Reference number: R13-0412

Site address:1 Bawnmore Park, Rugby, CV22 6JW

Description :Fell Four Protected Holly trees located on western boundary due to "low public amenity value" to be replaced with "more mature specimens". Crown lift 1no. Holly

Case Officer Name & Number:David Gower (01788 533634)

Application to remove 4 protected Holly trees (Tree Preservation Order number 75) which are located adjacent to the western boundary due to "extremely low public amenity value”.

The tree preservation order incorporates numerous other mature trees around the site boundary of BawnmorePark.

Indeed, the boundary of BawnmorePark is characterised by the mature tree cover and the Holly trees form part of this.

The applicant submitted a Tree Evaluation Method for Tree Preservation Orders (TEMPO) which is method for establishing whether trees are suitable for protection.

The applicants TEMPO underscored the trees condition due to the surrounding Laurel.

The Holly trees are in good condition. The Laurel has now been removed whichwill further enhance the long term viability of the trees.

The Holly trees are estimated to be between 70 and 130 years in age (based on girth size and a calculation from

Holly trees are relatively slow growing and long lived. They can live up to 300 years. Therefore it is expected that they will live way beyond the applicant’s estimation of 10-20 years i.e. in excess of 100 years.

The trees are visible from BawnmorePark, from the gardens of the surrounding properties and partially from Arbour close. The trees also form an established and effective informal screening feature important for their cohesion between the property and 67a Bawnmore Road.

The trees are under threat therefore I would classify the trees as being worthy of preservation under this TEMPO method submitted by the applicant.

A number of objections have been received from local residents expressing concern regarding the potential loss of the trees.

A tree report has also been submitted. However, this is a BS5837:2012 (Trees in relation to design demolition and construction - recommendations) tree report relating to a previous planning application proposing the erection of 3 dwellings on the same site which was also refused partly on the grounds of the loss of the Holly trees.

Section 3.1.11 of the tree report submitted states that the group of Holly's "provide an effective and attractive screen at the site boundary".

Section 3.1.15 states that T31 “is a large and wide and Holly that provides much of the amenity".

The report goes onto state that from an arboricultural perspective no works are required with exception of T31 (clear basal sucker growth) but does say that they should be removed accommodate development. No mention is made of this within the application itself as a reason to fell the trees.

It is considered inappropriate to remove the four Holly trees to be replaced with the same species of larger size in the same location.

Given the current age and stature of trees (10 metres) it will not be possible to replace with larger more mature trees. It will take many years to re-establish the existing tree cover. No clear reasoning has been given for this proposal.

Permission was granted in 2012 to remove a mature Chestnut tree located on the southern boundary of 1 Bawnmore Park which was in extremely poor condition and was becoming a health and safety concern. The tree has now been replaced.

Therefore, the proposed removal of the four mature Holly trees will result in the unacceptable loss of an established landscaping feature that contribute positively to the character, amenity and appearance of the application site and immediate area.

Application refused.

Report prepared by: David Gower (Arboricultural Officer)


Report Sheet