You are required to carry out the duties of a School Teacher as set out in the Education (School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions of Employment) Order, 2009.


In particular you are required to undertake the following responsibilities:

1 Ethos building

aTo develop the ethos of the students as active participants in the life of the Academy and in their own learning and to promote within the staff of the academy a sense of excitement and endeavour; being part of a new venture that pushes the bounds of current educational thinking and will make a difference, not only to the students, but in their own career.

2 Deputising for Principal

aAs part of the principalship to act as the Principal in her absence in all matters.

bAll aspects of staff and personnel management and disciplinary procedures as requested by the principal in accordance with the Academy’s processes.

cThe Academy’s representative in all LA and Heads meetings as requested.

dThe Academy’s rep in all post 16 meetings and collaborative as requested.

eFor JCC meetings and H and S meetings as required.

3 Teaching and Learning

  1. To promote Teaching and Learning as core activity with the Academy.
  2. To be up-to-date with the latest research in Teaching and Learning.
  3. To support and contribute to whole school

Teaching and Learning policies.

4 Leadership Development

  1. To work with the Curriculum Leaders to develop their leadership and management skills.
  2. To develop leadership provision to secure HRO and sustainable provision

5 Whole School Professional Development

  1. To drive holistic provision for staff development to meet the needs of SDP staff, pupils and the curriculum

6 Leadership Team – commonand shared responsibilities

  1. To support the team in their presentations to

parents, community and the Board.

  1. To act within the school’s Performance

Management system as a part of the lesson appraisal team to feedback on lessons observed and to set targets for the improvement of teaching for learning.

  1. To organize high quality In-service training as


  1. To keep teaching and learning at the forefront of

each agenda.

  1. Line management of curriculum areas.
  2. To assist with the delivery of Assemblies.
  3. To chair whole-school development groups as

prioritised in the Academy Improvement Plan or directed by the Principal.

  1. To provide support for staff encountering problems

with students and to assist in investigating and acting on serious breaches to the ‘Code of Conduct’.

  1. To act in the role of ‘Senior Staff Cover’.

7 Self-Evaluation

aTo take the lead role in whole-school self evaluation and subsequent strategic planning.

bTo coordinate the school planning cycle and process, thereby producing the School Development Plan.

cTo complete and update at least annually the School Evaluation Form.

dTo develop and coordinate departmental reviews and self-evaluation in line with the whole-school self-evaluation.

eTo contribute to and develop school policies.


Any other duty that the Principal may reasonably request.

This Job Description will be reviewed annually.
