To all Members of Mitcheldean Parish Council: Councillors;Edwards, Fraser, Henchley,James, Keene,Stammers, WaddellWozencroft
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 14th November2016 at 7 pm at the Town Hall for the purpose of transacting the following Agenda business as shown.
Please note: Standing Orders will apply to all meetings & the Code of Conduct will be strictly adhered to. Any business not transacted on the night will be considered at an Extraordinary Meeting.
Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities, Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Yours truly, A.Seabrook,Clerk 7th November2016
1)To Note Apologies for Absence.
2)Members of the public issues (15 minutes Standing Orders suspended)
To receive a presentation from Forest Food Bank
3)To Receive any Code of Conduct-Declaration of Interests.
4)To ApproveMinutes of the Meetingof Mitcheldean Parish Council held on 10th October 2016
5) To receive an update on Planning matters.
a) Application P1375/16/DEM – Dene Magna School, Abenhall Road, Mitcheldean – Demolition of existing building
b) Application P1460/16/TCA – Timore, Court Farm Lane, Mitcheldean – Fell x 1 Silver Birch and reduce x 1 Magnolia tree by 30%
c) Application P0083/16/DISCON – Land at Waterloo House, Plump Hill, Mitcheldean – Discharge of condition (01) landscaping of APP/P1615/C/15/3140215
6)Discussion and approval.
a)To note that Cllrs Gates and Parker have resigned and FODDC have been notified
b)To elect a new Chairman
c)To receive an update from Cllr Keene regarding the War Memorial
d)To discuss parking when the Flu Clinic is taking place at the Community Centre
e)To consider the quotes for a new photocopying contract
f)To approve Memorial Bench Policy
g)To approve CCTV Policy
h)To consider fee for hiring the pavilion and football pitch
i)To agree the NDP Tourism Policy
j)To agree NDP’s suggested future development sites
k)To approve the cost of up to £500 for the designs of the sensory garden to be drawn up
l)To approve the quote for the Access Audit for the museum
m)To consider how Council can assist with the Draft Minerals Plan
n)To agree to display Anti Fracking signs around the village
o)To consider if Council would like to enter the Town Hall in the Enrich List run by Historic England
p)To receive an update regarding the Fete from Cllr Henchley
q)To agree to support Boar Solutions
r)To agree the installation of bollards at the Pavilion/Community Centre
s)To agree quote for the footpath to be re-laid in the Playing Fields
t)To agree on how Council can assist Forest Food Bank
u)To consider quote for having CCTV monitor downstairs
7)County & District Councillor Reports
8)Report from the Clerk –Matters arising, correspondence & enquiries
a) To approve the payment schedule
b) To receive the bank reconciliation for the year to date
c) To receive the budget versus spend report for the year to date.
10)Councillor Information Sharing
Pursuant to 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during the consideration of: