PRESENT:Mr. C. Saunders (Chairman), Mr. B. Myerscough, (Vice-Chairman),

Mr.R. Bulson,Mrs. C. Winser,Mr. K. Jenssen, WCllr. P. Whitehead

Mrs. S. Deegan (Clerk) and2 Members of the Public.



There were no new declarations.


The Minutes of the meeting held on15th September, 2014, which had previously been circulated byemail, were taken as read and approved as a true and accurate record. These werethen duly signed by the Chairman.


2.1 Stream/Drains and Village Flooding

The Clerk reported that she had received a pamphlet from the EA entitled “Living on the Edge” which together with a ‘resend’ letter from Wiltshire Council on Flood Risk was passed to the Flood Working Group for consideration/action. It was also noted that 20 copies of the communication setting out riparian responsibility as stipulated by the Environment Agency had been given to the Chairman for distribution.Councillor Bulson thanked the meeting for the new 8 foot pole which had been purchased to assist him with stream/culvert clearing work.

Councillor Bulson had attended the meeting of the Northern Operational Flood Working Group on 17th September and reported that the four specific items as set out below would be looked into; however, there was little else of relevance to Easterton Parish.

1. Proposed housing development is causing concerns and the Parish would like the

drainage team to look at the plans. The developers are aware of the issues and Steve

Scothern (WC land drainage engineer) is keeping an eye on this.

2. The Parish is still interested in developing a water storage system and is looking at

ways it could be funded.

3. Would like the river running through the main street dredged but are concerned

about consent and methodology for works. As this watercourse is designated

enmained consents would be needed from the EA.

4. Black & Vetch produced a report regarding structures for the channel and the Parish

would like to look at this.

The Clerk advised that she had now received a duplicate invoice from Hydro-Logic for the sum of £911.90 (inc.VAT £151.98) which covered the renewal and maintenance of the telemetry system. It was agreed that this should be paid.

Since the last meeting the Chairman reported that he had written to Highways (Sarah Hanks) on a number of flood issues concerning Easterton in particular the vulnerability of the two dwellings below the Village Hall and to Judith Gregory regarding the Jam Factory foul drainage and its possible effects on houses in the High Street. In addition Ron Crook had produced a record of flood events over the best part of the last 175 years and emailed his findings to the Environment Agency in the hope that a meeting could be arranged together with Wiltshire Council to find a way of determining a long term solution to the flooding problems of Easterton.

The ownership/responsibility of the culvert at the lower end of White Street was still unresolved and there was some inconclusive discussion about what could be done to resolve the blockage issues including the possible removal of the grass verge. The Chairman had reported the slipped verge to Sarah Hanks and an engineer’s report was awaited.

2.2 Planning

2.2.1 Jam Factory Site, Kings Road, Easterton. App. No.14/04531/VAR

Registered 23.6.14

Further amended plans had been received and circulated and it was agreed to submit the following to Karen Guest:

“The Parish Council has considered the revised plans for the above site and has no objections to a number of small planning revisions submitted by the developers. That said there are just two associated points which we wish to have examined further as follows:-

1. Traffic calming measures in Kings Road. We do not appear to have received information regarding the installation of any proposed calming measures which will be necessary as a result of the development of this site which will undoubtedly lead to a greatly increased usage of this narrow road above the entrance to the site.

2. We have carefully considered the additional information provided on water drainage issues but it is felt that further enquiries need to be made into the reassurances which have been provided that the proposed arrangements will be adequate to ensure that there will be no worsening in the flood risk resultant from the development of this site. This aspect is being followed up by our Flood Working Group through the good offices of Philip Whitehead (Wiltshire Cllr) and accordingly we would wish to reserve our position until the outcome of these further enquiries become available which we hope will be in the very near future.”

With regard to the possible development plans for the Halstead Farm field there had been no news from the owner and there were currently no fly-tipping problems. The overgrown condition of the fieldwas still being monitored.

2.2.2 16 High Street, Easterton. App. No. 14/07901/FUL. Registered 20.8.14.

It was noted that this proposal for a rear extension to the dwelling had been granted by Wiltshire Council with conditions on 8th October. It was agreed to discharge.

2.3 Village Hall Play Area

The Clerk advised the meeting that the annual safety inspection by RoSPA had taken place and apart from a missing bolt cover there were no problems. It was noted, however, that the extra items had incurred a slight increase in the cost of the survey which had risen to £88.80 (inc. VAT £14.80) as compared with the previous year of £78 (inc. VAT £13). It was agreed to pay the invoice.

2.4 General Rubbish/Former Recycling Area

Councillor Bulson reported that the area had been kept clean and the blue bin (i.e. the secure container housing flood management equipment) would be moved to this central location as soon as this could be arranged with the help of a fork lift truck. It was noted that the keys to the container were held by members of the Flood Working Group and this had been included in the Echoes.

2.5. Traffic and Road Conditions

2.5.1 Footpaths and Byways

Byway 4: The Parish Gardener had been asked to trim the bordering hedges/verges as these had now become somewhat overgrown.

Footpath 6: The Parish Gardener had been requested to carry out a further maintenance cut on this route. The Clerk had also been in touch with Paul Millard (Footpath Warden) regarding his outstanding commitment to deal with the rabbit holes through the parish-by-parish maintenance programme. This had not yet reached Easterton although Paul had reiterated his intention to deal with this footpath as soon as his commitment in Market Lavington had come to an end.

Footpath 17:It was noted that action was still awaited regarding the installation of some anti slip surfacing strips on the sleeper bridge. Paul Millard confirmed his intention to deal with this on the parish programme and would look at the sleepers in order to determine if they needed an anti slip surface as these were not normally installed on sleeper bridges. Way marking would also be checked on the survey as well.

Bridleway 26: It was noted that there was nothing further to report at this time regarding the reinstatement of the original byway.

Footpath 15:The Chairman had inspected this footpath in order to ascertain whether any further clearance works were necessary,which they were in respect of overhanging growth over six foot, and he advised the meeting that he would speak to the landowner’s maintenance man as soon as he was able.

Byway 5:(Sam Moore’s Lane) It was noted that the Parish Gardener had been asked to remove any overgrowth (brambles etc.) which was causing an obstruction and the meeting was advised by Paul Millard that this byway had already received some attention to the channels at the southern end when repairs to Oak Lane had been undertaken. However, he agreed to arrangefor this to be inspected again to ascertain its current condition; as it was a byway rather than a footway it may not be a smooth surface but the Footpath Warden would check to see if it met intervention level.

Footpath 2/32:It was noted that the application for funding from PIGS had been successful and that a £300 contribution would be forthcoming which represented one half of the estimated cost of creating steps on the steepest part offootpath no.2. The landowner’s permission had been sought in respect of these proposed works but there had been no response. In the meantime the Clerk had established from Michel Crook, the Countryside Access Development Officer in charge of the PIGS scheme,that the works could go ahead without the agreement of the landowner if none was forthcoming since the installation of steps was considered to be a safety measure. The Chairman, however, felt that one last attempt to speak to Mr. Vyze and gain his approval would be preferential.

Bridleway 19/footpath 17:It was noted that there was nothing further to report regarding the promised installation of a stile on the fence line junction alongside the footpath had not materialised and the Chairman undertook to speak to Daniel Palmer to establish when this work was likely to be implemented.

Byway 7 (Vicarage Lane): It was noted that there was an urgent need to fill in some deep ruts that had appeared on this byway and Paul Millard had agreed to inspect it and carry out appropriate repairs. This was noted.

2.5.2. Hedges

Nothing to report.

2.5.3. Potholes/ RoadSurfaces

It was noted that a large pothole had developed at the bottom of White Street at the junction with the High Street. This was appropriately reported (activated) by Councillor Whitehead during the meeting.

2.5.4 Pavements

The meeting learned that a number of brambles and overgrowth were now obstructing the pavement at the junction of the Well footpath where it joined the High Street to the left. The Chairman said that this area was maintained by Highways and he would put it on his list of works to be discussed with Sarah Hanks.

2.5.5. Cemetery Maintenance

The Clerk reported that two conifers in the cemetery needed cutting back and for this work the Parish Gardener had quoted £80; he had further quoted £150 for the provision and installation of a replacement gate leading from the cemetery to the grass keep. The meeting agreedto proceed with both items of work and the Clerk would notify Mark Goddard accordingly.

2.5.6. Parish Gardener

An invoice had been received from Mark Goddard for an extra cut to all footpaths amounting to £120, cutting back Oak Lane verge £150 and clearing of silt shelf by Halstead Farm (twice) £80. It was agreed to pay the total of £350.

2.6 Parish Steward/Highways and Streetscene Service/Maintenance of the Village

With regard to the damaged headwall by the railings at the junction of the High StreetCouncillor Bulson said that the stanchion which had rusted right through was actually outside no. 29 High Street. Sarah Hanks had been advised of the situation.

