Research Guide

Note: You may either print out and write on this document, or type your information and save the document according to your teacher’s directions.

Name: Date:
Class: Teacher:
Research Model: Journey to Japan
Time Management:
  • Research to be completed by:
  • Research product due date: Presentation date:

Research Topic choices in order of preference(one will be approved by your teacher):
3. / Research Product choices in order of preference(one will be approved by your teacher):
Essential Question: How do traditional values, beliefs, and institutions play a role in today's Japanese society?
Subsidiary Questions: Brainstorm additional questions about your topic using Who, What, When, Where, Why, or Howas question-starters. Your classmates or teacher will offer revision suggestions, and your teacher will approve your questions before you begin your research.
  1. What is the history of this aspect of traditional Japanese culture?
  2. How is this topic important to the lives of people in Japantoday?
Keywords: List your topic keyword(s) and keywords from your subsidiary questions. Some examples have been provided.
Japan tradition/traditional culture history importance/significance
Notes: Use the note-taking organizer below to record main ideas and key detailsabout each subsidiary question.
  • If you need additional space for notes, or if you prefer to write your notes in a lined space, write each subsidiary question at the top of a separate sheet of notebook paper or lined index card.

Note-Taking Organizer

IMPORTANT: If you copy and paste text from a Web page onto this organizer, you must paraphrase this information before including it in your research product/presentation toavoid plagiarism!

Subsidiary Questions / Notes
1. What is the history of this aspect of traditional Japanese culture?
2. How is this topic important to the lives of people in Japantoday?