The Florida Career and Professional Education Act provides the legislative basis for establishing high school CAPE Academies throughout the state of Florida. (CAPEAct)

The two primary benefits of establishing CAPE Academies at your school are:

  1. All CAPE Academies are aligned to an Industry Certification on the State Funding List. Students enrolled in CAPE Academies are more likely to attain the appropriate Industry Certification, which will positively impact the school grade.
  1. Students who earn an Industry Certification aligned to the CAPE Academy in which they are enrolled, and who graduate with a standard high school diploma, will generate state bonus funding in accordance with the Act. The funding amount is based on the annual state appropriation. Bonus funding will be provided directly to the school, to be used as specified in the Act.

In order for a high school CAPE Academy to be registered with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), the superintendent must verify that the local CAPE Academy meets the provisions of the CAPE Act. CAPE Academy registration is an annual process and Academies are not automatically renewed. The criteria below must be maintained and validated yearly. Be aware that all existing CAPE Academies must be reviewed and renewed annually.

Establishing and Maintaining a High School CAPE

  1. The principal reviews the list of current CAPE Academies at their school and requests, via e-mail to the CTACE Director, that the annual review for recertification of the CAPE Academy be conducted.This request should come no later than August 31st of each school year, in order to meet the FLDOE mandated CAPE registration deadline of September 15th.
  2. The principal reviews the attached 10-11 Industry Certification Program Alignment Report and requests, via e-mail to the CTACE Director, that one or more of their career and technical programs on this report be considered to be a new state-registered CAPE Academy. This request should come no later than August 31st of each school year, in order to meet the FLDOE mandated CAPE registration deadline of September 15th.
  3. The appropriate curriculum specialist verifies that all of the following criteria for each existing and proposed CAPE Academy are met:
  • Students in the identified CTE Program can attain an industry certification while in high school. If barriers/additional requirements, such as work experience, age or high school diploma, have been put in place by the agency that will issue the industry certification, the CTE Curriculum Specialist and the Principal determine the feasibility of moving forward towards initiating a CAPE Academy in the program area.
  • The lead teacher/teacher of record holds a Professional Services Contract (PSC). The lead teacher/teacher of record is defined as the teacher of the course aligned to the industry credential for the program.
  • The lead teacher/teacher of record is certified in the subject area. A teacher who holds temporary certification is not eligible.
  • The lead teacher/teacher of record holds the appropriate industry certification.
  • The lead teacher/teacher of record: (1) holds either a reading endorsement, or (2) completed the District CAR-PD Program, or (3) is currently enrolled in the CAR-PD Program, or (4) agrees to enroll in the CAR-PD Program during the next enrollment period, which may be the year following CAPE implementation, or (5) the principal provides the CTACE Director with the number of CTE level 2 readers in the school and his/her plan for addressing the reading deficiency of these students.
  • The proposed CAPE Academy facility has the required equipment, software, and instructional technology/materials aligned with the curriculum framework for the program.
  • For new CAPE Academies registered 2011-12 and beyond, all courses in the CTE program, leading up to and including the course aligned with the Industry Certification, are offered and shall document a minimum enrollment of eight (8) students in each course, which equates to 25% of the class, based on a 32:1 student-teacher ratio, transitioning from one level to the next. This requirement validates the registration of sustainable, high-quality CTE programs.
  • Prior to being approved and registered as a CAPE Academy for the third year, at least 50 percent of the students enrolled in a CAPE, who attempted the industry certification, must have achieved the certification during the second year.
  • Prior to being approved and registered as a CAPE Academy for thefourth year and each year thereafter, at least 66 percent of the students enrolled in a CAPE,who attempted the industry certification, must have achieved the certification.
  1. The principal acknowledges that the lead teacher/teacher of record is highly qualified and effective.
  2. The principal agrees to provide the program with sufficient consumable supplies to carry out the student performance standards of the program.
  3. The principal agrees to utilize CAPE bonus funding in accordance with the Act.
  4. The CTACE Director informs the principal that either the proposed CAPE Academy met all established criteria and will be recommended for state registration or did not the meet one or more of the stated criteria.
  5. Upon notification to the District by the FLDOE, the CTACE Director will notify the school.

CTACE Support for Existing and Aspiring CAPE Academies

CAPE Academy programs will have the following support from the CTACE Department:

  • Scheduled meetings will be held by CTACE Curriculum Specialists with all stakeholders through video conferencing, on-line meetings, face to face meetings and/or conference calls.
  • Program specific mentors (within the school or District) will be identified.
  • Establish a best practices clearing-house, which includes District and statewide CAPE academies as resources.
  • CTACE will continue to provide professional development.
  • CTACE will conduct an annual review of each CAPE Academy in conjunction with the CTE 5-Year Strategic Plan video conferences.