Chicago Shell Club Library List
Abbott, R. Tucker,Kingdom of the Seashell, Crown Publishers, 1972.(2 copies autographed by author), 1982, (1 copy autographed by author).We also have a 1972 and a 1975 copy.
Abbott, R. Tucker,American Malacologists, and 1st edition: 1973-74, A National Register of Professional & Amateur Malacologists & private shell collectors.
Abbott, R. Tucker,Best of the Nautilus, (index), American Malacologists, GreenvilleDelaware, 1979.
Abbott, R. Tucker, American Seashells, 1st edition, D. Van Nostrand Publishers, 1954, 2nd edition, Van Nostrand publishers, 1974, (autographed by author).
Abbott, R. Tucker,Seashells of North America, Field Guide, Golden Press, 1968.
Abbott, R. Tucker, Collectible Shells of the S.E. United States, Bahamas & Caribbean, American Malacologists, Melbourne Fla. 1984.
Abbott, R. Tucker,How To Know American Marine Shells, New American Library Publishers, 1961.
Abbott, R. Tucker,Marine Mollusks of Grand Cayman Island, & British West Indies, George W. Carpenter, Philadelphia Penn. 1958.
Abbott, R. Tucker and S. Peter Dance,Compendium of Sea Shells, E. P. Dutton, 1982, (autographed by both authors).
Abbott, R. Tucker,Compendium of Land Shells, American Malacologists, 1989.
Abbott, R. Tucker,Sea Shells of the World.A Guide to the Better-Known Species, Golden Press Inc., New York, 1962.
Abbott, R. Tucker,Sea Shells, A Junior Golden Guide, Golden Press Inc., New York, 1966.
Abbott, R. Tucker, Indo-Pacific Mollusca, Volumes 1, 2, & 3.Published by Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia, (In 3 Binders), 1959.
Abbott, R. Tucker,Pronouncing the Scientific Names of Sea Shells of North America, 33rpm recording (side 1 has skipping).
Allen, Joyce,Australian Shells, Georgian House, Melbourne, Australia, 1950.
Andrews, Jean,Sea Shells of the TexasCoast,University of Texas Press, 1971.
Angeletti, Sergio,Color Treasury of Sea Shells, Crescent Books, Orbis Publishers Ltd., London, England, 1973.
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Arakawa, Kohnman,Shell Stamps of the World, Biological Society of NagasakiPrefecture, 1979.
Arnold, Augusta Foote,Sea Beach At Ebb Tide, General Publishing Company, Toronto, Canada, 1981.
Bagnis, R. & E. Christian,Underwater Guide to Tahiti, Les Editions du Pacifique, 1983.
Baker, Frank C.Mollusca of the Chicago Area, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Part 1, 1898, Part 2, 1902. Both paperback volumes are bound into one hardbound edition.
Barrett, Ralph & David Patterson, Editors,Shells and Shelling / Hundreds of Shells in Color, Post Publications, 1967.
Bartsch, Paul, Harald A. Rehder & Beulah E. Shields,A Biography and Short Biographical Sketch of William Healey Dall, Published by The Smithsonian Institution, 1946.
Bavendam, Fred,Beneath Cold Waters, The Marine Life of New England, Down East Books, Camden, Maine, 1980.
Bieler, Rudiger, & Neil H. Landman, Paula M. Mikkelsen, Bennett Bronson,Pearls: A Natural History, Harry N. Abrams Inc., 2001. (Autographed byRudigerBieler).
Bieler, Rudiger & Paula Mikkelsen (editors), Bivalve Studies in the Florida Keys,Malacologia, International Journal of Malacology, Volume 46(2), 2004. (Autographed)
Boom, Robert,Hawaiian Sea Shells, Robert Boom Company, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1972.
Bosch, Donald,Shells of Oman, Longman Group Ltd., Harlow, Essex England, 1982.
Bosch, Donald & S. Peter Dance, Robert Moolenbeek, P. Graham Oliver,Sea Shells of Eastern Arabia, Motivate Publishers, 1995.
Bouchet, Ph, F. Danrigal, C. Huygens, Sea Shells of Western Europe, American Malacologists, 1979.
Bratcher, Twila, Walter Cernohorsky,Living Terebras of the World, American Malacologists, 1987.(autographed by author).
