Quality Indicator annual summary report
Learner engagement and employer satisfaction surveys
RTO No. / RTO legal name21920 / Trade Institute of Victoria Pty Ltd
Section 1Survey response rates
Surveys issued (SI) / Surveys received (SR) / % response rates= SR *100 / SI
Learner engagement / 244 / 112 / 45.9%
Employer satisfaction / 26 / 9 / 34.6#
Trends of response statistics:
- which student/employer cohorts provided high/low response rates
- how did response rates compare with previous years (if applicable)
As per previous years, the main cohort of survey responses achieved for 2016 were from the Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building). The quantity of surveys issued and received has dramatically increased due to moving the engagement survey to online under our Student Management System. The quantity of the Employer satisfaction survey participation is in decline from 2015 due to the majority of employers sourced from our Certificate III in Carpentry, where the majority of the 2016 student will conclude in 2017, hence not being able to be caputured within the 2016 data parameter.
Section 2Survey information feedback
What were the expected or unexpected findings from the survey feedback?Expected findings: The high majority ofreturned responses that are in agreement or strong agreement with the statements in the survey whilst only a minority of responses disagaree.
Unexpected findings: The success in the new procedure generating a higher response of learner engagement in the survey response.
What does the survey feedback tell you about your organisation’s performance?
The 2015 data indicated that the students wished for more interative class participation. This was implimented in the classroom learning activities in 2016, with further activities being programmed for 2017 based on the feedback and data provided by TIV students. Student feedback for more site visits has informed the development of TIV's Workplace Training Facility which now has provided a greater range of workplace/site based activities.
Section 3Improvement actions
What preventive or corrective actions have you implemented in response to the feedback?Based on the data provided in 2016 learning material has been updated to meet industry requirements, along with additional support classes incorporated for students who require additional assistance.
How will/do you monitor the effectiveness of these actions?
We have designed a survey to gauge the students responses at the end of each unit
Form–QualityIndicator annual summary report, updated 20 April 2012Page 1 of 2