The purpose of this organization is to govern, coordinate and develop participation in the Kentucky Youth, Middle School & High School lacrosse programs and coordinate participation in the Kentucky Youth Lacrosse program; adopt and enforce rules and regulations, develop schedules and administer to the needs of its members.

Board Annual Meeting

October 16, 2012

Attendance- Brandon Davis, Ann Fleming, Crystal Kannapel, Chris Niblock, John Peabody, Ryan Smith, Wayne Coffey, Greg Beachy and Dean Walker

Guests- TJ Burns from Northern Kentucky (via Skype), William “Dusty” Wethington from Woodford County, Timothy Jones from Lafayette, Andy Nieto from South Oldham, Liz Rue from KCD/Bluegrass, and Joe Oelgoetz from Lexington

Absent- Jacob Knight, Jonathan Henry, Kennedy Simpson, Byron Miller, Steve Auden, Russ Davenport, Edie Fullerton, Bill Stewart, Bert Severns, Vicki Latino

Ann Fleming opened the meeting at 6:o0 PM by welcoming all Board members and guests. Ann then began her “State of the Chapter Report.”

She touched on some of the highlights of the past year:

·  Louisville welcomed Stickhorses, a professional indoor box lacrosse team.

·  Major growth of the sport of lacrosse in Louisville at every level.

·  $21,000 in grants provided to 20 programs in the state.

·  Coaching clinics, Level I and II, held last Fall with 91 attendees

·  Sticks for Starters Program which collects slightly used equipment to be donated to new programs/players.

·  KLA made Skype an option for meeting attendance for those who live outside of Louisville

Ann then reviewed some of the issues facing KLA:

·  Metro Athletic Directors decided to start their own league causing KLA to restructure its purpose and mission.

·  KLA hoped to have a PE curriculum in place for local schools, but it did not get off the ground due to lack of interest from schools.

·  There were website training issues for coaches and team parents.

·  KLA tried to offer a Girl’s Coaching Clinic but it was cancelled due to lack of registration.

·  Unsportsmanlike conduct at several levels and games

·  Lack of communication between the Board and our constituents.

·  KLA looked into advertising on the website and making public service announcements but the idea never got off the ground.

·  KLA is in need of more coaches and referees.

·  Constant question of how do we execute growth of the sport in Kentucky

Financial Report and Annual Budget- Chris Niblock

Chris handed out a preliminary budget for this year. He stated that it was difficult to state exact numbers because there are many unknowns for this year due to the newly created KSLL (Kentucky Scholastic Lacrosse League) who will be offering a State Tournament around the same time as the KLA. KLA will receive some funds from USL rebates and the KLA Boys and Girls Tournaments. With this income, the KLA would like to be as receptive as possible to Grant requests this year, offer a stipend to new officials, provide help to send one BLOA representative, one KLUB representative, and one Board member to the USL Convention, and offer a stipend to University of Kentucky Club players who are willing to help start up programs in the Lexington area. Chris also stated that KLA has paid $900 towards Arbiter each year for officials assigning and he would like to see KLA split this cost with KSLL this year.

Grant request forms can be found on the KLA website and returned to KLA at PO Box 491 Prospect, KY 40059. KLA hopes to honor as many requests as possible this year with priority going to new and start up programs.

Board Member Nominations and Introductions:

Ann thanked the three Board members, Tim Thompson, Pat Segers, and Jonathan Henry, who will be leaving the board this year for their time and service. Ann then made a motion that “Chris Niblock, Ryan Smith, Brandon Davis, Steve Auden, and Russ Davenport be re-elected to serve another 3 year term.” Wayne seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote.

Ann noted that there are three openings for the positions previously occupied by the above mentioned Board members and asked for nominations from the floor. Ryan Smith nominated Mike Anderson (not present), John Peabody nominated Dusty Wethington, and Tim Jones, and Andy Neito put in a self nomination. There was a call for a written vote. Dusty Wethington was elected and there was a three way tie between Tim, Mike, and Andy. Andy Neito graciously offered to remove himself from the nomination, offering to work as a committee member wherever needed.

The Annual meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Crystal Kannapell