Development of Vocational Training
4th Research report
Final meeting – Thessaloniki, 9-10 October 2006
Provisional list of participants
Name / Address / Tel. – fax - mailElmira Bancheva / NBU School of Management
52A, G.M. Dimitrov blvd
Sofia 1125
Bulgaria / T: +359 2 8735189 / 8735187
Sandra Bohlinger / Technische Universität Darmstadt
1, Hochschulstr
DE – 64289 Darmstadt / T: +49/6151/166.905
F: +49/6151/166.63
Annie Bouder / Céreq – Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications
10, place de la Joliette
BP 21321
FR – 13567 Marseille cedex 02 / T: +33/4/
F: +33/4/
Aviana Bulgarelli / Cedefop
Evropis 123
GR – 57001 Thessaloniki / T: +30/2310/490.140
F: +30/2310/490.102
Françoise Dauty / LIRHE
Université des Sciences Sociales,
Bat. J, 3ème étage
Place Anatole France
FR – 31042 Toulouse Cedex / T: +33/5/
F: +33/5/
Ole Dibbern Andersen / DEL
The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers
Rosenoerns Allé 31
DK -1970 Frederiksberg
Denmark / T: +45/35247900
F: +45/35247910
David Dion / European Commission
BRU-MADO 09/13
BE – 1049 Brussels / T: +32/2/298.82.69
F: +32/2/292.13.69
Name / Address / Tel. – fax - mail
Torsten Dunkel / Centre for Research on Work and Higher Education
University of Kassel
Hunrodstr. 1
DE – 34131 Kassel / T: +49/561/804.20.47
F: +49/561/804.74.15
Peter Ekamper / NIDI
Lange Houtstraat 19
P.O.Box 11650
NL-2502 AR The Hague
The Netherlands / T: +31/70/3565233
F: +31/70/3647187
Rasmus Fridmodt / DEL
The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers
Rosenoerns Allé 31
DK -1970 Frederiksberg
Denmark / T: +45/35247900
F: +45/35247910
Bart Golsteyn / Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA)
Maastricht University
P.O. Box 616
NL – 6200 MD Maastricht / T: +31/43/388.36.47
F: +31/43/388.49.14
Jean Gordon / University of Paris Dauphine
European Institute of Education and Social Policy
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
F-75775 Paris Cedex 16
France /
Dr. Johanna Lasonen / University of Jyväskylä
Institute for Educational Research
P.O.Box 35
FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä
Finland / Tel: +358 14 260 1211
Fax: +358 14 260 1021
Christian Lettmayr / Cedefop
Evropis 123
GR – 57001 Thessaloniki / T: +30/2310/490.169
F: +30/2310/490.102
Name / Address / Tel. – fax - mail
Isabelle Le Mouillour
/ Centre for Research on Work and Higher Education
University of Kassel
Hunrodstr. 1
DE – 34131 Kassel / T: +49/561/804.20.47
F: +49/561/804.74.15
Tom Leney / Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
83 Piccadilly
UK – London W1J 8QA / T: +44/20/
F: +44/20/
Dieter Münk
/ Technische Universität Darmstadt
1, Hochschulstr
DE – 64289 Darmstadt / T: +49/6151/166.905
F: +49/6151/166.63
Sören Nielsen / European Training Foundation
Villa Gualino
Viale Settimio Severo 65
IT - 10133 Torino / T: +39.011. 630.23.58
F: +39.011. 630.22.00
Loek Nieuwenhuis / STOAS
(At present at IVA; Instituut voor beleidsonderzoek of University of Tilburg,
The Netherlands) /
Thomas Oberholzner / KMU Forschung Austria
Gusshausstrasse 8
AT – 1040 Vienna / T: +43/1/505.97.61
F: +43/1/503.46.60
David J. Parsons
/ Host Policy research
P.O. Box 144, Horsham
UK – West Sussex, RH12 1YS / T: +44/1403/21.14.40
F: +44/1403/25.18.66
Jordi Planas / Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Departament de sociologia
Edifici B – campus de UAB
ES – 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona / T: +34/93/581.24.46
F: +34/93/581.28.27
Marianne Poumay / Université de Liège
Bat. B9 Labset (Labo de Soutien à l'Enseignement Télématique)
boulevard de Colonster, 2
BE – 4000 Liège 1 / T: +32/4/366.20.79
F: +32/4/366.34.01
John Preston / School of Education
University of East London
Longbridge Road, Barking
UK – Essex RM8 2AS / T: +44/208/223.21.41
F: +44/208/223.28.82
Name / Address / Tel. – fax - mail
Wendy Smits / Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA)
Maastricht University
P.O. Box 616
NL – 6200 MD Maastricht / T: +31/43/388.36.47
F: +31/43/388.49.14
Olga Strietska-Ilina / Avenue Guillaume Herinckx 60
BE – 1180 Brussels / T: +30/2310/490.158
F: +30/2310/490.117
Ulrich Teichler / Centre for Research on Work and Higher Education
University of Kassel
Hunrodstr. 1
DE – 34131 Kassel / T: +49/561/804.20.47
F: +49/561/804.74.15
Tarja Tikkanen / Iris Research
PO Box 8046
4068 Stavanger
Norway / T: +47 (51) 875003
F: +47 (51) 875200
George Tsakarissianos / Valsamonos 10-12
GR – 11471 Athens / T: +30/210/644.97.04
Liliana Voicu / National Adult Training Board
Pta Valter Maracineanu, nr. 1-3
Intarea B, etaj 2, cam. 164-166, sector 1
010155 Bucharest
ROMANIA / T: +40 21 3215829
Kenneth Walsh / Host Policy research
P.O. Box 144, Horsham
UK – West Sussex, RH12 1YS / T: +44/1403/21.14.40
F: +44/1403/25.18.66
Terry Ward / Alphametrics Ltd.
Heath House, Princes Mews, Royston
UK – Herts SG8 9RT / T: +44/1763/24.22.77
F: +44/1763/25.00.77
Patrick Werquin / OECD
2, rue André Pascal
FR – 75775 Paris Cedex 16 / T: +33/1/
F: +33/1/
Name / Address / Tel. – fax - mail
Ingrid Wilkens / CEDEFOP
p/a :
Klopstockstrasse 3a
D-90491 Nürnberg
Germany / T: +49/911/6695987
Research report project managers:
Pascaline Descy
Manfred Tessaring
Research report secretariat:
Béatrice Herpin
Eleonore van de Veerdonk