Cascade Hall Conference Room
FRIDAY, December 2, 2011
Present: John Block, Sue Borden, David Chilicote, Carroll DeKock, Caitlin Flynn, Erin Haynes, Carol Kronstad, Jim Krueger, Tom McClintock, Gerry Olson (recorder), Helen Polensek, Mary Ann Roberts, Kate Sanders, Tom Savage, Terri Tower (presiding)
Absent: Gideon Alegado, Susan Poole
Special Guests: Representatives of the Academy of Lifelong Learning (ALL), Judy Ringle, Ed Bullard, and Jean Peters came to talk with OSURA Board members about the historic development and operations of ALL. The three have held numerous roles within ALL, and Jean is an ALL founder.
ALL is a concept that was designed to develop the ‘intellectual challenge’ objective of OSURA’s original Mission Statement. It was spun off as a separate organization to make it available to the total community. OSURA developed under the wing of University Events, with a Foundation Account to handle contributions and dues, and some hard-earned State funding for operating expenses. This arrangement helped to “institutionalize” OSURA within the University.
ALL started under the wing of OSU Continuing Education but when that department went through significant change, ALL became a program of the OSU Alumni Association (AA). They agreed to handle organizational structure and financial affairs, and thus the AA became the umbrella for ALL. In part this was necessary because OSURA maintained a strict definition for membership (OSU retirees and spouses only), while ALL was designed to appeal to and serve a broader segment of the community and membership was not restricted. Rather, it is open to all, fee-based and peer-led. While ALL is primarily supported by membership dues, the AA provides book keeping/bill-paying services, insurance, and web-site/server access. In turn, ALL is bound by the financial constraints of AA, including their approved vendor list. While ALL operates fairly independently, there is a liaison between ALL and AA.
Issues relating to “competition” between ALL and OSURA were discussed, and all present agreed that it need not exist. Both groups are important, and the different foci of the two groups (activities based versus intellectual challenge) should help us set non-competitive paths. Each group needs to help the other in recruiting members. For example, only 30% of ALL attendees are also OSURA members. OSURA is easily able to note ALL programs, and can keep ALL Board members on the OSURA List- serve. ALL can send their Term Schedule of Classes to University Events for OSURA Board Members. In turn, an OSURA Board member might attend an ALL Council meeting. ALL meets on the third Monday of each month. Terri will check out the ALL Council Meeting on Monday, January 19th, at 2:00 P.M.
Approval of Nov. 4. 2011 Board Minutes - John Block moved that we accept the minutes of the November 4, 2011 meeting as corrected. The budget target for membership numbers was corrected to read 325, not 300. David seconded the motion, and it carried.
Treasurer’s Report Carroll distributed copies of the State and OSU Foundation Accounts. He suggested we each open a gmail account to which we could send reports we couldn’t otherwise open. We could also use Google Docs on line to open reports. He also pointed out that our decision not to put monies from our Foundation Account into an Endowment means we don’t get interest that could accrue. The board agreed this needs further discussion. President Terri noted that the subcommittee will be considering this relative to OSURA priorities as they proceed with the 10 year review.
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(1) Annual Meeting Date and Speaker – The meeting is scheduled for May 9. President Ray is available to speak; Steve Clark is not,. We might ask Steve back to another Board meeting, and have him be speaker at our Fall Kickoff. Carroll moved, Tom Seconded, that we extend an invitation to President Ray to be our Annual Meeting speaker. The Motion carried. Dave Chilicote’s Barbershop quartet “The Investments” has been asked to sing for the group, beginning around 4:00 pm.
(2) 10 year Review Survey –The Subcommittee (Terri, Jim and Mary Ann) has begun its task. JoAnne Trow declined to be on the committee, but recommended they meet with past OSURA presidents. This will be taking place in the next several weeks. They will use the same survey with past presidents as with our members.
* Membership – The committee hasn’t met yet. However, Kathy Heath has worked to contact two-year non-renewal members. Letters were sent to 97 people, and 20 have replied by joining.
* Communication/Newsletter -- Erin shared the draft that is nearly ready, pending board review for any changes and additions. It will be sent to print early next year. Some extras will be printed for mailing with directories, and for the regional meeting. We need to be sure that ALL has copies.
* Member ServicesCarroll reported that the Estate Planning Meeting was well received, attended by 25 – 30. The panelists worked hard to keep the information generic. A Nutrition program and something for New Retirees will be planned for next term..
* Program - Helen reported on the tour to King Estates. There were 46 on the bus, with a total of 48 attending – and all enjoyed the trip. King Estates put on extra staff to handle the meals and purchases. All in all, this was a successful event.
* Golf- Carol - Carol reported that the Golf Committee said ‘no’ to advertising “The Golf Workshop”
on our Listserve.
* Scholarship- John is ready to post scholarship information on the web. Brochures were not picked up last year, so it was agreed to not print any this year. All advertising will be electronic. “Scholarship Manager” is a system for finding scholarships with specific parameters. The questions were: Can we be listed? Are there scholarship control issues? No response was received from them on first contact, so John will check this out again.
* Volunteer - Sue - No Report
* Staff Report- Kate, – Parking permits for next year will be mailed before the January meeting to all OSURA Board members, as all expire the end of Dec. 2011. Also, open parking rules are in effect through the 2nd week of the term. We get very special parking permits through the president’s office.
(1) Suggested guest(s) for future meetings are: Scott Greenwood – Alum Assn; Someone from the provost’s office (addressing structure changes ~ colleges); Jock Mills – Director of Government
Relations, OSU (State System governance changes and where is the institution heading). It was suggested that Jock Mills be invited for Jan 6 or Feb. 3. We will extend the length of time for this meeting. The Governor’s proposal for each University to have its own board is an issue of concern. His information should be reported to our members, and we can link to the “inform” site for his communications. Kate will send these links to us.
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(2) Newsletter Articles for April/Early May - Our plan is to send the Newsletter to members before our Annual meeting on May 9; thus it will need to go to press by Mid-April. April 1 is then the deadline for all script, so work on the letter will happen during March. Erin will give out a time-line and suggested topics articles. Tom suggested we feature things we do such as the career fair, and the King Estates tour (with photos). We might also educate our members on the “separate boards” issue of ALL and OSURA. Board members are needed to write complete articles, not just notes.
(3) Website Photos - Currently we go to Flicker to view OSURA photos, but there was a concern that you can’t download the photo. Actually you can go to a link, “original,” from which separate photos can be downloaded. Kate’s in charge of this site.
(4) An ALL and OSURA Event in spring might focus on Higher Education (member services). A decision should be made on this in January.
Tom Savage asked a question of how we do a better job “reeling in” people who may be interested in OSURA. The website is best tool to get acquainted with OSURA and sign up as a member. However, personal connections are the best for making contact. We can put people on the Listserve, give them a brochure, or even take a dues check to “Close the Deal”! Members should target those they know who are retiring (just becoming eligible) – and perhaps give a gift membership to OSURA as an incentive to become active.
The Meeting was adjourned @ 11:45 am.
Items distributed prior to or at the meeting:
OSURA State Funds and Recent Bills
OSURA Foundation Accounts
Joint Statement Agreed to by OSURA and ALL, December 17, 2002
OSURA Board Timeline, 2011-12
2011-12 MEETINGS - FIRST FRIDAYS, 10 am - 12 noon, Cascade Hall Conference Room. Jan. 6; Feb. 3; March 2; Apr. 6; May 4; and June 1. Annual Meeting Wednesday May 9. Fall Kick-Off and Golf Tournament Tues Sept 11, 2012.