2684 East 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 1C9

Tel: 604-713-4705 Fax: 604-713-4708

‘Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect This Place’

Newsletter # 5 Friday, January 29, 2016


Principal-(604)713-4705 Director of Instruction-(604)713-5097 Liaison Trustee-(604)306-6948



Monday, Feb. 8thFamily Day B.C.-school closed

Tuesday, Feb 9thProfessional Day-no school for students

Wednesday, Feb.10thPAC Meeting - 6:00 in the Library (babysitting provided)

Wednesday, Feb 24thAnti-Bullying Day-wear a pink shirt

Friday, Feb. 26th‘Gord’s Guitar’ Performance


Friday, March 4thCurriculum Implementation Day - no school for students

Parent Teacher Conferences are Tuesday and Wednesday March 8 and 9. School will be dismissed at 2:00.

Spring Break is March 14 through Monday, March 28th, Easter. We will see you back on Tuesday, March 29th.


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are halfway through the year and student are well into their second term. Please watch forARE YOU MOVING? form as we are already starting to plan for next year. As well, our school district is undergoing a number of interesting processes including a long range facilities plan, a special education audit and the development of a new strategic plan for the District. We want families and staff to provide input into District directions for 2016 through 2021. I have included information and ways for you to get involved.

Vancouver School Board’s New Strategic Plan Process Underway

The Vancouver School Board is pleased to announceVSB2021, a highly collaborative

process to develop a new Strategic Plan for the school district. The updated plan will

provide a clear framework for action over the next 5 years, andwe need your input

to get it right!

TheVSB2021project focuses on the District’s core goals of teaching and learning to support student achievement and well-being. It differs from the Long-Range Facilities Plan, which will be a framework for district facilities over the next 15 years.

School district staff will lead the VSB2021 project with support from Modus Planning, Design & Engagement Inc., a local firm specializing in engagement-rich planning. The project team will work closely with teachers, support staff, administrators, students, parents and community members to create a bold new vision and action-oriented plan. A Stakeholder Advisory Group with representatives from a broad range of stakeholders including all employee groups, parents and students has also been formed to guide the process and ensure broad participation.

Over the next six months, theVSB2021process will offer many opportunities for people to learn more, attend events, and provide meaningful input.Diverse voices and perspectives will be gathered to ensure the plan represents a wide range of interests.

Initial activities to ensure broad participation include: A high-profile webpage with project information and newsletter sign-up -

A 2 minute animated video to explain the project and some of the questions to be addressed.

A fun and interactive Ideas Fair, taking place at Prince of Wales Secondary School on February 18thfrom4 – 7pm(Please note: drop-in format).

An online questionnaire available on the project webpage until February 21st -

Remember, the best way to get involved is to sign up to theVSB2021project mailing list at can always visit this website to learn more about the project, find out about upcoming engagement activities, and review input summaries.


Ms. Erin Gavin

Winter Weather

As the weather gets colder please ensure that your children have appropriate clothing. Warm boots, jackets, hats and gloves ensure that winter is enjoyable for children.Students go outside to play at recess and for much of the lunch period each day all year long with very few exceptions. This helps them get fresh air and they like to play and socialize with their friends.

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found is located in the long hallway between the office and intermediate classrooms. It currently has many clothing and lunch items. Please check for your children’s’ missing belongings in the next weeks as we will be donating any leftover items to charity over the spring break.

Do you have a child born in 2011?

All Kindergarten applicants are required to submit an application to their English catchment elementary school. This includes families who wish to apply for choice programs and/or a cross boundary placement.

  1. Proof of residence in Vancouver
  2. Child’s birth certificate
  3. Immigration documentation (if applicable)
  4. Immunization records

For more information on Kindergarten registration please visit:


Just a reminder that getting a flu shot and washing hands regularly will help prevent the spread of the flu over the next months. Our school health nurse is: Stephanie Mortimer-Lamb (604) 872-2511 (extension3307)


On behalf of the Maquinna PAC, thank you for supporting school fundraising programs.

Upcoming PAC meeting dates for the school year are as follows. February 10, March 2, April 6, May 4 and June 8.PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the community board.

Spring Break is a time for kids to be kids! It’s a chance to play, to run, and to be free from the busy school schedule.

That’s why the YMCA offers day camps, so that every child can reach their full potential. From out-trips and theme days to sports and games, we have something for everyone. We hope you’ll join us!Check out everything we have to offer online at or visit to register.