7th Grade On-level RELA Lesson Plans
Week of August 29 – September 2, 2011
Monday / Warm Up: Copy the week’s agenda; write BIRTHDAY textbook login/password/web- Warm-up: Grammar paragraph revisions – nouns, verbs, intro. Basic pronouns
- HOMEWORK: handout grammar paragraph (FORMATIVE)
- Turn in Friendly Letter (rough draft & Final Draft)
- Introduce Narrative Reading/Writing Terminology
Tuesday / Warm Up: Review grammar homework; ASSESSMENT 8/31; Students are to use a textbook to define the following terms: Memoir, Personal Narrative, Plot, Exposition, Rising Action, Conflict, Falling Action, Resolution/Denoument (RELA FOREVER)
- Open to WRITING OUTCOMES section of binder; QUICK WRITE: Every person’s name is a reflection of the person himself/herself. What do you believe is important about a person’s name? How does your name reflect your personality or your culture?
- Remind that this 6 weeks is NARRATIVE STRUCTURE, and today’s focus is on a MEMOIR – quick PPT introduction of Julia Alvarez; IN CLASS all annotate NAMES/NOMBRES excerpt. (FORMATIVE)
- Students will read the entire selection on their own at home and complete any definitions of terms needed.
“I can annotate an excerpt of text that is relevant to narrative structure.”
Fig. 19 A, C, D;
8 A
Wednesday / Warm Up: Review Grammar notes
- Grammar Assessment
- Open textbook and define: theme, mood, tone, characterization, imagery, Internal Conflict, External Conflict, Point of View
- Adjectives/Adverbs – word sort/notes on ppt.; ASSESSMENT Wed., 7
- Homework practice sentence basics/descriptions; finish terms definitions
“I can define terms and apply them to text read.”
Thursday / Warm-Up: WRITING OUTCOMES: In the story “Names/Nombres”, the character faced embarrassing situations because of her cultural and familial differences. Explain in a page journal/diary entry about a time you were embarrassed by a family tradition or just by one of your family members.
- SOAPSTONE – Review Strategy and apply to “Names/Nombres” (FORMATIVE)
- Using the terms defined, how are each reflected in the memoir “Names/Nombres”. What is their function in relaying the story to readers?
- Discuss the idea of how SENSORY DETAILS aid an author’s purpose in sending a message to the reader.
- Hold brief discussion about Sensory Details in “Names/Nombres”
Fig. 19A, C, D
Friday / Warm Up: Define Biography, autobiography, fictional adaptation
- Discuss fictional adaptation, biography and autobiography and further differentiate each with sources and forms – charted on page 778.
- Read “Christopher Reeve” and “Living Without Fear” and discuss
- Review all terms and readings from week. (FORMATIVE)
- *SUMMATIVE OF TEXT READ THUS FAR???** NEXT WEEK using Terms, Sensory details, Tone, Mood, Conflict (chart completion)
19 A, B, C