Name of the Proposal: ______

Principal Investigator: ______

Institution: ______Project Start Date: ______

Project Code: ______International Researcher ID: ______

Name of PI to be removed*,(a):
Name of PI to be added
Name of Co-PI to be removed
Name of Co-PI to be Added and his/her specialization*,(b): / Name:
Specialization (Please attach CV):
Reason/Justification for this Manpower change:
PI-please don’t write under this line
Science and Technology Unit Approval:
(KACST NSTIP Committee must approve too)
Date: / ¨ Manpower Change Approved (*).
¨ Manpower Change Denied.
KACST NSTIP Committee Approval
Date: / ¨ Manpower Change Approved (*).

(*) Manpower change does not involve any of the followings:

(1) Increase in the original budget of the project,

(2) Changes in the project’s objectives,

(3) Additional compensation to the PI and Co-PI for the extended period; provided item (1) above must be taken into consideration.

(a) A letter from the removed PI or Co-PI must be attached stating that he/she waives all of his/her financial and intellectual rights in this project.

(b) A letter from the added PI or Co-PI must be attached accepting this addition and his/her readiness to take the responsibility and pursue the duties of this project.