The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Application for support from

2014-15Research Capability Funding

Applications can be submitted by email to (electronic signatures will be accepted) or in hard-copy to Mrs Emma Reynolds, Clinical Academic Office Administrator, M3.100, 3rd Floor, William Leech Building, Medical School

Deadline for applications: Tuesday 1st July 2014

Late applications will not be accepted

Project Title:

Applicant details

Job Title:
Employing Institution:
Clinical Directorate:

Co-applicant details

(Name, Title, Employing Institution)

Justification of all funding requested

**Duplicate this page if requesting support for more than one post**

Information on this page is required for each post in which funding is being requested.

For example, if you are requesting funding for two posts, please ensure this full page is completed for each.

Funding requested*

Staff Name (if applicable):
Job Title:
Employing Institution:
Start Date:
End Date:
Salary Grade Spine Point:
Amount Requested £

*FEC and overheads will not be paid

Please refer to the guidelines for further explanation of the categories below. At least one of the 11 categories must be selected for the funding requested to be eligible.

NIHR RCF may be used to support the costs of some or all of the following:

Please tick all that apply

1. / The research related component of an NIHR Faculty member’s salary, which is not covered by other funding sources.
2. / Salary costs of new staff who are expected to be NIHR Faculty members, but who have not yet obtained funding from other NIHR sources.
3. / Salary costs of existing NIHR Faculty members who are ‘between grants’.
4. / The time of NIHR Faculty members in contributing to the wider research endeavour (e.g. membership of peer review panels).
5. / The research-related time of NHS-employed scientific, administrative and secretarial staff that support NIHR Faculty members in their NIHR-related work.

RCF may be used to contribute towards the following:

Please tick all that apply

6. / Meeting the accommodation, finance management and human resource management costs incurred in hosting NIHR-funded research.
7. / Meeting the cost of the time of NIHR faculty members in preparing grant proposals.
8. / The net costs incurred by the host organisation in meeting the salary of an individual supported by NIHR, while on maternity, paternity or long-term sick leave less any recoverable statutory pay that the employer is entitled to claim.
9. / Back-filling key NIHR-grant funded posts left temporarily vacant during the award period by a member of staff taking maternity, paternity, or long-term sick leave, where absence will seriously compromise success of NIHR-funded research.
10. / The cost of training in research management and governance for staff of the Trust’s R&D office.
11. / The sponsorship and governance costs associated with research included in the NIHR CRN portfolio, where these costs are not met in other ways.

Is this bid aiming to:Tick which applies

a) Generate a high quality research proposal

b) Develop research infrastructure

Grant proposal(s) to be developed (details of funder and funding stream, planned date of submission) or infrastructure support to be provided

Sufficient detail needs to be provided to allow the panel to judge the scientific merit of the proposed grant and the justification for the support requested BUT no more than one side of A4.

Please highlight whether this is a project from an Academic Clinical Directorate or a Division.

Track record of applicant(s)in obtaining clinical research funding

Describe any NHS service implications of the bid and how the Directorate will manage these


Applicant Signature / Date

**All applications must be signed by a finance officer**

If you are requesting funding for a Trust employed post, please obtain a signature from Gillian Chater, Assistant Finance Director, NuTH. Please ensure for Trust employed posts the costing obtained from Wendy Mitson is attached.

If you are requesting funding for a university employed post, please obtain a signature from the Joint Research Office, Grants and Contracts Team.

Finance Officer Signature
(Trust – Gillian Chater) / Date
Finance Officer Signature
(University – JRO Signatory) / Date

If there are NHS service implications, these must be discussed with and approved by your Clinical Director

Clinical Director Signature / Date

**Unsigned applications will not be accepted**