Burgess, C.M.,Cowries of the World, 2nd Edition, CPT Book Printers, Cape Town, South Africa, 1985.
Burgess, C.M.,The Living Cowries, A.S. Barnes & Co. Inc.,1970.
Burgess, Dr. Warren E.,Corals, T.F.H. Publications, Inc., 1979.
Burghardt, Glenn & Laura,West Coast Chitons, San Francisco Aquarium Society, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1969.
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Cate, Jean M., Selma Raskin,It’s Easy To Say Crepidula!(In notebook form, Xeroxed from a publication in the Chicago Public Library)
Cernohorsky, Walter,Marine Shells of the Pacific, Pacifix Publishing Co., Sydney, NSW, Australia, 1967.
Clark, Ailsa M.,Starfishes and Their Relations, British Museum of Natural History, 1962.
Coleman, Neville,The Australian Beachcomber, W. Collins Publishers Printing Ltd., 1979.
Coleman, Neville, Shells Alive!, Rigby Publishers, Adelaide, Australia, 1981.
Couch, Karen J., An Illustrated Guide to the Unionid Mussels of Kansas, Published by Karen Couch, 1997.
Costeau, Jacques,Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau, Volumes 1 thru 21.
Cummings, Kevin S., & Christine Mayer,Mussels of the Midwest,Illinois Natural History Survey, Manuel # 5, 1992. (Autographed by Kevin Cummings)
Dance, S. Peter, Collectors Encyclopedia of Shells, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1974.
Dance, S. Peter,Shell Collecting, An Illustrated History,University of California Press, 1966.
Dance, S. Peter,Shells and Shell Collecting, Hamlyn Publishing Group, London, England, 1972.
Dance, S. Peter,Eyewitness Handbook: Shells, Dorling Kindersley Inc.1992.(Notebook form, Xeroxed from publication in Beth Heierling’s library)
Department of Harbours and Marine,Tide Tables & Notes on Boating For the Coast of Queensland, Published by the Department of Harbours and Marine of Queensland Australia, 1973.
Dorsman, Henri V.,Shell Craft Novelties, Published by Henri V. Dorsman, St. Petersburg, Fla., 1952.
Dubar, Jules,Stratography and Paleontology: Late Neocene Strata of the CaloosahatcheeRiver Area of Southern Florida, Florida Geological Survey, 1958.
Eisenberg, Jerome,Collector’s Guide to Sea Shells of the World, Mc Graw-Hill Books, 1981, Reprinted 1984.
Elbert, Virginie Fowler,Shell Craft, Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, Ind., 1978.
Emerson, William, & Morris Jacobson,AmericanMuseum of Natural History Guide to Shells.Land, Fresh Water, & Marine: Nova Scotia to Florida, Alfred Knopf, Publishers, New York, 1976.
Fair, Ruth H.,Shell Collector’s Guide, Charles Tuttle Company, 1976.
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Faulkner, Douglas, & Richard Chesher, Living Corals, Crown Publishers, New York, 1979.
Feinberg, Harold, & Bruno Sabelli,Guide to Shells, Simon & Schuster, 1979.
Feininger, Andreas & William Emerson,Shells, Viking Press, New York, 1972.
Furlong, Marjorie & Virginia Pill,Starfish, Ellison Industries, Edmonds, Wash. 1970.
Gerber, Dr. Jochen,Revision der gattung Vallonia Risso, 1826, Vrelag, Christa Hemmen, Weisbaden, West Germany, ( Text in German), 1996.
Goodman, Stuart & Leni,Art From Shells, Crown Publishers, 1972.
Habe, Tadashige, & Tetusaki Kira,Shells of the Western Pacific in Color, Volume 2, Hoikusha Publishing Co., Osaka, Japan, 1968, reprinted 1975.
Hall, Francis Wyly,Shells of the Florida Coasts, Published by Francis Wyly Hall, 1962.
Harasewych, M.G.,Shells: Jewels from the Sea, Nevraumont Publishing Co. Inc., New York, 1989.
Harden, Cleo,How to Preserve Animals & Other Specimens in Clear Plastic, Naturegraph Company, Healdsburg, Cal., 1963.
Heatwole, Harold,A Coral Island, W. Collins Printing, Sydney, Australia, 1981.
Heiman, E.L., Cowries of East Sinai, Keterpress Enterprises, Jerusalem, 2002.
Hess, Lilo, Sea Horses, T.F.H. Publications, 1956.
Hinton, Alan, Shells of New Guinea and the Central Indo-Pacific, C. Tuttle Co, RutlandVermont, 1972, Reprinted 1982.
Hinton, Alan, Guide to Australian Shells, Robert Brown & Associates Printing Ltd. (Year not given)
Hoyt, Murray, Jewels From the Ocean Deep, G.P. Putnam & Sons, New York, 1967.
Hutchinson, William M., A Child’s Book of Sea Shells, Maxton Publishers, New York, 1954.
Jacobson, Morris, & William K. Emerson, Shells from Cape Cod to Cape May, Dover Publishers, New York, 1961.
Johnstone, Kathleen Yerger, Collecting Sea Shells, Grosset & Dunlap Publishers, 1970.
Johnstone, Kathleen Yerger, Sea Treasure, A Guide to Shell Collecting, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Mass., 1957.
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Keen, A. Myra, Sea Shells of Tropical West America, 1st Edition, Stanford University Press, Stanford, Cal. 1958.
Keen, A. Myra, Sea Shells of Tropical West America from Baja California to Peru, 2nd Edition, Stanford University Press, Stanford Cal. 1971.
Keen, A. Myra, & Eugene Coan, Marine Molluscan Genera of Western North America: An Illustrated Key, Stanford university Press, Stanford, Cal. 1974.
Kira, Tetasuaki & Tadashige Habe, Shells of the Western Pacific in Color Volume 1, Hoishusa Publishing Co. Okaka, Japan, 1962, reprinted 1975.
Krauss, Helen, Shell Art, General publishing Co, Ltd.Don Mills, Ontario, 1976.
Lindner, Gert, Field Guide to Sea Shells of the World, van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1977.(Notebook form, color Xeroxed)
Line, Les & George Reiger, TheAudubon Society Book of Marine Wildlife, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1980.
Lipe, Robert & R. Tucker Abbott, Living Shells of the Caribbean and Florida Keys, American Malacologists, Melbourne, Florida, 1991.
Low, Donald,The How and Why Wonder Book of Sea Shells, Wonder Books Inc., New York, 1961.
Magnotte, Gary,Shelling in Florida and the Caribbean, Dukane Press Inc., Hollywood, Fla.
(No date given)
Mansfield, W.C.,Mollusks of Florida: Upper Tertiary & Pleistocene Mollusks of the Peninsular Florida, Bulletin # 18, Published by State Geological Survey, Tallahassee, Fla., 1939.
Marsh, A.A. & O.H. Rippingale,Cone Shells of the World, Jacranda Press, Melbourne, Fla., 1958.
Matthys, Joyce,Mollusks in Action, 30 minute VHS video tape showing mollusks in various stages of everyday life.
Mc Kay, FrancesPeabody,Let’s Go Shelling, Great Outdoors Publishing, 1968.
Melvin, A. Gordon,Sea Shells of the World withValues, Charles Tuttle Co., First printing 1966, Seventeenth printing 1984.
Melvin, A. Gordon, & Lorna Strong Melvin,1000 World Sea Shells Rare to Common with Values, Charles Tuttle Co., 1980. (Notebook form, Xeroxed from a publication in Beth Heierling’s library)
Melvin, A. Gordon, Sea Shell Parade, Charles Tuttle Co., 1973.
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Miller, Arthur P. & Marjorie Miller,Park Ranger Guide to Seashores, Stackpole Books, 1992.
Morris, Percy,Field Guide to Shells, Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, Mass., 1947.
Morris, Percy, Field Guide to Shells of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and West Indes, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass., 2nd edition 3rd edition, 1973.
Morris, Percy,Guide to Shells of the Pacific Coast, Gulf of California and Hawaii, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass.,1st edition, 19522nd edition, 1966.
Morton, J.E.,Mollusks, An Introduction to Their Form and Functions, Harper Torchbooks, 1960.
Moulding, Mary Baker,Shells At Our Feet, An Introduction to Shelling in the Bahamas, Sea Scapes Publishing, Chicago, Ill., 1967. (Autographed by author)
Murray, Sonia Bennett, Shell Life and Shell Collecting, Sterling Publishers, 1999.
