/ John Wesley Beaver
Memorial Award Application
A / identification
Name / First Name Middle Name(s) Surname (Family Name)
Gender / Male / Female
Mailing Address
Permanent Address
Telephone Number
Mobile Number
E-mail Address
B / letter of introduction
In addition to your application, your Letter of Introduction is an opportunity to tell the Native CircleSelection Committee about who you are. Please ensure that your letter is typed, preferably a size 10-12font.
The selection committee won't know anything about you so this is your opportunity to highlight andsummarize the details of your application. That would include a brief description of how you meet theeligibility requirements of this award and why you are a qualified candidate. Be sure to highlight yourcontributions and involvement with the Indigenous community.
C / eligibility
Post Secondary / Registered / University / College
Name of Institution / Student No:
Academic Program / Engineering / Technology / Trades / Environmental Studies
Information Technology / Business / Indigenous Studies
Human Resources / Communications / Law
Other (specify)
Academic Level / First Year / Second Year / Third Year
Fourth Year / Fifth Year / Graduate
Indigenous Affiliation / First Nation / Inuit / Métis
First Nation - Applicants who declare "First Nation" must provide a frontand back photocopy of their "Certificate of Indian Status" as issued by the Governmentof Canada or through their perspective First Nations.
Inuit - Applicants who declare their status as "Inuit" must provide a front and backphotocopy of their Inuit Beneficiary Card or letter from a recognized Inuit territorial community.
Métis - Applicants who declare Métis must provide a front and back photocopy of their Métis registry card as issued by the Government of Canada.
1.Please list the last three schools, colleges, or universities that you have attended:
(mm/yyyy) / To
(mm/yyyy) / Name of Institution / Program / Degree/Diploma
QUESTIONS 2 through 6 should be replied to in essay format. These questions are a guide. Avoid answering questions with one sentence answers. However do not exceed 500-word limit per question.
2. Why have you chosen your particular program of study? (maximum 500 words)
3. (a)What are your career objectives, and how do they relate to OPG’s business or corporate interests? (maximum 500 words)
3. (b) What is your knowledge of Ontario Power Generation?
4.What First Nation, Inuit or Métis community do you come from or are you affiliated with? Describeyour interest in, or connection with, your Indigenous community as it relates to your culture andheritage. Be sure to elaborate on your contributions and involvement, whether past, present, orfuture. Include details and examples of how you contribute and are involved in the Indigenouscommunity. (maximum 500 words)
5.Describe volunteer positions you have held,including length of time in each position (full-time and part-time), both in school and in the community. (maximum 500 words)
6.Outline your extracurricular activities, interest and achievements, both in school and in the community. (maximum 500 words)
d / finances
There are many financial factors to be considered while attending post secondary studies full time. Evenif you are a funded or sponsored student, this may not always mean that all your financial needs are met. This section helps the Selection Committee understand your financial needs and the John Wesley BeaverMemorial Award may assist with them. Savings from a summer job, part-time work, or student loanidentifies your dedication and determination to achieving your academic goals.
  1. Residency While in School (Check all that apply)
On my own With my parent(s) Student residence Subsidized housing
With roomate(s) With spouse or common law partner With Child(ren)
  1. Current Marital Status(Optional)
Single Married Common Law Divorced
Separated Widowed/Widower
  1. Dependants(Optional)
Yes No Please state the number of dependants under the age of 18
  1. Current Employment
Currently Working: Full Time Part-Time Occasionally Not Working
Please list your last three employers in chronological order and attach your resume:
(mm/yyyy) / To
(mm/yyyy) / Employer / Address / Position
  1. List all Awards / Scholarships / Bursaries / Grants / Student loans received, to be received or applied for in the current year. (Attach a separate sheet for additional entries)

$ Value
Confirmed Confirmation Pending Unsuccessful / Name
$ Value
Confirmed Confirmation Pending Unsuccessful
$ Value
Confirmed Confirmation Pending Unsuccessful / Name
$ Value
Confirmed Confirmation Pending Unsuccessful
  1. List all other FINANCIAL MEANS for the current year (i.e. employment income, investment income, etc.). (Attach a separate sheet for additional entries)

$ Value
Confirmed Confirmation Pending Unsuccessful / Name
$ Value
Confirmed Confirmation Pending Unsuccessful
$ Value
Confirmed Confirmation Pending Unsuccessful / Name
$ Value
Confirmed Confirmation Pending Unsuccessful
requirements / Attachments
This section is to verify that you understand the required documents that need to be submitted in order foryour application to be sent to the Selection Committee. If all mandatory documents are sent with yourapplication, your application will be considered for Selection Committee review. All applications are screened, and in theevent there may be some missing mandatory documents the application will not be considered for review.
Letter of Introduction
Completed signed and dated application form (see section G)
Academic standing (official or unofficial) of most recent academic program
Proof of First Nation, Inuit, or Métis status, as recognized by thegovernment of Canada
Confirmation of acceptance for fall semester is required
F / Terms and Conditions
To receive this award, the successful applicant should not be receiving more than one other award of equal or greater value for the same academic year. Students may apply for the award more than once over the course of their academic career, but they can only win the award once.
Preference will be given to applicants who are not receiving any other electricity sector award(s) (e.g. Hydro One, Ontario Power Authority, Toronto Hydro, etc.)
Preference is given to Ontario First Nation, Métis, Inuit community residents.
If you are selected for the shortlist, you will be required to participate in a 30 minute interview with 2 OPG representatives at a mutually convenient time.
G / Declaration / consent and verification / certification
I attest the information provided in this application is true and accurate and any falsification will result in immediate disqualification from the application process.
In accepting our scholarship, recipients understand and agree that Ontario Power Generation may publish their names and refer to their achievement in promotional or other material relating to the program.
Signature / Date
H / contact information
Completed application package can be mailed, e-mailed or faxed directly to Ontario Power Generation
Mail completed application to:
John Wesley Beaver Memorial Award
People, Culture & Communications
Ontario Power Generation
700 University Avenue, Suite H19
Toronto, ON M5G 1X6 Canada / Submit electronic application to:
Fax: (416) 592-4190
E-mail: / Questions/Inquiries

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