was discharged from the hospital four days later on the 29th of January. The total twenty-three days through Advent and Christmas was indeed a significant challenge for Joyce and less so for me, but it was even more a healing story of wondrous medical technology, devoted physicians, nurses, technicians, management, and staff, all in the context of the Christian based atmosphere and mission of Florida Hospital which is stated around the hospital hallways and units, “To extend the healing ministry of Christ”. We could have not wanted in that context to be anywhere else, that is, except home! 

Joyce will be closely monitored for the next 30 days (appointments twice a week), and less so for the next year, while her bone marrow/immune system returns to its normal level. The treatment was successful and she is on the mend. Each day her whole body is getting stronger from all the stress it’s been through. I see this happening each day as she is gradually gaining her weight back, her strength, her hair-do(!), and, I might add, she is getting more “opinionated” as the days go on with how I should be doing certain things in the home. This is normal. 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and lived among us.….The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1: 5, 14). This was our joy for Christmas, but not only for us, for all! And this is our joy for the New Year, but not only for us, but for all!

And so with Mary and Joseph its now back to Nazareth to live our lives in a new year, but with one great difference for now and for eternity: He who was born in Bethlehem, who was from Nazareth, is Emmanuel, God with us…God with you..God with Joyce and me, God with His Creation. As John writes in the 20th chapter of Revelations: “See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them as their God. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them.” Joy to the World! Happy New Year!

Pastor (Skipper) John

Deacon News

Happy New Year! We hope that 2016 brings many blessings to all of you.

January’s Upcoming Events:

17 Soup & Sandwich lunch following worship

28 Lunch & Movie @ Noon

31 Lunch Out following worship

Prayer List:

Joyce Pope

John Pope

Mary Lee

Jim Ellerbe

John Miller

Jean Miller

Betty Schuder

Tom Young

Sarah & Bryant

Eleanor Rouse

Lisa Cave

Wendy Snow

God Bless!

The Sharing Center

Please help Westminster support The Sharing Center this year with the Souper Bowl canned soup drive. Bring soup on or before February 7.

Holiday Programs Update

Thanks to you and a compassionate community, our Thanksgiving food program was a great success – over 300 families and 100 homeless were served with balanced, nutritious food.We distributed 600 Christmas dinner bags last month! Families received fresh produce (6,000 lbs will be distributed) and candy treats.

Per Capita

Just a friendly reminder, don’t forget the per capita this year. Per capita is about $15 per member of the church and it is paid to Central Florida Presbytery every year based on our membership. When you pay this cost, the church doesn’t have to. It is due the first of the year. Also, an additional $5 will cover each family’s box of pledge envelopes. There are special envelopes in the front of your pledge envelope box.

Gleanings from Session

  1. Noted audit was completed with no discrepancies.
  2. Noted Pastor John’s contract as Stated supply was extended.
  3. Noted membership stands at 23.
  4. Received presbytery report.
  5. Received treasurer’s report.
  6. Extended 2015 budget through Jan. 2016.
  7. Requested Executive Presbyter attend Jan. 2016 session meeting to discuss WPC future.
  8. Requested Triennial visit be held in Feb. 2016.
  9. Called a congregational meeting for Jan. 17, 2016 to elect officers.
  10. Called an Annual Congregational/ Corporation meeting for Feb. 28, 2016.

Noted Sunday School is discussing the birth of Christ as told in Matthew and in Luke.



5 Mary Villilo

17 Kay Vinson

31 Bill Peek

Treasurer’s Report



27Jim and Sharon Ellerbe



November / 2015 / YTD (Year-to-Date) 2015
Income / 3460 / Income / 30454.01
Disbursed / 6553.39 / Disbursed / 80445.43
+/- / -3093.39 / +/- / -49991.42

Please remember your church in your will.

Westminster Presbyterian Church

2641 Red Bug Lake Road

Casselberry, FL 32707

Thank you Lord for

Thank you Lord for