Nordsieck, Dr. Fritz,Die Europaischen Meeresmuscheln (Bivalvia), Gustav Fischer Velag, Stuttgart, Germany,1969.(Text in German)
Okutani, T.Shells of Japan.(Color plates, names in English and Japanese,text printed in Japanese)
Oliver, A.P.H.,The Henry Holt Guide to Shells of the World, Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd., 1975.
O’Mara, M.Shells Along the Florida, Gulf and SouthAtlanticCoasts, M.W. Publishers, 1956.
Parkinson, Brian & Jens Hemmen, Klaus Groh,Tropical Landshells of the World, Verlag, Christa, Hemmen Co., Wiesbaden, W. Germany, 1987.
Pearson, Gayle,Contemporary Shell Craft, Craft Course Publishers, Inc., 1970.
Petuch, Edward & Dennis Sargent,Atlas of the Living Olive Shells of the World, Coastal Education & Research Foundation Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 1986.
Plowden, Lady, Editor,The World of Animals with Shells, B.P.C. Publishing, Ltd. 1972.
Powell, A.W.B.,New Zealand Mollusca, Marine, Land, and Freshwater Shells, Wm. Collins Publishers, Ltd., AucklandNew Zealand, 1979.
Powell, A.W.B., Shells of New Zealand,5th ed., 1976.Published by Whitcoulls Limited, Auckland,New Zealand. (Donated by Bob Cousins)
Radwin, George E. & Anthony D’Attillio,Murex Shells of the World, Stanford University Press, Stanford, Cal., 1976.
Rehder, PhD., Harald,World of Nature: Sea Shells, Gallery Books, New York, 1990.
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Rice, Tom,A Sheller’s Directory of Clubs, Books, Periodicals & Dealers, Of Sea & Shore Publications, Port Gamble, Wash., 25th edition, 2001-2002.
Rice, Tom,Marine Shells of the Pacific Northwest, Ellison Industries, Inc., Edmonds, Wash., 1971.
Richards, Deirdre,South African Shells, A Collectors Guide, C. Struik, ltd., Foreshore, Cape Town, South Africa, 1st Edition, 1981.
Ricketts, Edward F. & Jack Calvin,Between Pacific Tides, Stanford University Press, 3rd edition, 1966.
Rogers, Julia,The Shell Book, Charles T. Branford Co., Boston, Mass., 1908.
Romanshko, Sandra,The Shell Book, Florida, Gulf & Caribbean, 2nd edition, Windward Publishing Inc., Miami, Fla., 1974.
Romanshko, Sandra,The Coral Book, Windward Publishing Inc., Miami, Fla., 1975.
Rotman, Jeffrey & Barry Allen,Beneath ColdSeas (Exploring Cold Temperate Waters of North America), Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983.
Rudloe, Jack,The Wilderness Coast, E.P. Dutton, (division of Penguin Books), 1988.
Rudloe, Jack,The Erotic Ocean, E.P. Dutton, (division of Penguin Books), 1971.
Safer, Jane Fearer & Frances Mc Laughlin Gill,Spirals From The Sea, (An Anthropological Look at Shells), Clarkson N. Potter, New York, 1982.
Sandved, Kjell, & R. Tucker Abbott,Shells in Color, Viking Press, New York,1973.
Saul, Mary,Shells, An Illustrated Guide to a Timeless and Fascinating World, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1974.
Shedd Aquarium,John G.,Aquatic Life in the John G. Shedd Aquarium,Published by Shedd Aquarium Society.
Sheets, Elva D.,The Fascinating World of the Sea, Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1974.
Siekman, Lula,A Dictionary of Shells, 4th edition, Great Outdoors Publishing Co, 1964.
Simmons, Alicia H.,Beach Shelling in Antigua, Published by Alicia Simmons. (No date given)
Solem, Alan,Life Along the Seashore,Encyclopedia Britannica Press, Chicago, Ill., 1963.
(Autographed by author)
Solem, Alan,Endodontoid Land Snails from Pacific Islands, Part I, & Part II, Published by Field Museum of Natural History, part I, 1976, part II, 1978.
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Solem, Alan,New Molluscan Taxa & Scientific Writings by Fritz Haas, Published by FieldMuseum of Natural History, 1967.
