

3rd Grade

GPS: SS 331

Materials: 4 situations, “What’s wrong with this picture” worksheet – class set

Purpose: This lesson promotes responsibility for neighborhoods & communities. The activity enhances how they show responsibility. The learner will be able to recognize how human actions and physical environments affect one another.

#1 Introduction: Responsibility

A.  Ask students if they know what the word Responsibility means?

B.  Next give the students the definition of responsibility

** Accountable for something within one’s power

C.  Ask the students what are some of their responsibilities

**Sports, school, church, family – chores, siblings, etc…

Share some stories of YOUR responsibilities. You can even share a story of when you were their age & things you were responsible for…cleaning room, completing school work, being a good brother/sister, etc… Also, share some of your responsibilities that you have now.

#2 – Situation Activity

A.  Divide the class into 4 groups. Give each group one scenario to act out as a group. Give them time to prepare their skits. **An easy way to divide students is to count them off 1-4. Ask group 1 to meet one on one side of the room, group 2 on anther side, etc…

B.  Have them present. At the end of each skit, discuss how someone showed (or did not show) responsibility.

#3 – Conclusion – What’s wrong with this Picture?

A.  Hand out worksheet & ask students to identify what is wrong with the picture

B.  On the back of the worksheet, ask them to list 10 ways in which they can/do show responsibility. Challenge them to be more responsible in their daily lives.


1.) While playing outside on the playground, you notice a group of students eating a snack and playing around. When you were asked to come inside, you notice that they left their trash on the ground.

-Should you pick up the trash or leave it there?

2.) One of your friends was absent from school the past couple of days. When they came back their arm was in a cast. You asked them what happened & they told you that they collided on the monkey bars because someone didn’t wait their turn.

-Could this have been prevented? How was someone not responsible?

3.) You waited until the last minute to do your part of a group project. You stayed up late but you were not able to finish. The next day your group was angry because they were punished because you didn’t do you part

-  How would you handle this situation if you were the one who did your work? OR If you were the one who didn’t do your work, what could you have done differently?

4.) Two best friends came in on test day. One didn’t study, so she cheated off the other. Both students received a zero. One was not responsible enough to study. The other was not responsible enough to say no to cheating.

-  Would you let your best friend cheat off you?

-  Is that being responsible?

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Lesson Plan Evaluation

Character Word______Grade Level______

Objective / Yes / Somewhat / No
Was the lesson easy to read and understand by the teachers?
Was the sequence of the lesson correct?
Were the activities easy to understand?
Were the students engaged throughout the lesson?
Did the students enjoy the activities?
Were the materials easy to use?
Were the visuals appropriate for the learners?
Were there adequate activities planned?
Was the lesson relevant to the learners?


Please return form to Mr. Richardson or Dr. Carsillo