HOBY TN 2013
Returning Junior Staff Application
This application is only for RETURNING Junior Staff Volunteers who have served in a junior staff role for one or more years. FIRST TIME Junior Staffer hopefuls must complete their own application.
HOBY TN 2013 Volunteer Application Section I
Section I: Applicant Information
Name:Date of Birth:
City, State & Zip:
High School:
HOBY Alum Year:
Junior Staff Year(s):
T-shirt size:
What is the best way to contact you?
__ Email __ Text __ Phone __ Facebook
Junior Staff are expected to:
1. Be present during the entire leadership seminar weekend:
· Starting Thursday May 16, 2013 at 7:00PM for staff training and overnight stay
· Seminar will run from Friday May 17 to Sunday May 19, 2013
2. Serve as outstanding role models for Ambassadors,
3. Commit to completing and logging a minimum of 100 hours of service at least 30 days before the seminar start date.
4. Make sure one student is attending HOBY from their school.
5. Serve on the recruitment committee during the fall months (contact a list of schools-via phone or personal visit-and tell them about your HOBY experience in order to ensure they register a sophomore from their school).
6. Participate fully in any HOBY sponsored fundraising events (as you are able).
7. Complete and turn in section 1-4 of this application on or before December 1, 2012 to .
Section III: Volunteer Goals
HOBY Tennessee Junior Staff Volunteer Goals
As you know, HOBY depends on its volunteer staff to plan, organize, and run the seminar. As veteran junior staff members, we are asking you to take a more active role in the pre-seminar planning aspect and commit to helping out in specific ways.
All junior staff members should choose one of the following goals to complete:
Note: Fundraising money must be received by May 15 unless you have made special arrangements and all volunteer service can be counted toward your 100 Leadership for Service hours.
__ ENTHUSIASTIC JUNIOR STAFFER: Fundraise $300 in cash or gift-in-kind donation of items from our wish list.
__ SIZZLIN’ JUNIOR STAFFER: Fundraise $200 in cash or gift-in-kind donation of items from our wish list and visit 2 cooperating organizations (see description below).
__ OUTSTANDING JUNIOR STAFFER: Fundraise $100 in cash or cash equivalent in gift-in-kind donation of items from our wish list and visit 5 cooperating organizations.
Fundraising Ideas –Help plan fundraising events, brainstorm ideas, gather information for grant proposals, conduct research, and contact businesses in your area for donations of gift cards and other items like snacks, water, pens, and t-shirts.
Cooperating Organizations – Contact service clubs in your area. For example: Optimist Club, Rotary Club, General Federation for Women’s Club, Elks Lodge, American Legion, Daughters of the American Revolution, Lions Club, Leo Club, Chamber of Commerce, Points of Light, etc. Many of these groups have an interest in the work that HOBY does but just need a student to speak to their club at a meeting about HOBY and let them know how they can help. Clubs can serve HOBY by contributing money, donated items or by serving as volunteers or speakers.
Section II: Short Essays (provide answers on a separate document if necessary)
Answer the questions provided below in 1 paragraph.
1. What did you feel was your greatest contribution to the Junior Staff in the past year(s)?
2. What do you feel was your greatest weakness as a staff member and how will you work to improve upon it if selected this year?
3. What is your best memory from being on Junior Staff?
4. Now that it’s been a few years since you attended HOBY as an ambassador, how do you feel that HOBY has affected your life?
5. What sort of volunteer work have you done in the past year?
6. If you could do one service project anywhere in the world, what would it be and where would you do it?
Section III: Agreement
I, [ ], having read and understood the application and its contents, affirm that I agree to the expectations of being a Junior Staff member.
If I am selected for the 2013 Tennessee HOBY Junior Staff, I will be available to attend HOBY TN at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN, beginning at 7:00PM on Thursday May 16 through the end of the day on Sunday May 19, 2013.
I commit to fulfilling the fundraising and volunteer goals I have chosen as a:
__ ENTHUSIASTIC Jr. Staffer __ SIZZLIN’ Jr. Staffer __ OUTSTANDING Jr. Staffer
I am aware that donations to HOBY TN are non-refundable. I commit to completing 100 hours of volunteer service and logging this service on the HOBY website at www.hoby.org at least 30 days before the seminar.
I confirm that a student from my high school will be attending the 2013 HOBY seminar.
I understand that if I do not fulfill any of the requirements I have committed to before the seminar I may not be able to participate.
Electronic signature: ______Date:______
Email this application by November 1st to or mail to:
PO Box 22770
Nashville, TN 37202
You will be notified no later than December 15, 2012 if you have been accepted. If you have any questions email:
HOBY Tennessee Sponsorship Opportunities
Through the generosity of Tennessee businesses, individuals, and service organizations, local HOBY volunteers and alumni are raising the funds necessary to provide the HOBY leadership experience to as many students in Tennessee as possible
We invite you to help make a difference in the life of a deserving sophomore by making a donation to help offset some of HOBY TN’s costs to provide this amazing leadership experience.
___ Yes! I want to make a tax-deductible contribution to Tennessee HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar!
___ $175.00 (covers all expenses for one student for the 4-day seminar)
___ $100.00 (covers a student’s meals for 4 days)
___ $50.00 (covers the cost of a student’s lodging for 3 nights)
___ $25.00 (covers the cost of a student’s meals for 1 day)
___ $10.00 (covers a student’s dinner meal)
___ Other amount $______
__ Yes! I want to make a gift-in-kind donation to the Tennessee HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar!
p Bottled water p Notebooks and/or folders
p Snacks p Postage Stamps
p Nametags p Welcome bags
p Design and/or Printing services p Thank you cards
p Photographer p Bus transportation
p T-shirts for 150 students volunteers p Photocopying services
p Breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 150 p Pads of paper and pens
p Gift cards to grocery stores, drugstores, or discount stores
Thank you for your contribution! Please complete this form and mail to HOBY TN, PO Box 22770. Nashville, TN 37202. For sponsorships, please make your checks payable to HOBY Tennessee. Tax-deductible receipts will be mailed to you.
Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Email: ______Phone: ( ) ______
Volunteer/Alumni who told me about HOBY: ______
p Please check this box if you would like more information on opportunities to be a volunteer and/or seminar panelist.