Resolution of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
A motion to amend our current Constitution and adopt the
2016 Model Constitution for Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Whereas, Chapter 5.01 of the current constitution for St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mosinee, WI as approved by the Congregation at their annual meeting in January of the year 2011 assigns the Congregation powers necessary to fulfill its purpose;
Whereas, Chapter 5.03 of the current constitution, declares the congregation is authorized to adopt amendments to the current constitution, as provided in Chapter 17;
Whereas, Chapter 17 of the current constitution declares it may be amended to bring any section into conformity with a section or sections of the Model Constitution for the Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as most recently amended by the Churchwide Assembly;
Whereas, the Churchwide Assembly has amended theModel Constitution for the Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Americaas approved at their meeting held October 21, 2016;
Whereas, Chapter 17 of the current constitution declares such amendments require a simple majority vote of those voting members present and voting at any legally called meeting of the congregation provided that the Congregation Council has submitted by mail notice to the congregation of such amendments, together with the Council’s recommendations, at least 30 days prior to the meeting;
Whereas, Chapter 12.06 of the current constitution provides that the Congregation Council shall see that the provisions of this constitution, its bylaws, and continuing resolutions are followed;
Now, therefore be it resolved, the Congregation Council hereby directs notice be sent that the Congregation Council recommends to the congregation to approve the amendments and to adopt the 2016 Model Constitution for the Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Americaupon majority vote at the annual meeting to be held on January 28, 2018.
The 2016 Model Constitution for the Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Americashall be attached to this resolution as prepared for the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mosinee, WI. For those interested, the ELCA has provided documentation on their website for the rational of the amendments: .
Resolution of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
A motion to amend our current Constitution and adopt the
2016 Model Constitution for Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Action Record
Motion by: Mark Schommer
Second by: Mary Neumann
Congregation Council Vote: 12/14/2017
Name / Title / YES / NO / ABSTAIN / ABSENTMarilyn Lange / Pastor / X
Jeremy Ray / President (Acting) / X
Vacant / Vice-President / X
Jeanne Dunham / Treasurer / X
Tasha Beestman / Secretary / X
Mark Schommer / Officer / X
Tim Botwinski / Officer / X
Mary Neumann / Officer / X
Chuck Kyhos / Officer / X
Congregation Vote by written ballot (unless rules are suspended by 2/3 majority to waive the written requirement):
Total Number Members Present:
Simple Majority #:
Motion by:
Second by:
# Ayes:
# Nays:
# Abstained: