Commercial Pilot Syllabus
Requirements for Obtaining Your Commercial Pilot Certificate:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Be able to read, speak, write, and converse fluently in English.
- Hold at least a private pilot license
- Hold at least a current third-class FAA medical certificate to apply for the certificate but hold at least a current second-class medical to excercise the privilages of the Commercial Pilot Certificate.
- Pass the Commercial Pilot knowledge test with a score of 70% or better.
- Undertake flight training as described in Flight Lessons 1 - 25 and Ground Lessons 1 - 15 found listed below. Many of the Flight Lessons, which are not all that different than from your private license training, will require more than one flight to make you comfortable and proficient.
- Recieve a signed recommendation (8710) that you are competent as a commercial pilot from a CFI
- Successfully complete a practical test, which will be given as a final exam by an FAA-designated pilot examiner.
Flight Lessons:
- Preflight Procedures
- Taxi & Pre-Takeoff Check
- Postflight Procedures
- Normal & Crosswind Takeoff & Climb
- Normal & Crosswind Approach to Landing
- Go-Arounds
- Forward Slips to Landing
- Short Field Takeoff & Climb
- Short Field Approach to Landing
- Soft Field Takeoff & Climb
- Soft Field Approach to Landing
- Power Off 180° to Landing
- Steep Turns
- Slow Flight
- Stalls: Power On/Off
- Stalls: 30°bank, Elevator Trim, 2ndary, Cross Control
- Basic Instrument Maneuvers & Unusual Attitude
- Emergency Operations (i.)
- Performance Maneuvers (ii.)
- 8's on Pylons Ground Ref. Maneuver
- Cross-Country
- Collision Avoidance Precautions
- Diversions to Another Airport
- Night Operations
- Checkride Check & Review
Ground Lessons:
- Regulations and Accident reporting
- Aircraft Systems
- Aerodynamics
- Weather
- Aviation Safety & ADM
- Weight & Ballance
- Performance Charts
- Aeronautical Charts & Publications
- NavigationLost Procedures
- Cross Country Planning
- Flight Physiology
- High Altitude Operations
- AirspaceAirport Operations
- Emergency Equipment & Gear
- Commercial Pilot Written Review
- Emergency Operations
- Emergency Descent
- Emergency Approach & Landing
- Systems Emergencies
- Performance Maneuvers
- Lazy 8's
- Chandelles
- Steep Spirals Around A Point
Flight Time Requirements For Commercial Pilot SEL:
Under Part 61 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), you must log a total of 250 hr. of flight time, including a minimum of
- 100 hrs in powered aircraft
- 50 hrs must be in airplanes
- 100 hrs of pilot-in-command flight time
- 50 hrs in airplanes
- 50 hrs of X-C flying, of which 10hrs must be in airplanes
- 20 hrs of dual flight training
- 10 hrs of instrument training, of which 5hrs must be in a single eng. airplane
- 10 hrs of training in a complex airplane or a turbine powered airplane
- 1 X-C at least 2 hrs in DAY-VFR conditions +100 nm from origin.
- 1 X-C at least 2 hrs in NIGHT-VFR conditions +100 nm from origin.
- 3 hours of flight training in a SEL within the 60 days prior to the practical
- 10 hrs of solo flight in a single engine airplane
- 5 hours in night VFR conditions
- 10 T/O's and Ldgs at a controlled airport
- One Cross country flight of not less than 300nm w/3 ldgs, 1 leg +250nm