An Associated Industries Bright Promise Program Application PacketMUST include the following:
Completed AIBPP Application Form
Personal Statement (No more than two pages double spaced)
Two Letters of Recommendation
AllAcademic Transcripts(Unofficial Transcripts are acceptable)
● Applicants with 45 or fewer college credits (and all high school seniors): provide a copy of high school transcript
along with a transcript for all college credits earned.
● Applicants with 46 or more college credits: provide a copy of transcripts for all college credits earned.
All information obtained on this form is voluntary;however, the A.I. Bright Promise Program Scholarship is based on specific criteria.
By providing the information below, you will help our office quickly determine if you qualify to receive this scholarship.
ABOUT THIS PROGRAM:The Associated IndustriesBright Promise Program recognizes students with a passion for learning and a bright future in one of four areas: Business, Technology, Manufacturing Technologyand Health Sciences. The program – created by Associated Industries is co-funded by Regence BlueShield and Wells Fargo Insurance Services –provideshalf of one year’s tuition atone of the Community Colleges of Spokane or Eastern Washington University.
ABOUT PERSONAL STATEMENTS:While the student information detail is critical for consideration, applicants should also put great care intoa Personal Statement.The Personal Statement should highlight the applicant’s best qualities and showwhy applicants think they have earned an Associated Industries Bright Promise Program Scholarship. Applicants may want to cover topics including, but not limited to:
- If they are a “non-traditional” student – Returning years after high school graduation, or a parent,
or possessmilitary service.
- Participation in outside activities – Work or volunteer experiences, membership in clubs or groups.
- Their Grade Point Average (GPA) – If it is low, then is there a plan to improve.
- Their future plans – Career goals and other aspirations.
- Their reason(s) for pursuing a particular degree.
Application Packets must be postmarked by April 14, 2017 for EWU applicants.
Be sure to send your complete packet to the schoolyou plan to attend during the 2017-18 school year.
Applications sent directly to Associated Industries will be returned.
student information
Last Name / First / M.I. / EWU NetID#SFCC/SCC ID#
**Permanent Street Address / Apartment / Unit #
City / State / ZIP / Best Contact Phone: ( )
Alternate Phone: ( )
E-mail Address:
(**PLEASE BE AWARE** Scholarship correspondence including award notification, will be mailed to the above permanentor email address.)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): / Ethnic Origin (optional): / Do you have a disability? (optional) YES NO
Are you a US citizen? YES NO / If not a US citizen, are you a
legal US Resident? YES NO / Are you a first generation college student? (Neither parent has college degree) YES NO
What college do you plan to attend during the 2017-18 school year (Fall 2017 – Spring 2018)? / EWU SFCC/SCC Other School
Single parent (optional): YES NO / Number of Children Residing with You:
If employment opportunities were available, would you remain in the area following graduation? / YES NO
Student information (continued)
Have you participated, for one or more years, in community service? YES NO / If yes, discuss in your Personal Statement.Are you (or your parents) employed at an A.I. member company? YES NO / If yes, please indicate member company and employee’s name: ______
Are you (or your parents) an employee of Associated Industries? YES NO / If your parent is an employee, please indicate their name: ______
Have you been named in any honors programs? YES NO / If yes, class rank: ______
I plan to or currently amenrolled in one of the following academic areas:
Manufacturing Technology (Major: )
Business (Major: )
Health Sciences (Major: )
Technology (Major: ) / Discuss in your Personal Statement.
I have previously received an Associated Industries Bright Promise Program Scholarship. / YES NO YEAR: ______
Will you work while attending school? YES NO Full Time Part Time / I am interested in an internship:
School year Summer
Number of family members in household: ______/ Number of family members in college in 2017-2018: ______
High School: / From ______To ______/ Did you graduate?YES NO / GPA:College: / From ______To ______/ Did you graduate?YES NO / GPA:
College: / From ______To ______/ Did you graduate?YES NO / GPA:
Military Service
Branch: / From ______To ______/ Rank at Discharge: / Type of Discharge:If other than honorable, please explain:
Disclaimer and Signature
I certify that the information provided in this application packet, including financial data, is true and accurate. I understand that my application may be randomly selected for verification and false information may result in disqualification.I understand that my photo and name may be used in materials prepared by Associated Industries for any purpose.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Completed AIBPP Application Form
Personal Statement
Two Letters of Recommendation
DEADLINE: POSTMARKED onor beforeApril 14, 2017 for EWU
Mail to the SCHOOL YOU PLAN TO ATTEND during the 2017-18 School Year.
Application Packets must be postmarked by April 14, 2017 for EWU applicants.
Be sure to send your complete packet to the schoolyou plan to attend during the 2017-18 school year.
Applications sent directly to Associated Industries will be returned.
FAQ: Associated Industries Bright Promise Program
Q:Who is eligible for an A.I. Bright Promise Program scholarship?
A:All of the following criteria must be metto be eligible for the award:
Must be a full time, undergraduate student for the 2017-18 school year
At the Community Colleges of Spokane (SCC/SFCC) or
At Eastern Washington University and have previously attended the Community Colleges of Spokane (SCC/SFCC)
Must be a United States citizen or legal U.S. resident
Must be enrolled in a major in one of four areas: Business, Technology, Manufacturing Technology or Health Sciences
Must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA)
Must provide a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, academic transcripts and complete the AIBPP application form
Q: What are some of the other factors considered when selecting recipients?
A:Other factors that are considered during selectionare the applicant’s reasons for pursuing a particular degree, letters of recommendation, if an applicant is a “non-traditional” student and attention to detail.
Applications are compared; consequently, something as simple as spelling errors or missing information could be the reason an applicant is not seriously considered. Applicants are encouraged to take the time to do it right.
Q: How are applications to be submitted?
A: Applications are to be submitted to the school you plan to attend during the 2017-18 school year. Applications andall supplemental materials (personal statement, letters of recommendation and transcripts) must be delivered in one completeApplication Packet to be eligible for consideration.
Application Packets must be sent to:
Eastern Washington University
102 Sutton Hall
Cheney, WA 99004-2496
Applications sent directly to Associated Industries will be returned.
Q: What constitutes a complete Application Packet?
A:A complete Application Packet includes a signedAIBPP Application Form, and the following:
- A Personal Statement (No more than two pages double spaced)
- Two Letters of Recommendation
- Academic Transcripts (Unofficial Transcripts are acceptable)
- Application Packets must be POST-MARKED:
- On or before April 14, 2017 for EWU applicants
Q: How are recipients selected?
A:Recipients are chosen by a Selection Committee who considers and reviews all aspects of the Application Packets to determine the degree to which the applicants meet the goals, criteria and objectives of the Associated Industries Bright Promise Program.
Q: Who is the Associated Industries Bright Promise Program Selection Committee
A:Associated Industries Bright Promise Program Selection Committee members include individuals from the Inland Northwest community withknowledge of, and an interest in, higher education.Associated Industries Bright Promise Program donors, Associated Industries member companies and Associated Industries staffmay also be represented on the Selection Committee.
Q: What is the value of an Associated Industries Bright Promise Program scholarship?
A:A.I. Bright Promise Program recipients receive half of one year’s full time tuition.
Q:How are applicants notified if they are chosen as a recipient?
A:Applicants will be notified by mail or email from Eastern Washington University by mid-June.
Application Packets must be postmarked by April 14, 2017 for EWU applicants.
Be sure to send your complete packet to the schoolyou plan to attend during the 2017-18 school year.
Applications sent directly to Associated Industries will be returned.