Lesson Plan by: Rachel Brown
Lesson: Fractions
Length:20-30 minutes
Age/Grade: 4th Grade
Academic Standard(s):
4.2 Students solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers and understand the relationships among these operations. They extend their use and understanding of whole numbers to the addition and subtraction of simple fractions and decimals.
Performance Objective(s):
Given manipulative fraction slip tools the students will find common denominators for fractions 4 out of 5 times when observed.
Given manipulative fraction slip tools, the students will determine which fraction is larger 4 out of 5 times when observed.
Observation and asking questions of students. Working through problems with student to insure they understand the procedures and process.
Advance Preparation by Teacher:
Create manipulative tool for students: paper slips of measurement of different fractions.
Introduction/Motivation: Introduce students to the manipulative, allow them time to understand how they can use the slips to compare fractions and add fractions.
Step-by-Step plan: Explain how the strips all add up to the same whole ( example, (3) of the 1/3rd strips adds up to be the same as (10) of the 1/10th strips.
Review how to find the common denominator of numbers
Model how the strips can be used to compare the difference between fractions.
Provide questions for the students to solve; provide guidance during this time, as well as assess their learning.
Closure: End with a review of common denominators and how to determine which fraction is greater. Tie in examples of real life and the importance of fractions ( pizza, sharing items, ect.)
Allow students more time to work on problems, or give more one on one help to guide student through problems.
Provide written instructions for students who have trouble paying attention, or do not function well with auditory learning.
Provide more difficult problems for the student to solve.
Self Reflection:
I gave this lesson to two students in flyer time tutoring in Akron. It went really well, and the girls enjoyed using the manipulatives I made to answer problems. They even created their own questions to answer that were more challenging than the problems that I intended to provide for them. In the future, I would allow more time for them to spend discovering on their ownwith the manipulatives before I started having them answer questions with them.