Machine Intelligence Laboratory
National Science Foundation
Research Experience for Undergraduates in
Any undergraduate student who is enrolled in a degree program (part-time or full-time) leading to a bachelor's degree in Engineering or Computer Science, who is a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States and its possessions is eligible and encouraged to apply. Applications from qualified women, Native Americans, African Americans, Native Pacific Islanders, Hispanics and persons with disabilities are highly encouraged. The program will provide subsistence ($5000 lump sum paid 2 weeks after the program start) for one summer semester on-site experience. Qualifications will be based, in part, on the student's GPA, two faculty recommendation letters, the articulation of the student's goals, courses taken, and the student's practical, technical experience, if any. The program will run through the UF summer semester, from May 15, 2006 to August 11, 2006.
Instructions:Complete the following form and have two faculty members in your institution submit a letter of recommendation via e-mail to one of the following or as soon as possible.
{You must be able to report to UF by May 15, 2006 to start the program---No Exceptions}
Application Deadline: March 17, 2006
Applicant's Name: ______
Eligibility:I am a ( ) U.S. Citizenor a( ) Permanent Resident of the U.S.
(Street)(Apartment Number)
E-Mail Address:
Degree Program:
(College/Department)(Classification: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
Grade Point Average: ______Expected Graduation Date:
(Upper Division)(Lower Division) (Overall)
Faculty Recommender #1:
(Name, Department, Phone, e-mail)
Faculty Recommender #2:
(Name, Department, Phone, e-mail)
Special Minority Status:( ) Female( ) Native American( ) African American
( ) Hispanic American( ) Native Pacific Islander
Disability Status:______
Applicant' Name: ______
List of courses taken (e.g., circuits, microprocessors, machining, programming, etc.):
Practical/Technical/Work experience (projects you have worked on, technical hobbies, etc.):
Explain briefly your reasons/goals in applying:
Describe your thoughts (if any) of continuing on to grad school:
Comments (and other information that you would like us to know about you):
Submit your Application via e-mail to one of the following: or age 1/2