Respecting God's Sanctuary
Respecting God's Sanctuary
Part 1
(Leviticus 26:2 KJV)
Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord.
hese day in which we live has been labeled by God as perilous times instead of prosperous times. We live in a time that worship in the sanctuary is like attending a circus, where everything we are doing is not layered beneath us with a safety net of caution, but more over has been laced with chaos and confusion. In God’s sanctuary you would be amazed on what goes on behind the superficial door instead of the supernatural door.
In the sanctuary,the contemporary Gospel has exiled the old time religion and put it on retirement. While the uncompromising Gospel is trying to consume the contemporary movement, and place us back in a position that God is well pleased, with our manners, motives andChristian ethics.Believe it or not! God is not only concerned about our souls. He's also concerned about how with act in His Holy Sanctuary, whereby souls come to hear the word, to be saved, sealed, delivered and sat free.
Before we set up an argument of the message, let me hurriedly say that, “The book of Leviticus used to be the first book Jewish children explored.” They studied and explored all the avenues of the laws, tucked tenderly therein. Their comprehensive study allowed them to understand how to live a holy life in an unholy world; they needed to understand what a holy God expected. And just because Leviticus is way back in the Old Testament, doesn’t mean it is not important for us today. As with all of Old Testament scriptures, it directs us back to what God has done and it points forward to what God had accomplished through Christ. Specifically, this book drives home the point that God expects his people to be like him, to live holy lives. The Jewish people by studying and learning the Levitical lawknew that no one could scrutinize their actions, if they were living by the invaluable word of God. Moreover, their directives outside the sanctuary; would reflect their devotion when they enter into the sanctuary, and their souls would be happy as a result thereof.
These days souls are literally falling victim to slew footed satan. The church is in a great deal of trouble, and one of the reasons is because of our failing and fatigueof conduct in the church. Hopefully one would imagine that if a person was in trouble, they would run to the church for transformation. But instead they have a desire to sit at home while using the excuse that, "the church is not in good standing with God morally nor ethically!"
I'm ashamed to say, that the church has literally dropped the ball, and yet has not discovered a remedy to reach the world and win them over. Why? It's because we're doing the same thing the world does. And there are literally no reasons for others to come with us to the sanctuaryon an invite.All because we've been caught red handed doing things that don't line up with our character of Christianity.
This is the reason why the church is being turned upside down, because worldly things have etched its way into “God’s Sanctuary.” And we must now come to the conclusion, that we need to learn as a people of God how to “Repent and Respect God’s Sanctuary.”
- Respecting God’s Sanctuary Requires Proper Attire:
There can be no true purification unless we get rid of our paralyzed way of praising God. We have padlocked the closet for our traditional ways of dressing in God closet. And unbolted the closet of living lavishly on Lover's Lane. And believe it or not God is concerned about the way we dress in the sanctuary. When we come into the sanctuary, we must remember that we are coming to worship God with preferential praise; and that we have not arrived to the paramount show. And with this type of attitude, we together in unity will be absorbed in that special moment with the presence of His precious Holy Ghost.
I'm inclined to say, "What we wear in the Lord house not only speak of our Pre-motive but also our Purification." Here's what I'm trying to say, "The clothing's that we wear to church, companies, and the community,communicates a message about the lifestyles each of us live."
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