National Agenda Goal #8, the Expanded Core Curriculum
This is a survey regarding the Expanded Core Curriculum and how we are presently meeting needs for students in Connecticut. The goal is to find out what is happening now specifically with regard to Goal #8 of the National Agenda, not necessarily what should or will happen in the future. Your answers should reflect what you are currently doing with your caseload.
Are you:
A BESB education consultant
An itinerant teacher hired by a town(s)
A CREC contractor
How many students are currently on your caseload? ______
How many have braille use or instruction in their IEP? ______
How many are visual learners? ______
How many are nonacademic children who are MH/DB? ______
These are the key elements of the ECC which we will be assessing in the survey:
Compensatory skills and communication
Orientation and Mobility
Social interaction
Independent living skills
Recreation and leisure
Career education
Use of assistive technology
Compensatory skills for students who are braille readers
Think of the total amount of direct service time you spend with braille reading students. Then look at the following direct service activities, and write in the blank the percentage of your total direct service time you generally devote to each item. Write N/A for activities you do not generally spend time on.
___teaching organizational skills
___teaching literary/Nemeth braille codes
___tutoring/assisting with homework for regular education curriculum
___teaching tape recorder use (or other devices like Victor Pro)
___teaching listening skills (Listen & Think, for example)
___preparing vision portfolio with student
___other major activities you spend direct service time on—be specific (be sure they are not covered under other areas of the ECC) ______
Think of the total amount of consultation time you spend with braille reading students. Then look at the following consultation activities, and write in the blank the percentage of your total consultation time you generally devote to each item. Write N/A for activities you do not generally spend time on.
___paraprofessional training (teaching braille, materials prep, etc.)
___Materials preparation (for student use in regular ed program)
___lesson preparation (for direct instruction in compensatory skills)
___observing student
___consultation with parents
___in-service training to teaching staff (formal and informal)
___consultation with staff (teaching staff, administrators)
___other major activities you use consult time for
In general, how much time do you PPT braille readers for:
Elementary student: Direct service______Consultation______
Middle School student: Direct______Consultation______
High School student: Direct______Consultation______
Students who are print or auditory readers
Direct service activities: (as before, put percent of your total time)
___teaching organizational skills
___tutoring/assisting with homework (for regular education subjects)
___teaching listening skills (Listen and Think, for example)
___teaching tape recorder use
___teaching handwriting
Signature only
General handwriting skills
___instruction in use of low vision aids (CCTV, magnifiers, etc.)
___functional vision assessments
Consultation time:
___lesson preparation (for direct instruction in compensatory skills)
___materials preparation (for student use in reg. ed. classes)
___paraprofessional training
___consultation with teaching staff
___consultation with parents
___in-service training you provide in the school
___observing student
Orientation and Mobility
Do you have students who are receiving mobility? ______
Are they receiving mobility from a certified mobility instructor? ______
If not, who is providing mobility instruction? ______
If you are providing instruction, are you dually certified in vision and O&M?___
Do you have students who need mobility but are not receiving services at this time?
Social Skills
Are you providing direct instruction for social skills? ______
Do you assist in writing social goals for the IEP? ______
Do you refer students to other resources for social skills development? ______
Are there resources that you need, but are unavailable? ______
Explain ______
Independent Living Skills
Do you provide direct instruction in daily living skills for your students? ______
Did your professional preparation program provide you with the skills and techniques necessary to teach adaptive daily living skills the students need? ______
Do you assist in writing goals in this area for the IEP? ______
Do parents participate in the instruction? ______
Do other team members participate in this instruction? ______
If so, who? ______
Recreation and Leisure
Do you routinely assess the engagement of your students in leisure activities? ______
Do you provide direct instruction in these areas? ______
Do your students have leisure skills goals in their IEP? ______
Do you feel qualified to give your students direct instruction in the use of assistive technology? ______
If not, is your student able to get instruction from a qualified person? ______
Do you teach touch typing? ______
What technology services would you purchase that you feel your students need and are not currently available? ______
Career Education
For your students who are transition age (14 and above), are they receiving transition services? ______From whom? ______
Do they have transition goals in their IEP? ______
Have your students participated in job shadowing? ______
Through VR? ______
Through the school/community? ______
For all areas of the expanded core curriculum, consider the following:
What outside resources do you use to assist you with meeting your students’ needs: Check all that apply:
Perkins Outreach programs/Carroll Center programs
Outside evaluators with expertise in blindness (Specify who you have used, and what they addressed)
Braille class for paraprofessionals
BESB in-service training for teachers and paraprofessionals
Hadley School courses? Which ones? ______
Community resources ______
School resources ______
Other services providers (OT, PT, etc)
What assessment tools or evaluation materials are you using to assess your students progress/needs in all areas of the expanded core curriculum?