Language! Classroom Checklist

Classroom Environment:

○Pocket chart for word building

You should notice word cards displayed and space for word building.

○Storage system for interactive textbooks and student textbooks.

○Student notebooks where students keep common templates, work samples, etc.

○Student computers with Sortegories and e-reader if purchased

Headphones should be plugged in and ready to go.

Lesson ( What the teacher is doing)

○Phonemic Awareness Drills with hand motions. Hand motions make it multi-sensory and increase the pathways to the left side of brain ( language processing center)

○Phoneme/Grapheme Correspondence( matching the symbol with the letter)

○Word Recognition and Spelling

Word Building

Fluency Builders

Spelling test

Spelling dictation

Essential word cards


Multiple meaning map

Define it




Interactive text activity

○Text Comprehension and Writing

student textbook

before, during and after reading activities

blueprint for reading and writing

You may not see all of these components present if the teacher does not have a 90 minute block.

Reading Workshop Hour

Journal Response about book

Read Aloud with strategy lesson

Status of class

Independent reading and conferencing; Sortegories and E-reader


Engagement ( What the students are doing)

○Most students are engaged in activity

○Heads are up and books are open

○Students are successful with most of the tasks assigned.

○Students comply with directions promptly.

○Students are respectful of one another.

Best Practices

○Lesson is posted for students

○Homework is posted in a consistent location

○An assignment is posted at the beginning of class and students begin work immediately

○Grades are posted in a consistent location

○Teacher moves around the room using proximity to help focus class.

○Teacher has a signal to gain class attention.

○Students and teachers are clear on why they are doing each assignment.

○The teacher models the activity, gives guided practice, and then independent practice.

○The teacher has a method of involving all students in answering questions and participating ( popsicle sticks, pair share)

Heather Willman 2007