Unconfirmed Minutes of the 7th BBNP Local Access Forum Meeting held

at 14.00 on Wednesday 10thOctober2012 at The National Park Visitor Centre


Chairman: - Mike Scott Archer (MSA)

Secretary: - Richard Ball (RB)

Ian Mabberley (IM)

Denis Murphy (DM)

Pavel Vitek

Gwyn Gwillim (GG)

Janet Bailey (JB)

Hilda Williams (HW)

David Sharmen (DS)

Pam Bell (PM)


Patricia Doree (PD) Information Officer BBNPA

Avril Barnes (AB) Rights of Way Assistant BBNPA

Michael Smith (MS) CCW

  1. Welcomes and Apologies

MSA welcomed members and observers. Apologies for absence were received from Julian Atkins, Colin Woodley and Efion Jones.

MSA explained that David Mantle had not attended a LAF meeting for 12months and as a consequence will be asked to vacate his position on the LAF. RB mentioned that the LAF will need to recruit new members and to maintain a balance of interests landowners, farmers and individuals with an equestrian back ground would be targetted.

  1. Election of Chair and Deputy Chair

RB had not received any expressions of interest for the post of Chairman. MSA asked each individual of the attending LAF if they had any interest in standing for either position, none was received. MSA asked the LAF if they were happy for him and Colin Woodley to carry on as Chair and Vice Chair, the LAF agreed.

  1. Confirmation of Minutes from the 7th Meeting on 10th October 2012

The Minutes were accepted with no alterations and it was agreed MSA should sign them as a true record.

  1. Matters arising not otherwise appearing on the Agenda

RB informed the LAF that there had been no decision from the Welsh Government on an application to retain the fence between Manor Penderyn Common and the Eastern Great Forest of Brecknock.

MSA had provided a detailed response to the Active Travel Bill drafted by him and Eifion Jones, responding to each individual point. He then went on to ask the LAF if they were happy with the response, the LAF agreed there were no additions to add.

MSA explained that he had presented the LAF Annual Reports to the BBNP Authority; it was well received and accepted with no problems.

PV enquired if there was any progress on the proposed permissive routes at GlanUsk. RB replied that GlanUsk had provided a permissive route that may occasionally be closed if necessary.

  1. Promotion and Information.

MSA introduced PD, and she gave a brief description of her roles and responsibilities within the National Park Authority. PD asked each individual member of the LAF about their personal interest relating to the National Park, the LAF responded. PD gave a brief presentationon the new Destination web site and its development by the National ParkAuthority and its great potential to improve partnership working with County Councils.

IM suggested it should contain more detailed OS Maps for walkers to prevent people from getting lost.

A number of questions were raised by the LAF concerning the webs site; PD could not give a definitive answer due to the fact that the web site was still in the early development stages.

  1. Review of CROW Access Maps

RB explained that the CROW Access Maps are under review and are at the draft stage, a number of minor changes have been made in the BBNP. MS invited the LAF members to look at the maps and asked for any comments, none were received.

MS informed the LAF that the maps could be found on the CCW webs site and paper copies would be sent out on request. He also asked for the future dates for consultation to be added to the minutes, RB agreed he would send them out via email.

RB asked if Natural England and Defra would be updating their access maps because he was informed they were not. MS was unaware of that but agreed to check.

  1. Black Mountains Upland Volunteer Scheme

RB and JR gave an update on the newly formed Black Mountain Upland Volunteer Group including its development, funding, and work and training programme.

PV asked if the group were promoted. RB replied the group was actively being promoted on the National Park web site and was also advertised in several local papers.

HW asked what benefit the volunteers were getting out of it. RB informed the LAF that the volunteers were going to receive professional training in First Aid, navigation and practical path construction techniques.

  1. Natural Resources for Wales 2nd Consultation

RB informed members that the 2nd consultation period had now closed. The 3 Welsh National Parks had responded jointly and the response had included comments about funding for ROWiP and National Trails and had asked for clarity that this would continue.

MSA explained that the LAF Chairs were happy with the recommendations relating to access and recreation.

  1. Phytophthora.

MSA gave details of a lecture he had attended given by Matt Castle, the lecture was aimed at the use of mathematics and its application in the control of phtyophthora.

DM expressed his concerns about the methods being used to control phtyophthora and its long term effect. He stated that larch was not very genetically diverse and was therefore very susceptible to this disease. His opinion was that the disease may well eradicate larch from the UK.

RB reported that there had been a further outbreak at Pontsticill.

  1. Any Other Competent Business

MSA circulated copies of the LAF Chairs meeting and asked for comments, no comments were received.

MSA informed the LAF that he had a conversation with Carmarthenshire LAF concerning improved equestrian links within the National Park, he had looked into this with Eifion Jones and it was suggested that some routes were impractical and some could possibly be developed.RB suggested it may be worth organising a site visit in the spring to look at the issues.

RB informed the LAF of the Splash events being organised during half term including canoeing, gorge walking and clean ups.

MSAinformed members that he had attended a meeting concerning the recording of Commons that had been held at the Castle Hotel Brecon.

RB updated on the LAF the works already being carried out at Rhiw Cwnstab and of possible works to be carried out at Dolygaer.

DM and IM expressed some concerns that the new improvements could make it easier for motorbikes and 4x4 to gain access.

AB gave an update on events concerning Rights of way. Consultation had been sent out to the LAF with no response so an order was applied for FP 42. Orders have been put in place on FP 15 & 39.

Temporary closure orders have been put in place on Foot Paths 15, 486, 6 and RB3

  1. Next meeting

The next meeting of the LAF will be on 30th January 2013 at the National Park Visitor Centre, Libanus (Mountain Centre).