Women in the Spirit Retreat

February 5 – 7, 2016

“In the presence of the angels I will sing your praise.” Psalms 138:1

Name: ______Date of Birth (Month and Day): ______

Street Address: ______

City, State, & Zip: ______

Home Phone: (______) – (______) – (______) Work Phone (______) – (______) – (______)

Cell Phone (______) – (______) – (______) E-Mail: ______

Do you have any food allergies, medical, or mobility issues that we need to be aware of? If yes, fill in below:



Emergency Contact: ______Relationship: ______

Emergency Contact Phone Number(s) (_____) – (_____) – (_____) / (_____) – (_____) – (______)

Are you a Prince of Peace Parishioner? Yes____ No____ (If no, please see instructions on Page 2.)

Please check appropriate boxes:

______I have included my non-refundable deposit of $45. Remaining balance of $125 is due by Jan. 18, 2016.

______I have included the total fee of $170

______I request financial assistance.

We are asking for $170 as the retreat fee. Please prayerfully consider an additional gift to support those unable to afford the full retreat fee.

Matthew 25:40 “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me”

______I am willing to make an additional financial gift of $______to enable others to attend the retreat


[The annual WITS Retreat is not a Prince of Peace-sponsored event]


This retreat is scheduled for February 5 - 7, 2016 at Kaiserhof Retreat Center located about 10 miles from Prince of Peace. This annual WITS Retreat is not a Prince of Peace-sponsored event. The 3-day, 2-night retreat is presented by women for women at Prince of Peace.* The retreat’s goals are to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ, renew us spiritually through silence & reflection, give new meaning to our prayer life & Sunday Liturgy, and build lasting friendships with members of our parish and faith community.

*NON-PARISHIONERS are welcome to register for the WITS Retreat. Your name will be put on the waiting list in the order received. We will use this list to fill any open spots remaining after registration is opened up to any woman wishing to come (3 weeks prior to retreat --January 18, 2016). Your deposit (or any monies submitted at the time of registration) will be held and returned if there are no openings.

The cost per retreatant is $170.00. Registration will be on a first come first serve basis, with a waiting list thereafter. In order to reserve your place, a non-refundable deposit of $45.00 must be submitted with the registration form. Remaining balance is due on January 18, 2016. Please note that if full payment is not received by January 22, 2016 by 8:00 pm, your reservation will be canceled and made available to the next person on the waiting list.

Please note that financial difficulties should not prevent anyone from attending the retreat. Financial assistance is available by checking the appropriate line on the registration form.

Completed registration form and fee may be turned in after December 6th in the Parish Office. Forms can be mailed or hand-delivered & will have the date and time stamped upon receipt. We will acknowledge your application shortly after it is submitted. Please make checks payable to “Prince of Peace” with WITS noted on the check.

Please mail or hand-deliver your completed forms and fee to:

Women in the Spirit Retreat Parish Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30am -8:00 pm

Prince of Peace Catholic Community Friday—Sunday 8:30am – 4:30pm

19222 Tomball Parkway (Sat. & Sun--Closed Noon – 1:00 pm)

Houston, Texas 77070-3510 Parish Phone: 281-469-2686

RETREAT WEEKEND (February 5-7, 2016):

Registration begins Friday at 4:00 pm in the Prince of Peace gym. The bus will depart for Kaiserhof at 5:30 pm.

The retreat will end on Sunday afternoon by 2:00 pm. Round-trip bus transportation will be provided from

Prince of Peace to the Kaiserhof Retreat Center. Please note that retreat center is NOT handicapped accessible

in all areas. Also, this year there will NOT be a golf cart available for individual transport on the grounds.

During the retreat, you will be provided with all meals and sheets for your bed. Bottled water is also provided.

We request that you leave your cell phones at home. By doing so, we hope that you will be able to fully focus on the precious time you have away with the Lord for a couple of days. We will have phones available for emergencies if needed. Please plan to bring the following items with you to the retreat weekend:

·  Bible

·  Casual, comfortable clothing and walking shoes

·  Jacket or sweater for any time spent outdoors

·  Towels, pillow & blanket

·  Flashlight

·  Personal toiletries…including bath soap

·  Alarm clock

·  Umbrella

You will receive a letter prior to the retreat with additional details and instructions.

Thank you. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you.