Reserve Teacher Pay Information and


Daily Pay Information

Bloomington Schools currently offers a two-tier full day rate schedule. The first rate is in effect for the first forty (40) cumulative working days in one school year. The second tier or higher rate is effective after forty (40) cumulative working days in one school year. Once the second tier or higher rate of pay is reached, the reserve teacher is not required to requalify for that level of pay the following school year.The reserve teacher is expected to fulfill all extra duties, including additional classes that are part of the classroom teacher’s regular schedule, or any additional duties which the school principal assigns.

2016-17 Reserve Teacher Pay Rates

Starting Daily Rate, Tier 1 / $120.00
After 40 Days, Tier 2 / $125.00
Half day Rate (4 hrs or less) / $66.00
Retired Bloomington Schools Teacher / $135.00
Long-term assignment 10-29 days for the same absent teacher. / $135.00
Long-call assignment 30 days or more / Determined through teacher negotiations, BA Step 1. Currently $216.68/day

Holiday Pay

Reserve teachers will be paid for the following school holidays provided they work the last student-contact day before and the first student-contact day after that holiday: Labor Day (when applicable), Thanksgiving Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day and Memorial Day. This DOES NOT include Winter or Spring Breaks or teacher workshop/inservice days.

Pay Schedule

Days Worked / Check Date
9/6/16 – 9/15/16 / 10/5/16
9/16/16 – 9/30/16 / 10/20/16
10/1/16 – 10/15/16 / 11/4/16
10/16/16 – 10/31/16 / 11/18/16
11/1/16 – 11/15/16 / 12/5/16
11/16/16 – 11/30/16 / 12/20/16
12/1/16 – 12/15/16 / 1/5/17
12/16/16 – 12/31/16 / 1/20/17
1/2/17 – 1/15/17 / 2/3/17
1/16/17 – 1/31/17 / 2/20/17
2/1/17– 2/15/17 / 3/3/17
2/16/17– 2/28/17 / 3/20/17
3/1/17 – 3/15/17 / 4/5/17
3/16/17 – 3/31/17 / 4/20/17
4/1/17 – 4/15/17 / 5/5/17
4/16/17 – 4/30/17 / 5/19/17
5/1/17 – 5/15/17 / 6/5/17
5/16/17 – 5/31/17 / 6/20/17
6/1/17 – 6/07/17 / 6/30/17