ResidentHighways and Transportation
Development Planning Team
Ashford Highway Depot
Javelin Way
TN24 8AD
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Tel:03000 41 81 81
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Our ref:KCC/S106/HA/002
Date:19th September 2014
Dear Sir / Madam,
Public Consultation: Proposed junction alterations Osborne Road, Ashford
Kent County Council (KCC) Highways and Transportation is in receipt of funding negotiated under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 from the developer of the former rail yard, Hunter Avenue, Ashford. The money was secured to implement a traffic calming and traffic management scheme with respect to Osborne Road, Bentley Road and Church Road.
The focus of the design that is the subject of this consultation is the junction of Osborne Road/Bentley Road/Church Road.
Why do we want to carry out this work?
The local highway authority is seeking to amend the junction layout to narrow the carriageway width in order to promote lower vehicle speeds. There is also strong demand for pedestrian movements across the junction, and a new zebra crossing is proposed to improve pedestrian connectivity. A new ramp access on the southern side of Osborne Road that will connect in with the proposed zebra crossing is also proposed to improve pedestrian accessibility to local facilities accessed from Bentley Road.
What does the proposed scheme involve?
The scheme (as shown on drawing number KCC/S106/HA/002 Rev B) involves:-
The introduction of a new ramped footpath with a gradient of 1 in 20 at the southern side of Osborne Road
The introduction of a zebra crossing on Osborne Road at a point approximately 20 metres west of the junction of Osborne Road/Bentley Road/Church Road
A junction kerbline build out and new footpath construction of the northern kerbside of Osborne Road. The redundant footpath is will be removed and topsoiled
This is available in larger print on request: please telephone 08458 247 800 and quote the reference number above
The Bentley Road arm of the junction is to be narrowed to provide clarity to the junction layout. The addition of a build out area would provide for 1-2 cars to the frontage of the Church
The extent of the junction would be resurfaced
A new lay-by is proposed to be provided on the western side of Bentley Road
What is the purpose of this consultation?
This information is being provided to raise awareness of the proposed traffic scheme. KCC would like to hear from you should you wish to support the proposals or if you have any related concerns or points that are appropriate to be considered as part of the scheme progression. If you have any comments please email quoting Osborne Road in the email title or call 03000 41 81 81 by Friday 10th October 2014 to register your views. The attached plan can also be viewed online by using the following web address:
What will happen next?
Subject to the results of this consultation exercise, the scheme will be progressed to its detailed design stage, taking into consideration the feedback received.
Yours faithfully,
James Hammond
Strategic Transport & Development Planner
KCC Highways and Transportation
This is available in larger print on request: please telephone 08458 247 800 and quote the reference number above