As nothing had yet been organised to accommodate painting the railings although the WC contractor had been instructed to undertake this work this was another item for discussion with Sarah Hanks on 23rd October.

The Chairman informed the meeting that the date he was due to meet up with Sarah Hanks had been changed to 23rd October (from 16th) to discuss a programme of works for the Community Day on 28th October and he would take the opportunity to pick up all the matters that had been identified and any others which needed attention.

2.7 Police Liaison including Neighbourhood Watch

The Clerk reported that she had received an updating report from PC James Sheatewhich showed that from 1st to 30th September there had been two reported burglaries in the area. One in Market Lavington and the other in Potterne. There had been some reports of anti social behaviour in the area but nothing of note.

It was noted that the Chairman had circulated the Crime Commissioner’s Rural Crime Survey earlier in the month.

Councillor Myerscough advised the meeting that a damaged red car with a broken back end appeared to have been abandoned outside No. 1 Oak Lane and it was agreed that this be reported to the appropriate authority.

2.8 Area Boards

It was noted that the next meeting was due to be held on Monday, 24th November at 6.30pm.

2.9 Devizes Community Area Partnership (DCAP)

Councillor Myerscough reported that he had received an email from Ian Bell regarding the work he was currently doing with rural communities which involved advice on neighbourhood planning. This was noted.

2.10 Future Parish Council Meetings

These were confirmed as follows: 18th November and 19th January, 2015.

2.11 Village Millennium Planters

Councillor Myerscough reported that he had ordered the £5 vouchers for distribution and would contact the Clerk for payment when this became necessary.There was nothing further to report.

2.12 Defibrillator

It was noted that Wadworths had givenfinal approval for the installation of a defibrillator at the Royal Oak pub and a position had now been identified for the siting of the cabinet. Councillor Myerscough advised the meeting that an anonymous donor had confirmed willingness to pay the full amount of £1600. With regard to the associated electrical works the landlord at the Royal Oak would be making the necessary arrangements and a second volunteer donor had offered £100 towards the cost.

The meeting then considered the arrangements for a training session to be held so that as many people as possible in the Village could be provided with the necessary knowledge to operate the defibrillator in an emergency. It was agreed that the Village Hall would be the most appropriate location and it was decided that it should be held on Monday, 8th December between 7.30pm and 9.30pm and an invitation for anybody with an interest in this potentially life-saving equipment would be welcome to attend so that they could be given appropriate instructions by the South West Ambulance Trust.

2.13 Wiltshire Core Strategy/Neighbourhood Plan

It was agreed that a watching brief should be maintained regarding Market Lavington’s progress towards the formulation of a Neighbourhood Plan and to this end the Clerk had circulated a copy of the most recent minutes produced by the ML steering group.

2.14 Parish Council Vacancy

The Chairman reported that he had received two informal expressions of interest regarding possible co-option to fill the current vacancy and it was agreed that this item should be carried forward to the November meeting.

2.15 Village Website

The Chairman said that he was seeking to progress this item and hoped to be able to resolve the problems as soon as possible and at the same time he would contact Peter Baxter (Clerk, West Lavington PC) for further information regarding the possible use of a different platform.

2.16 Easterton Village Forum

It was noted that a letter of thanks had been received from the Treasurer confirming receipt of the £150 donation made by the Parish Council as a contribution to the cost of the Early Summer Party. Discharge agreed.

2.17 Dangerous Driving – Kings Road

The Clerk advised that this issue had now been reported by Market Lavington Parish Council to the Devizes Area Board for consideration on 24th November. It was agreed that inter alia it would be helpful if monitoring could be carried out by means of a metro count. This was noted.

2.18 Dangerous Parking – High Street

It was noted that in response to the letter the Chairman had written to PC Sheate on the subject of dangerous parking in the High Street the latter reported that the specific vehicle concerned had not been found parked on the road and therefore there was little they could do. However, the Chairman said that although he would continue to liaise with PC Sheate his ultimate aim was to explore the possibility of having white lines painted at the appropriate point along the High Street in an effort to ensure that there was a clear line of sight for motorists. To this end he had written to Sarah Hanks and included photos of the area for her consideration. This would be one of the items on the list of works to be discussed shortly when the Chairman met up with her.

The meeting had also considered the possibility of a “hatched area” being painted at the end of the Royal Oak car park which adjoins the High Street in an effort to improve visibility. To this end the Chairman had spoken to the landlord who had no problem with the proposal and had subsequently written to Sarah Hanks regarding this possibility. The Chairman said this would be put on the list for discussion when he met up with her in the very near future.

2.19 Parish Council Liability