Solem, Alan & Numerous Authors,Mollusca, The Southern Synthesis, Part B.Fauna of Australia, Volume 5, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, VIC, Australia, 1998.
Solem, G. Alan, The Shell Makers,1974 Published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,New York, New York.(Donated by Bob Cousins)
Springsteen, E.J. & F.M. Leobrera,Shells of the Philippines, Carfel Sea Shell Museum, Malate, Manila, Philippines, 1986.
Starrett, W. C.,Survey of the Mussels of the Illinois River, 1971.
Stephens, Cleo M.Shellcraft, Chilton Book Company,Radner, Pennsylvania, 1974.(Donated by Bob Cousins)
Sterling, Dorothy,The Outer Lands,A Natural History Guide to Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Block Island & Long Island, W. Norton Co., 1978.
Stix, Hugh & Marquerite, & R. Tucker Abbott,The Shell, Five Hundred Million Years of Inspired Design, Harry N. Abrams Inc., NewYork, 1972.
Stix, Hugh & Marquerite, & R. Tucker Abbott,The Shell: Gift of the Sea, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1984.
Sutty, Leslie,Sea Shell Treasures of the Caribbean, Originally published in Singapore under the title of Cent Coquillages Rares des Antilles, 1984.United States Edition published by E.P. Dutton, 1986, and edited by R. Tucker Abbott.
Taylor, Dr. John & Jerry Walls,Cowries,TFH Publishers, Neptune City,New Jersey, 1975.(Donated by Bob Cousins)
Tebble, Norman,British Bivalve Sea Shells, British Museum of Natural History, London, England, 1966.
Thorndike, Joseph, Editor,Mysteries of the Deep, American Heritage Publishing Co., New York, 1980.
Vilas, C.N. & N.R. Vilas,Florida Marine Shells, A Guide for Collectors of Shells of the Southeastern Atlantic Coast and Gulf Coast, Charles Tuttle Co., 1952, 3rd printing, (expanded), 1983.
Wagner, Robert J. L. & R. Tucker Abbott,Standard Catalog of Shells, American Malacologists, Greenville, Del., 3rd Edition, 1977.
Wagner, Robert J. L., & R. Tucker Abbott,Standard Catalog of Shells, World Size Records, Supplement # 4, American Malacologists Inc. Melbourne, Fla., 1990.
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Wagner, Robert J.L. & R. Tucker Abbott,Van Nostrand’s Standard Catalog of Shells, 1st Edition, D. Van Nostrand Co., Princeton, new Jersey, 1964.
Wallace, Joseph,Coral Reefs, Exploring the World Below, Michael Friedman Publishing Group, Inc., 1995.
Walls, Jerry,Conches, Tibias and Harps, T.F. H. Publications Inc., Neptune,New Jersey, 1980.
Walls, Jerry,Cone Shells, T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune, New Jersey. (No date given)
Ware, Kay,Let’s Read About Sea Shells, Webster Publishing Co., 1957.
Warmke, M.S., Germaine L. & R. Tucker Abbott,Caribbean Seashells, A Guide to the Marine Mollusks of Puerto Rico and Other West Indian Islands, Bermuda and the Lower Florida Keys, Livingston Publishing Co., 1962.
Weaver, & DuPont,The Living Volutes,DelawareMuseum ofNatural History, 1970.
Webb, Walter F.,Handbook for Shell Collectors, Lee Publications, Wellesley Hills, Mass., 1951.
Webb, Walter F.,Webb’s Catalog of Present Mollusca from All Parts of the World, Lee Publications, Wellesley Hills, Mass., 5th Edition.
Wilson, B.R., & Keith Gillett,Australian Shells, A.H. & A.W. Reed Publishers, Sydney Australia.
Wood, Elizabeth,Corals of the World, T.F.H. Publications, Neptune, New Jersey, 1983.
Zahl, Paul,The Magic Lure of Sea Shells, National Geographic Magazine, March 1969 issue.
Zim, Herbert & Lester Ingle,Seashores, Guide to Animals and Plants Along the Beaches, Golden Press, Western Publishing Co., Racine, Wis. 1955.
Ziegler, Rowland & Humbert C. Porreca,Olive Shells of the World, Published by Ziegler and Porreca,
W. Henrietta, New York, 1969.
Prepared on 04/10/2005 by Beth Heierling, CSC Librarian
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